"Sir, Zilong heard that Ma Teng's son Ma Chao, his courage is not under Lü Bu, if Zhou Yu really said that Ma Teng sent troops, can Cao Cao deal

with it?" Zhao Yun looked at the leisurely Zhuge Qiu, and couldn't help but ask with some worry, after all, if Ma Chao is too powerful, I am afraid that it is difficult to deal with.

"Ma Chaozhiyong, of course, is not under Lü Bu, and under Lü Bu is a mink cicada. "

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, aren't you talking nonsense, if Ma Chao is under Lv Bu, then what's the matter?"

Zhao Yun glanced at Zhuge Qiu speechlessly.

"What I said is also right, besides, Yunchang has the most say in this issue.

Zhuge Qiu spread out his hands and glanced at Zhao Yun, where did he say something wrong?

"Yun Chang, could it be that when you were in Xuzhou..."

"Fart, what did Zilong think?" Guan Yu immediately glared at Zhao Yun and interrupted him.

"Zilong, I mean that after Lü Bu died, Yun Chang looked at everyone who was a pifu.

Zhuge Qiu shook his head, it was over, the pure Zilong had disappeared.

This kind of broken road, Zilong can drive.

"Ahem, sir, Lü Bu's bravery, Guan really admires, after Lü Bu's death, there are very few people who can be called Guan's opponent.

Guan Yu explained a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that his mind could be seen through by Zhuge Qiu.

"Sir, you said that Ma Teng will really enter Xuchang?" Guan

Yu thought for a moment or quickly changed the topic.

"Of course it will, when did Gong Jin let us down. "

Zhuge Qiu gave Guan Yu a blank look, you can not believe me, but you can't help but believe Zhou Yu.

"Yun Chang, you still have the most say on this issue. "

Isn't that how you were sent here?

"I do not want to take the floor. After Guan Yu finished speaking, he already consciously stood behind.


Xiliang, Ma Teng was already preparing to leave for Xuchang at this time.

"Father, wouldn't it be too risky to go to Xuchang like this.

Ma Chao looked at Ma Teng and said with some concern.

"Don't worry, all this is not expected by Zhou Gongjin, and Cao Cao issued an edict on the order of the imperial court, if I don't go, won't it give him the opportunity to settle the charges."

"Besides, with my son sitting in Xiliang, if Cao Thief wants to do something to me, he must be worried, and how dare he harm me."

Ma Teng looked at Ma Chao and said with a smile.

Ma Chao saw that Ma Teng had said so, and it was not good to say anything more.

And for now, everything is indeed as Zhou Yu expected.

The news of Ma Teng's entry into Xuchang had already spread as soon as he left.

"Haha, okay, Ma Teng entered Xuchang, if he can kill Cao Thief this time, Xuchang is in chaos, this world, there will be chaos again, when the Lord leads an army of 100,000 people to the north, he will be able to calm the world in one fell swoop." Zhou

Yu told Sun Quan the news of Ma Teng's entry into Beijing, and it seemed that he had seen the day when he assisted Sun Quan and won the world.

"Cao Thief has deep roots in Xuchang, and he is afraid that if he kills Cao Thief, he will not be able to leave Xuchang alive.

Lu Su continued with a frown.

"So what, as soon as Ma Teng dies, Ma Chao will inevitably raise troops to take revenge, and when the time comes, they will both lose, won't it be a more favorable thing for us?"

Zhou Yu had already thought of this, this time the plan, Jiang Xia was only the smallest link.

"Metropolitan Governor, this is a brilliant plan.

Lu Xun also echoed on the side at this time, and then asked, "As the Metropolitan Governor said, I don't know when we will attack Jiangxia.

"Now that Ma Teng is on his way, we should also raise troops immediately, so that Cao Thief can be distracted and help Ma Teng."

"Bo Yan, this attack on Jiangxia, I want you to go, I don't know?"

Zhou Yu immediately asked with a smile when he saw Lu Xun.

"This... Dadu Governor, my Bo Yan should share the worries for the Great Metropolitan Governor, but Bo Yan has been in poor health recently and cannot lead the troops.

Lu Xun looked at Zhou Yu and immediately spoke, not forgetting to cough twice after speaking.

"In that case, Zijing, leave this matter to you, and I will let the two generals Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, help you. Lu

Xun said so, and Zhou Yu was naturally not forced to force it, so he could only give this task to Lu Su.

"Fortunately, Zijing is honest and steady, and I am also relieved that Zijing will go this time."

Sun Quan looked at Lu Su at this time and also settled.

Zhou Yu and Sun Quan both said so, and Lu Su naturally could only agree.

Then he left to prepare for the expedition.

"Zijing, tonight I will ask people to prepare some wine and dishes, and I will see you off."

When leaving, Lu Xun looked at Lu Su and took the initiative to speak.

"Bo Yan is not physically ill, isn't drinking

hurt?" Lu Su looked at Lu Xun a little puzzled.

"My body is fine, Zijing doesn't have to worry about me.

Lu Xun looked at Lu Su and raised his hand and spoke.

"Zijing, don't shirk, before Gongfu and Ziming set out, I also sent each other with wine, but now..."

Lu Xun sighed, with a sad and regretful posture.

"No, no, no, I'd better forget it. Lu Su left without looking back.

This horse, I still dare to drink your wine.

Lu Su felt that it seemed unlucky for him to take on Zhou Yu's mission.

But now there is no way back.

Two days later, Lu Su accompanied the army, and Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, the generals, led 30,000 troops and went straight to Jiangxia.

"Report, sir, Jiangdong Sun Quan really raised troops, and the 30,000 army went straight to Jiangxia. Cai

Mao quickly sent someone to tell Zhuge Qiu the news.

"Sir, Jiangdong has already sent troops at this time, and Ma Teng has already left for Xuchang, if the action is fast enough, I am afraid that when Lu Su's army arrives in Jiangxia, Ma Teng will arrive in Xuchang.

Zhao Yun also reminded on the side at this time.

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised by these, and Zhou Yu had already calculated it in terms of time.

"Now everything is expected by Mr. Xu, Xu Chang, the prime minister also sent someone to reply that everything is ready, but this Jiangxia, if Jiangdong succeeds, it will be difficult to retake it."

Guan Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu on the side, and reminded with some concern.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the two of them, "Since I already expected it, how could there be no way to deal with it." Liu

Qi left a bag there, and he had to go there himself.

"As long as Gong Jin plays normally, the other party has at least one head, and this time Gong Jin is playing beyond normal.

On the way to Jiangxia, Zhuge Qiu saw that Jiangxia was getting closer and closer, and he couldn't help sighing.

After Guan Yu heard this, he didn't want to speak again.

Is this horse speaking in human language?

With Gong Jin here, why is Jiangdong unstable?

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