But after thinking about it carefully, Liu Bei felt that it seemed that he was not as miserable as Zhuge Liang.

After all, Sun Shangxiang has always been a true color to himself.

I can't even say that I like Sun Shangxiang much, but I fancy Sun Shangxiang's identity.

Zhuge Liang is the miserable real name capitalization, whether he and Huang Yueying have feelings or not.

But the fiancée was robbed, and that was real.

"The lord rest assured, the light is unimpeded." After a while, Zhuge Liang eased up.

"It's just a child's private affair, since there is no reason to force it."

Liu Bei wanted to comfort Zhuge Liang a few words, but Zhuge Liang had already taken the initiative to leave.

"Lord, after Liang made an appointment with the Governor of Dadu and Zijing, he retreated first."

Liu Bei watched Zhuge Liang leave like this, and he did not stop him.

"Metropolitan Governor, I don't know, but everything is as Liang said?"

After Zhuge Liang came to Zhou Yu's mansion, he also immediately asked.

"That's true, but Kong Ming, since you haven't seen this person, why do you know?"

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang and tried hard to recall Zhuge Qiu's appearance, but the result was almost the same as what Zhuge Liang described.

"This person was originally my bookboy."

Zhuge Liang said with a slightly pale face.

The person who repeatedly saw through his own strategy for such a long time and won Huang Yueying's heart turned out to be a bookboy who he rescued.

"Kong Ming, you're not kidding, what are you stimulated?"

Zhou Yu and Lu Su were both confused after hearing this.

Apparently the two of them didn't believe this.

Isn't it nonsense that you say he's your bookboy and all of us turn out to be no match for him?

Are we even worse than a bookboy?

Zhuge Liang looked at the two of them with expressions of disbelief.

In fact, he himself couldn't believe all this.

"Kong Ming, we know that the previous events hit you hard, but you don't have to fool us so much."

Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang and comforted.

"Liang really didn't lie to you, he really is my bookboy."

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and Lu Su and the two emphasized again.

"Zijing, we just drank tea, right?"

Zhou Yu glanced at Zhuge Liang, then looked at Lu Su and asked.

"You..." Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu and Lu Su's reactions, and he was also angry.

I'm telling the truth, why doesn't anyone believe it?

"If he is not my bookboy, I have never seen this person, how can I know his appearance and recognize his handwriting, can it be that I am still his bookboy?"

"What do you look at me for, you don't really think that, do you?"

When Zhuge Liang saw that Zhou Yu and Lu Su really looked at themselves, he was immediately speechless.

I'm miserable enough.

You actually have that idea.

"I'll prove it to you sooner or later."

Zhuge Liang glanced at the two, and then left directly.

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang's back as he left, and also had some thoughts, "Dadudu, I look at Kong Ming's expression." It doesn't seem to be a fraud, could it be that this Zhuge Qiu is really his bookboy?

Zhou Yu gave Lu Su a blank look, "Zijing, you are still too honest."

"This Zhuge Qiu is so talented, if he is a bookboy, then Pontus will also be a bookboy."

When Lu Su heard this, he thought about it, how could a person with such talent be a book child.

However, if the threshold for being a bookboy is so high, it seems that most of the governors are not even qualified for bookchildren.

"Besides, is his identity important to us now?"

"For us, defeating this person, that's the most important thing."

"Daitsu Takami."

Zhuge Liang returned to his mansion, and he also knew that it was hard to believe.

The only thing that people can believe now is to defeat Zhuge Qiu by themselves.

"Kong Ming, I don't know if there is anything abnormal when you go to see Zhou Yu and Lu Su this time?"

Zhuge Liang was thinking about how to prove himself, when suddenly Liu Bei walked in and asked.

Pulled Zhuge Liang's thoughts back.

"There is nothing out of the ordinary." Zhuge Liang replied after thinking about it, seemingly not understanding why Liu Bei asked this.

"Now Sun Shangxiang loves this Zhuge Shouyi, but he is a person under Cao Cao's account, and now Jiangdong has been repeatedly defeated, I am worried that Sun Quan will take this opportunity to marry."

As soon as Zhuge Liang heard this, he did not refute it.

Indeed, he did not consider this before because of Zhuge Qiu's identity.

"If Sun Quan really has this intention, once he throws himself at Cao Thief, then our situation will be dangerous."

After Liu Bei saw that Zhuge Liang understood what he meant, he continued to speak.

In case Sun Quan sent himself to Cao Cao in order to curry favor with Cao Cao, then his own life would be lost.

"Lord, rest assured, Liang will never let the Lord have trouble."

Zhuge Liang also understood what Liu Bei meant, and immediately opened his mouth to promise.

This is not only a promise to Liu Bei, but also a challenge to Zhuge Qiu in his opinion.

Since coming out of the mountain, he has failed many times, Liu Bei as his assistant, if he dies, then he is really a failure.

"Kong Ming, you don't have to say this between the two of us."

After Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words now, he was a little vain.

I'm telling the truth, why doesn't anyone believe it?

However, Zhuge Liang also knew that Liu Bei could not be completely blamed for this.

The culprit of all this is Zhuge Qiu.

"Kong Ming, you still say directly, what can you do?"

After Liu Bei took a while, he looked at Zhuge Liang and asked.

"Master, spread out the fact that Miss Sun likes Zhuge Qiu, and take this opportunity to see how Sun Quan reacts."

Zhuge Liang didn't sell it anymore, and looked at Liu Bei and suggested.

"In this way, doesn't everyone in the world know that the grand uncle of the Han Emperor is not as good as him?"

As soon as Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words, he was immediately unhappy.

This doesn't mean taking out your face and beating everyone.

As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, Zhang Fei had already walked in from outside.

"Big brother, someone has sent you a holy will."

"Holy Decree?" Liu Bei was a little confused, so decent, how could this suddenly have a holy will.

"Now that Cao Cao is holding the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes, this holy decree is mostly Cao Cao's meaning."

Zhuge Liang also felt strange, and soon he opened his mouth to remind.

Even if Zhuge Liang didn't remind him, Liu Bei knew this.

At this time, how could the emperor give himself a holy decree with great fanfare.

"Let's go see first."

Liu Bei immediately made a decision, how could he not accept the holy decree against the reputation of the imperial uncle.

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