"Can you release the old general?"

In the big tent, Zhuge Qiu was thinking about how to recruit Guan Yu, and Sun Shangxiang, who had been quiet, finally couldn't bear it.

"This... I'm just afraid that I can't do anything, Lao Cao took it hard to catch people, how can I easily release people.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Sun Shangxiang and replied.

"You are Cao Cao's confidant, he trusts you so much, if you open your mouth, he will definitely agree."

Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu and pleaded.

Zhuge Qiu did not deny this, if he opened his mouth, Cao Cao would definitely agree.

"But why should I help you?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Sun Shangxiang and asked rhetorically.

"I..." Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu, indeed he was from Cao Ying, why did he have to help himself.

"If you are willing to save the life of the old general, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life."

Finally, Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a red face.

Anyway, the cheap has already been taken up by this guy.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Sun Shangxiang, whose face was flushed, and was also surprised, she didn't expect that she could do this.

As if feeling Zhuge Qiu's gaze, Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu and continued.

"Old General Huang, an old minister of the third generation, has been loyal to my father since his father, and when I was young, the old general fought hard to save my brother and sister from the hands of thieves."

"Even though I am a woman, I cannot watch him die in front of me."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Sun Shangxiang, and did not expect that this guy was the same as a tigress, but there was such a side.

"That's it, let's not talk about the rest for the time being, but save his life, I can do it."


When Sun Shangxiang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he jumped up excitedly, and hugged Zhuge Qiu.

"Let go, let go, be seen and misunderstand me again."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Sun Shangxiang, who was beaten back to his original form for a second, and was suddenly speechless.

"You really don't like men?"

"Nonsense, you're thinking something strange again, don't spread rumors about me outside."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Sun Shangxiang's expression and always felt that something was wrong.


As soon as Sun Shangxiang heard this, he ran away directly.


Zhuge Qiu was made a fuss by this, and simply did not stay in the big tent.

He planned to go to see Guan Yu and Huang Gai, after all, Lao Cao still let himself find a way to recruit Guan Yu.


"Is the yellow cover inside?" Zhuge Qiu looked at the guards and asked

, "Inside, no one has been arraigned." The guard's pawn replied.

"I'll go in and take a look."

"Sir, you have to be careful." The soldier looked at Zhuge Qiu and reminded.

"It doesn't hurt."

Zhuge Qiu laughed, and then went in.

"General Huang, are your injuries better?"

"Less in this coquettishness, I, Huang Gongfu, am deeply favored by the Sun family, and I would rather die than fall, you don't have to talk nonsense, so as not to waste your tongue."

Huang Gai just glanced at Zhuge Qiu and returned directly.

"I'm not here to persuade the old general, it's just that I was entrusted to see the old general."

Zhuge Qiu smiled bitterly and said, he still admired the loyalty of the ancients.

"Huang has no reason in Cao Ying, and he doesn't dare to be entrusted by others, and he wants to use this to separate me and wait, but I'm afraid you have the wrong idea."

Huang Gai snorted coldly and looked at Zhuge Qiu and immediately refuted.

"The man said that when he was a child, the old general saved him from the hands of the mountain thief and took good care of him, so he felt the general's kindness."

As soon as Huang Gai heard this, his original expression of repelling thousands of miles also changed.

"You... You arrested the young lady, where did you hide the young lady, if you dare to hurt her, I Huang Gai will not let you go even if she dies. "

He knew about Sun Shangxiang's disappearance, but he couldn't get up when he was beaten, so there was no way.

"General Bu Lao bothered, she is not in danger at the moment."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Gai and replied.

"It's not a pity for me to die Huang Gai, and I also ask you to let the young lady live."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Gai like this, and his heart was also full of emotion, these two people have deep feelings.

"Don't worry, she is not in danger, but the old general

you, your life is at stake, if..." "Why am I afraid of death, there is no need to mention the surrender, you are willing to save the young lady's life, even if I Huang Gai dies, I will remember your great grace."

Although Huang Gai's attitude towards Zhuge Qiu was much better, when he mentioned surrendering, he still interrupted him directly.

"In that case, then the old general can rest assured to recuperate."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Huang Gai and didn't say more.

After leaving Huang Gai, Zhuge Qiu went to Guan Yu.

"Marquis of Han Shou Ting, Guan Yunchang, Duke Mei, today is very human."

After Zhuge Qiu entered the big tent, he couldn't help but sigh when he saw Guan Yu sitting there with a calm expression.

"Could it be that the Prime Minister sent Mr. Cheng to kill Guan today?"

I don't know if Guan Yu was calm, or Zhuge Qiu's words with a little slap just now played a role, Guan Yu's attitude was good.

"No, I don't have the power to bind the chicken, how can I kill the general, and even if I want to kill the general, I am afraid that the prime minister will not agree to it."

Zhuge Qiu shook his head with a smile, and then sat down directly in front of Guan Yu.

"You are Cao Cao's henchman, aren't you afraid that Guan will kill you?"

Guan Yu was also a little surprised to see Zhuge Qiu sitting in front of him so indifferently, and immediately asked.

"The general wants to kill me, just do it, why ask."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Guan Yu, he was not worried about this at all.

With Guan Yu's arrogance, how could he kill himself like this.

If he could do this, Huarong Dao Cao Cao would not be able to live.

Just now at Huang Gai, he did not sit in front of Huang Gai, but here in Guan Yu, he was very calm.

"Haha, it seems that you can get Cao Cao's trust, it is not an accident, you can defeat Kong Ming, play Zhou Yu, it is not impossible."

Guan Yu also laughed when he looked at Zhuge Qiu, and he could see his understanding of himself from Zhuge Qiu's performance.

"Today, I think the general also knows what I mean."

"The Prime Minister wants me to surrender?" Guan Yu was not surprised by this.

"Not bad, I wonder what the general thinks about?"

Zhuge Qiu nodded, looked at Guan Yu and asked.

"Guan is not talented, but he is also familiar with Spring and Autumn, knows great righteousness, loves each other, but Guan asks for death."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Guan Yu.

Made, he is really favored without fear.

You know that Lao Cao will not kill you, you still come to this set.

"General Guan is loyal and admired, but has General Guan ever wondered whether this Liu Bei is worth following the general?"

"Sir wants to separate Guan?" Guan Yu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhuge Qiu.

"Don't you dare, but I don't know if Yunchang can remember Zilong?"

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