Liu Xie also did not expect Zhuge Qiu to be so rigid, obviously not planning to give himself face.

"Be bold." Geng Ji immediately scolded angrily.

"Lord Geng is such a powerful official, are you saying that the essence is bold?"

Cao Cao had been paying attention to Liu Xie's movements, and at this time, riding the claw Huang Feidian, he also came over slowly.

Geng Ji's face immediately changed, "Cao Chengxiang misunderstood, small, small just talking about himself." "

Zhuge Qiu is Cao Cao's person, at this time, bite Zhuge Qiu, isn't that to find yourself unhappy."

"Since you are bold, then don't hurry up, go down and receive twenty army clubs yourself, if there is a next time, the original phase kills you, Your Majesty will not stop it."

Cao Cao's whole person became cold, and the momentum of the superior was fully displayed.

"Your Majesty, did you say so?"

"Cao... What Cao Chengxiang said was that since Lord Geng offended Prime Minister Cheng, it was naturally a crime.

Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao at this time, and immediately agreed.

Zhuge Qiu naturally saw all this in his eyes, whether Liu Xie was pretending to be this promise or really afraid of Cao Cao.

But he sacrificed Geng Ji without hesitation. How could such a person himself follow him.

Even if Lao Cao can't do it anymore, but Lao Cao has nothing to say for himself at present.

"Since Your Majesty has said so, don't you hurry up and get out."

Cao Cao was not surprised by Liu Xie's reaction, but looked at Geng Ji and scolded.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if I have to try it with the ministers today."

After Geng Ji went down and was beaten, Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and asked with a smile.

"No need, Prime Minister Cheng's arrow technique, but Xu has been taught, Xu does not dare to compare with Cheng arrows."

Liu Xie immediately refused, he also knew that Cao Cao beat Geng Ji, that was to call him, naturally he would not stay here.

"Shouyi, your arrow technique is really smelly."

After Liu Xie left, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and laughed and teased him just now, it can be said that he was judging the two.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Cao with some embarrassment.

Made, what is there to be proud of.

If Lao Tzu is in the system and takes a hundred steps through Yang, it will not compare you all.

"Lao Cao, it's not interesting for you to compare with me, you try it with Yuanrang Bibi."

"Yuan Rang said that half of the people in the hunting ground, he can't see it."

"When did he speak so loudly." Cao Cao was a little puzzled.

In the past, although Xia Hou Wei was a little reckless, he was also a humble person.

"You don't understand this, don't look at Yuan Rang one eye, people become blind and stronger." Zhuge Qiu saw Cao Cao's doubts and immediately explained.

"Okay, then I'll try him."

Cao Cao laughed and also clapped his horse away, although he talked about martial arts, it was definitely not as good as Xiahou.

But he could ask Cao Chun to help them.

Where did Xia Hou Wei know this, until the end of the hunt, Xia Hou Wei's whole person, his face was collapsed.

"Sir, you have no advantage in saying this, but I feel that my prey is still half less."

Xia Hou Wei saw Zhuge Qiu and said with a complaining posture.

"It's not normal for you to have half less." Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xia Hou.

"This is a precursor to becoming stronger, in the future, Lao Cao will let you go to battle, there will be a hundred thousand army on the opposite side, and there will be fifty thousand left in your eyes."

Xia Hou Wei didn't react for a while, "Am I so strong?"

"Of course, the canyon picks five, and the macho man Xia Hou is wei."

Zhuge Qiu patted Xia Hou Wei's shoulder and comforted him very seriously.

The hunt ended after only one morning, and the last person who hunted the most was Cao Chun.

Liu Xie praised a few words officially, and then announced that the hunt was over.

Both Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao knew very well that this hunt was originally a drunken man's intention not to drink, and Zhuge Qiu did not buy it.

Cao Cao beat Geng Ji again, and Liu Xie naturally had no thoughts.

"Zilong, Yunchang, you two have a good harvest today."

Back in the mansion, Zhuge Qiu Mei made people deal with these wild meats.

"Sir, I see that when His Majesty goes back today, his face does not seem to be very good, could it be that what happened?"

Zhao Yun and Guan Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked as if they had suddenly thought of something.

"I was slapped in the face."

Zhuge Qiu replied lightly.

Zhao Yun was okay, but Guan Yu was silent for a while.

Zhuge Qiu also knew Guan Yu's thoughts, so he didn't persuade too much.

They went to prepare the barbecue, and Zhuge Qiu also entered the room and directly entered the system.

Looking at the five thousand points lying in the system, Zhuge Qiu began to miss Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu in his heart.

The two of them have made great contributions, especially Zhuge Liang, and all rely on Zhuge Liang's contribution in the early stage.

The experience bar of his own first-level strategist is also almost full.

He took a hard breath.

Zhuge Qiu directly started the first fifth company.

"Congratulations to the host for your patronage."

"Congratulations to the host for your patronage."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a box of Wuliangye."

"Congratulations to the host for getting twenty packs of spicy strips."

Congratulations to the host for getting a barbecue gift, "

Wow, that's it?"

Zhuge Qiu was suddenly speechless for a while, this system is really Nima intimate.

Lao Tzu will not believe in evil and come again.

"Congratulations to the host for getting thank you for your patronage multiplied by 2" "Congratulations to the host for getting

a pack of melon seeds."

"Congratulations to the host for getting a mirror."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the results of this lottery, and the whole person almost cracked.

What is this, is the face so dark?

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the power of the Overlord."

When Zhuge Qiu saw this result, he jumped up excitedly.

Although he is a person who eats by his brain and appearance, he will not refuse this awesome ability.

Soon Zhuge Qiu felt his body, as if there was a warm power flowing throughout his body.

Zhuge Qiu Meizhi came out of the room, and even looked at the barbecue ingredients and thanked her for your patronage.

"Sir, what is so happy?"

Zhao Yun asked puzzled after seeing Zhuge Qiu come out.

"Of course there are good things, by the way, how is the dinner prepared."

Zhuge Qiu didn't elaborate, replied, then handed the barbecue material to Zhao Yun and went out together.

At dinner, Zhuge Qiu also specially called Xu Chu and Pang Tong over.

"Lao Xu remembers to pay back the money after eating."

"Shouyi, you eat this, I'll go and get it for you..." Zhuge

Qiu couldn't help but be happy when he looked at Pang Tong's pretending to be a fool.

"You eat first, I'll go get you wine."

Zhuge Qiu laughed, and then got up and went back to the room.

As soon as he entered the room, a figure rushed directly towards Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu was also stunned: "Where is the thief, so bold?" "

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