"Sir, today is the time when the son of the Cao family is visiting the teacher, is it inappropriate for you to get up so late?"

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu, who was only slowly getting up now, and couldn't help but speak.

"What's the hurry, have they arrived?" Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and asked.

He knew very well in his heart that these sons of Cao Cao, except for Cosmos Chong, had a good attitude, and the other few people did not have the heart to worship themselves as teachers.

"Now only Cao Pi and Cao Chong are waiting in the hall, and the two sons Cao Chang and Cao Zhi have not yet arrived."

Zhao Yun saw that Zhuge Qiu asked truthfully, and immediately opened his mouth and answered truthfully.

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised by this result, Cao Chang and Cao Zhi, the performance at the city gate that day, can already be seen.

After Zhuge Qiu arrived at the hall, there were really only two people, Cosmic Chong and Cao Pi, and there were no figures of Cao Zhang and Cao Zhi.

"I've seen sir."

Cao Pi and Cao Chong immediately stood up to salute after Zhuge Qiu came.

"Why are there only the two of you, Cao Chang and Cao Zhi?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two of them, then raised his eyebrows and asked.

If it weren't for the fact that they were Lao Cao's sons, he wouldn't want to pay attention to the two of them.

"Brother Chang and Brother Zhi may have been delayed, and please don't blame Mr. Zhi."

After all, Cao Pi is a brother, and he naturally wants to stand up and speak at this time.

"Something, what can it do?" Zhuge Qiu naturally did not believe this kind of rhetoric.

"I can tell you, but it is not I who will take you as an apprentice, but your father, and Sima Yi begged me to take you as an apprentice."

After Cao Pi heard this, he also had a belly slander, whether his father had it or not, he didn't dare to say.

But this Sima Yi has already been beaten one by one, and it is a little unauthentic to bring people up.

"That's what the gentleman said." However, Cao Pi had to follow Zhuge Qiu at this time.

After all, the matter of worshiping the teacher was brought up by himself.

"I don't think they have a problem, they deliberately want to make me ugly."

"Zilong, Yunchang, go and capture the two of them for me."

"Whoever dares not listen, beat to death."

Zhuge Qiu snorted coldly, he would never get used to the two of them.

Cao Pi also did not expect that Zhuge Qiu was so violent.

"This... Sir is not very good, right? Cao Pi looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

"What's wrong, one day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father, today Lao Tzu will teach them a good lesson."

After speaking, Zhuge Qiu directly asked Zhao Yun and Guan Yu to hurry up.

"Sir is really a fierce man, I thought he wanted to be a human master, but he also wanted to be a human father."

When Zhao Yun walked out, he looked at Guan Yu and whispered on the side.

Guan Yu didn't pay attention to this, but looked at Zhao Yun with some puzzlement, "Zilong, do you think that today, this kid Cao Pi, looks at me with something wrong." "

He's in love with you too?"

Guan Yu glanced at Zhao Yun, and now Zhao Yun has learned badly with Zhuge Qiu.

But why say?

Cao Zhang and Cao Zhi were gathered together at this time in Cao Zhang's mansion.

"Hahaha, the two of us are drinking here today, but we want to see what he can do?"

Cao Chang said with a smile while looking at Cao Zhi while drinking.

"Yes, just because he still wants to take us as an apprentice, I really don't know what my father thinks."

Cao Zhi also said with a smile at this time, Cao Zhi is very confident in his literary achievements, and Zhuge Qiu wants to be his master.

Does he have the qualifications?

"No, it's not good."

As soon as Cao Zhi finished speaking, at this time, there were already subordinates, and they ran in in a panic.

"Panicked about what?"

Cao Zhang's face immediately became ugly, in his mansion, this person was panicked, didn't he lose his Cao Zhang's face?

"A red-faced man broke in and said that he wanted to take the two sons to worship the teacher."

"Could it be Guan Yu?" Cao Zhi was the first to react.

"What about Guan Yu, today I will let him know how powerful this prince is."

Cao Chang snorted coldly, with a little disdain, and even a little contempt.

Cao Chang drank all the wine in the bowl, and then rushed out directly.

"Guan Yupifu, you actually broke into the mansion of this prince, today I..."

Before Cao Chang finished speaking, Guan Yu had already punched him directly.

Cao Zhang's whole person flew out directly.

"I see you're drinking too much."

After Guan Yu finished speaking, he directly dragged Cao Chang away like a dead dog.

Cao Zhi also rushed out at this time, and Guan Yu looked at it and just bought one and got one free.

"The two sons are here."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the two people who were directly dragged over by Guan Yu, and immediately greeted them with a smile.

"You... If you dare to beat us, my father will not let you go." Cao

Chang got up, the first to look at Zhuge Qiu and scolded?

"Close the door, let the clouds grow."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Zhang, and since he hadn't been beaten enough, he continued.

Under Guan Yu's teaching, Cao Chang finally stopped talking.

Because his whole person passed out directly.

"Okay, do you guys have anything else to say, if you don't have any opinions, just ask the teacher."

Zhuge Qiu looked at several people and asked with a smile, but his smile made Cao Pi and Cao Zhi feel a chill.

"We are also the sons of the Cao family, you can fight when you say, and you still don't put us in your eyes."

Cao Zhi looked at Zhuge Qiu with some trembling and asked.

"I mean, even if you want to be our master, then you should convince us."

As if feeling Guan Yu's gaze, Cao Zhi immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and added.

"You ask him if he is convinced?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Zhi, and then pointed to Cao Chang on the ground.

People like them simply lack the care of a father.

Cao Zhi was speechless for a while, Cao Chang can't release a single fart now, what else is he not convinced.

"Then tell me, how are you going to obey?"

Zhuge Qiu also saw Cao Zhi's thoughts, and asked with a look of disdain.

"It's easy for me to obey you, as long as you can win the first place in the Yuedan evaluation, I will obey you, and when the time comes, I will kneel step by step and personally come to worship you."

Cao Zhi looked at Zhuge Qiu and immediately spoke.

"Yuedan commentary?" Zhuge Qiu's thing is still there.

"Okay, no problem."

Zhuge Qiu replied immediately after thinking about it.

After all, it is not good to directly beat Lao Cao's son.

In this way, Zhuge Qiu let them leave the place where they lived for the time being.

"Zijian, what if he really wins?"

"Hmph, how can Yuedan evaluate how easy it is to win, don't you forget, this time Yuedan evaluation Yang Xiu also goes, when the time comes, you call Sima Yi again, I don't believe he can still win." Cao Zhi glanced at Cao Pi and replied.

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