After living in Xiahou's mansion for two days, Zhuge Qiu only felt that he was dying of boredom.

Eating hot pot before and blowing cowhide passed quickly.

But he was tired of hot pot in the past two days, and the ingredients were consumed more than half.

Zhao Yun was also equally bored, originally he thought that following Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao would inevitably be restricted, or constantly sow discord and brainwash.

But he found that none of this, except for following Zhuge Qiu's side, he seemed to have nothing to do.

And unconsciously, he felt that he was not disgusted by the guy in front of him who was afraid of death.

"Zilong, you look at me and do something, I tell you, I don't do it.

Zhuge Qiu was bored, and after feeling Zhao Yun's gaze, he immediately said vigilantly.

"What kind of chicken, do you also like cockfighting?"

Xia Hou Wei listened halfway, and came over and asked vaguely.

"What kind of machine is fighting, it's better to fight the landlord." As soon as

Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he immediately slapped his thigh, yes, the three of them can just fight the landlord.

"Zilong, you go out with me. "

Although there is no paper shell, you can use wood to make no, and in mythology, Yi Xiaochuan did not do this.

"As soon as I come, you two will leave, which is too uninteresting.

Xia Hou's shouts accompanied the backs of the two people farther and farther away.

In Xiangyang City, Zhuge Qiu took Zhao Yun and soon plunged into the lively streets again.

After turning around a few times, Zhuge Qiu finally found a grocery store.

"What do the two sons need?" As

soon as he entered the store, the treasurer was already very enthusiastic at this time.

There were also guys greeting other guests, picking out some simple supplies.

"I need wooden signs, boxy, not very large, to carve patterns and numbers to my requirements.

Zhuge Qiu was also not pretentious, and directly described it to the opening of the treasurer, in order to make the other party better understand, he did not forget to gesture twice with his hand.

Zhao Yun is also in the clouds, how can there be so many strange thoughts in this guy's head.

There is also the hot pot that I ate together before, and I eat in the pot, but it is also enjoyable.

"This... This son, we have never heard of you, and this size is such a small shop may not satisfy you. The

round face of the treasurer, with a small belly, said with a smile.

"You can do it at this size, or borrow your master to use it, and I will personally guide it."

Zhuge Qiu pointed to the small wooden sign on the side and said, a bit like the size of a peach talisman, and the slap is not much bigger.

"This... I'm afraid this won't work?" the

treasurer looked at it, said with a smile again, and quickly shook his head.

"Why, I'm afraid I can't afford to give money, big deal, I'll double."

Zhuge Qiu waved his big hand and said very proudly.

In order to spend more money to pass the boring life, I also admit it, and besides, I can win back what I spent.

"This... Gongzi, you misunderstood, this is not a matter of money, but these gadgets, in fact, are all made by our young lady, and it is also our young owner.

"So this... I can't be the Lord. "

The treasurer also wants to cry without tears, where does he command the little master, and his own master is still a woman, it is impossible to give it to you to command."

When Zhuge Qiu heard this, it seemed that he could only think of another way, or do it himself.

Just as he was about to leave, a familiar figure came into his mind.

"Miss, you... Why are you here.

"This is your shop?" Zhuge

Qiu was also stunned, who was it who came if it was not Huang Yueying.

At this time, Huang Yueying was dressed in an antique white dress, with her small and beautiful face, which perfectly showed the classical beauty of ancient women.

"Hmm. Huang Yueying felt Zhuge Qiu's undisguised gaze, her face was a little hot, and she lowered her head and answered.

She also did not expect to see her fiancé again so soon.

After returning that day, she wrote down all the poems, and at the same time, Zhuge Qiu's voice and smile kept appearing.

The treasurer saw that the two knew each other, and quickly told Huang Yueying about Zhuge Qiu's request just now.

Huang Yueying was even more pleased when she heard this, "I can try." In

addition to reading and helping her family run a shop, her biggest interest is developing KitKat.

She didn't expect that at this point, her fiancé would have the same interests as her.

It's just ideal, perfect for you.

Zhuge Qiu did not refuse, believing that compared to his own craftsmanship, Huang Yueying must be more powerful.

Huang Yueying took Zhuge Qiu and the two to her exclusive territory.

Separate rooms filled with wood, carved and uncarved semi-finished products.

There are also many drawings scattered on the ground.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhuge Qiu felt that he wouldn't believe that this would be a girl's room.

It's a standard carpenter's room, and it's better than that.

"Isn't it unexpected?" Huang Yueying looked at Zhuge Qiu. It's also a little embarrassing.

She also knew that ordinary women would like to do this, but they did.

"Although it was a surprise, I didn't feel anything wrong.

Zhuge Qiu said truthfully, after all, he had crossed over, and he had never seen any scenes, of course, it was not unusual.

In this way, the two began to make ancient playing cards.

A whole morning passed, and the playing cards were all done, and this was the result of Zhuge Qiu's simplification.

During the whole process, the relationship between him and Huang Yueying became a little closer.

Huang Yueying was even more surprised by the numbers and symbols of the playing cards.

She found that the man in front of her really had too many incredible things.

When he came out of the room and left the shop, Zhuge Qiu obviously felt that there was a little more strange in the eyes of the treasurer.

He didn't want to say anything, took the playing cards and Zhao Yun and left directly, the more this thing was explained, the more troublesome it became.

After Zhuge Qiu returned to the mansion, he began to teach Zhao Yun that they recognized Arabic numerals and began to teach them to play cards.

Huang Yueying was also happy, and when she returned to her home, she was also happy.

"Yueying, what makes you so happy, didn't you go to the store today, is it because the business is good?"

Huang Chengyan came back and immediately asked when he saw his daughter so happy.

Speaking of which, in the past two days, he found that Huang Yueying was extremely happy.

"Of course, because of my aunt, the young lady has seen my future aunt these days, and I am happy."

The maid on the side replied with a smile.

"Dead girl, what nonsense. Huang Yueying blushed and reprimanded shyly.

"Uncle?" Huang Chengyan was blinded, "When did you see Kong Ming, now Liu Zhijun has been defeated, Kong Ming does not know where he went, it is said that he may be in the land of Jiangxia."

Huang Yueying was immediately stunned in place.

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