"What's not tight, let's try." "

Where does Xu Chu know what Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun are talking about.

When Ma Chao insulted Cao Cao four times, he couldn't hold back.

"Well, the tiger is pressing, oh no, it is worthy of being my tiger marquis, the evil tiger eats horses, and you will be able to win Ma Chao when you fight." Cao

Cao saw that Xu Chu took the initiative to ask for battle, and he was naturally happy in his heart, after all, he was pressed by Ma Chao for so long, and today the camp was also erected, naturally it was shameful.

Zhuge Qiu did not stop it, and Xu Chu and Ma Chao were also indistinguishable.

Xu Chu was naked and warhorse Chao, if it weren't for Han Sui's order to release arrows later, Xu Chu would definitely not have retreated like this.

To put it bluntly, Han Sui was still worried that Ma Chao would not win, so he ordered to release arrows and lead the army to kill.

Xu Chu led the army down, took the lead, pointed at Ma Chao and drank.

"I heard that you are Jinma Chao, let Xu Chu try it today. Xu

Chu didn't wait for Ma Chao to speak after speaking, and directly killed him.

Ma Chao saw that Xu Chu was so arrogant, and he was definitely not a vegetarian, so he wanted to kill Xu Chu when he went up.

"Do you still think that how capable you are, just this ability?" After

the two fought for more than a dozen rounds, Xu Chu also directly mocked.

Since mixing with Zhuge Qiu, the taunting skill has been quite full.

"Haha, Shouyi, who can win between Xu Chu and

Ma Chao?" Seeing that Xu Chu couldn't make Ma Chao angry, Cao Cao was on the tall building of the camp, and he was also relieved.

"It's hard to predict, but be careful.

Zhuge Qiu didn't have a good mood to discourage Cao Cao, and said lightly.

Xu Chu was fighting more and more, and his mouth was full of commotion, and all the words that Zhuge Qiu usually used to scold him were exported to Ma Chao.

"Dog thief, traitor, evil thief, you dare to humiliate me like this. "

Poor Ma Chao, scolding and scolding, four consecutive lost a row.

"This Ma Chao is very lacking in words, Xu Chu really deserves to be my tiger general. Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh at this time.

"Old Cao, don't float, if it weren't for the two eggs pulling you, it is estimated that you and the tiger will go to the sky."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Cao and immediately replied speechlessly.

"Zilong, when Xu Chu and Ma Chao are tired of fighting, you lead the army to rush and kill, and strive to take Ma Chao down in one fell swoop.

Then Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and ordered.

"This... This is not good, right?" Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with some hesitation.

"If you don't do it, Han Sui will also do it, besides, Ma Chao is the backbone of the Western Liang Army, and if you take Ma Chao, the Western Liang Army will be defeated, so as to reduce the casualties of the two armies."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and said.

He doesn't know where they got their habit of singling out.

Besides, when the tiger prison was closed, Lu Bu didn't speak.

After Zhao Yun thought about it, it was indeed the same, when even he took orders.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, Han Sui also looked at Ma Dai and ordered.

"This Xu Chu is the Tiger Marquis beside Cao Cao, and if he kills him, Cao Cao's army will inevitably be in turmoil, and when the battle is halfway through, he will order Xu Chu to be shot.

"Yes, uncle.

After Ma Dai listened to Han Sui's words, he immediately answered.

It had been a long time since he saw anyone able to fight with Ma Chao for so long, and he was a little worried in his heart.

As long as he can win, he naturally does not account so much.

Xu Chu and Ma Chao fought for a hundred rounds, and they were still invincible.

Seeing this, Ma Dai and Pound immediately led the army to kill.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun also led the troops out, and Cao Cao saw that the Western Liang army was strong, and he was also worried that Xu Chu and Zhao Yun would have an accident, so he quickly asked Xu Huang and Xia Houyuan and others to lead the troops out of the village.

Xu Huang and Xia Houyuan blocked Pang De and Ma Dai, while Zhao Yun took Ma Chao directly with a spear.

"Who are you?" Ma

Chao was also taken aback when he saw Zhao Yun shoot sharply.

Just fought with Xu Chu for more than a hundred rounds, he spent a lot of physical strength, not to mention, this crotch war horse is already lacking.

"Zhao Zilong come for a while.

Zhao Yun replied, but the offensive in his hand did not slow down at all.

"Zilong, take this person with you. Xu Chu saw that Zhao Yun made a move, and he felt even more confident in his heart.

Ma Chao was surrounded by Xu Chu and Zhao Yun, and there were few people and horses, where could he block it.

Soon Ma Chao was seized by Zhao Yun, and the gentian bright silver spear in his hand went towards Ma Chao like a bolt of lightning.

"Collect troops. Han

Sui saw that Ma Chao had been taken, and immediately ordered Pound and Ma Dai to retreat.

"Cao thief, traitor, rebel thief, evil thief, if you have the ability, you will kill me, otherwise, I will definitely kill you." After

Ma Chao was taken down, in the big tent, he still cursed when he looked at Cao Cao.

"Ma'er, now that you are a prisoner under the steps, and you dare to speak wildly, you are not afraid that the original face will kill you?"

Cao Cao was already immune to Ma Chao's four companies.

He has already seen that it is still necessary for Zhuge Qiu to scold people.

"If you want to kill, you will kill, you have already killed my father and brother, and there are not many people who have killed me, but I will never let you go."

After Ma Chao listened to Cao Cao's words, he immediately replied that he didn't care about death.

"It's easy to die, but Ma Mengqi, don't you want to know the truth about your father's death?"

said Zhuge Qiu when he saw that Ma Chao had already stood up at this time.

Ma Chao's status among the Western Liang and Qiang people is very high, and if he can subdue Ma Chao, it is naturally a lucky thing.

So Zhuge Qiu is willing to give it a try, after all, although Ma Chao is powerful, his brain and Xu Chu are basically on a horizontal line, not much higher.

Otherwise, he would not have been defeated many times, and finally fell to the point of defecting to Zhang Lu, and was also squeezed and calculated by the people under Zhang Lu.

This finally cheapened the big-eared thief Liu Bei.

"My father and brother were killed by Cao thieves, this is the truth, I can't wait to eat Ru meat, sleep Ru skin, and solve my hatred."

"It's not easy, Ma Chao, you finally changed words." Cao Cao looked at Ma Chao and was also full of emotion.

"Kill your father and brother, if it is really Lao Cao who killed your father and brother, why would he use poisoning and such a subtle method?" "

Your father and brother have already been captured, and they can be executed immediately, so why do they need to do this?

"Then who died at the hands of my father and brother?" Ma Chao asked after a while.

"If you want to know the truth, it's easy, immediately retire, follow me into Xuchang, and I will return you the truth."

"Joke, you want to learn from that Zhou Yu Xiao'er again, so you repeated the trick and tricked me into Xuchang, so that you can kill it." After

Zhuge Qiu heard Ma Chao's words, he was also angry, and he didn't know whether to say that Ma Chao was smart or stupid.

"You are already a prisoner, do you still have to go to Xuchang to pick a day to kill you?"

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