"Sir, why did you go to such a place again?"

When Zhao Yun saw Zhuge Qiu, he couldn't help but frown and ask.

"It's hard to say enough, this Lu Su's idea for Zhou Yu, that's a real mess, and I definitely can't think of a cerebral thrombosis for two hundred years."

Zhuge Qiu sighed and hurt himself for spending money in vain.

"But, Zilong, how did you find out about this so quickly?"

Soon Zhuge Qiu thought of something again and asked.

"I just don't know it's difficult, there was already propaganda before you went, and now it's spreading everywhere, most of them can't do it."

Zhao Yun also sighed when he looked at Zhuge Qiu.

"Really? Is there such a thing? Zhuge Qiu was a little puzzled.

"Don't you know, sir?"

"I thought I would know, Zilong, what you said is wrong." Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, and then continued with a puzzled expression.

"I just let the woman call in the room for about half an hour, and then I heard the movement outside and went out."

As soon as Zhao Yun heard this, he immediately understood, and he was also speechless: "Sir, don't be in the show, now most of the governors are chasing and killing Lu Su on the streets." "

Yes." Zhuge Qiu spread his hands, and he was also helpless, "I said I can't go."

"Sir, aren't you afraid that Miss Sun will chase you down with a knife?"

"Ahem, no." What are you afraid of in your innocence.

"By the way, sir, the old lady said, let Mr. go to see her tomorrow."

Zhao Yun also doesn't want to get tangled up in this issue, anyway, I won't help if you are chased and killed.

"I see."

Zhuge Qiu answered, and he was not surprised by this.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu went to find Wu Guotai, but this was not to the Ganlu Temple, but directly to the mansion.

"Zijing, early, what's going on with your two dark circles?"

On the way there, Zhuge Qiu also met Lu Su, which is obviously Zhou Yu's masterpiece.

"Don't mention it, this person chased me three streets, what kind of system do you say this is."

"You still have to be decent, yesterday's incident, you dare to mention that my grand Jiangdong Metropolitan Governor was destroyed by your hands."

As soon as Lu Su's words fell, Zhou Yu also appeared at this time, and immediately opened his mouth and went back.

"Brother Gong Jin, what is your situation, you seem to be very tired?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu and also held back a smile and asked.

It is estimated that when I went back yesterday, Xiao Qiao did not lose his temper.

"Don't mention it, don't mention it." Zhou Yu raised his hand and said that it was tears.

It is clear that Zhuge Qiu was called over to the pit, and now I feel that everyone is targeting him, even Lu Su, the first honest person in Jiangdong, has changed.

After saying hello, Zhuge Qiu went to Wu Guotai.

"Zhuge Shouyi has seen the old lady."

Seeing Empress Dowager Wu, Zhuge Qiu immediately took the initiative to greet him.

In addition to identity, Wu Guotai is here at this age, and it is not a loss to see a gift.

"Hmm." Wu Guotai looked at Zhuge Qiu and nodded.

"The matter of the two of you, Xiang'er has told the old body, you have taken advantage of this cheapness, you should also be responsible."

"The old body also knows that not only did that Cao thief promise you a daughter, but in that Jingzhou, you also have a woman who likes you."

"So you will definitely not be just a lady in Xiang'er in the future."

"These old bodies don't care, and the old body was also married to Wentai with his sister."

"As long as you treat her well, Xiang'er also likes it, then no matter how much your wife has, she can also have a happy life."

"If she doesn't like it, you don't treat her well, even if you only have one lady, she is not happy."

Groove, so enlightened?

This is the model of mother-in-law.

For a while, Zhuge Qiu didn't know what to say.

"Now the old man asks you, do you have her in your heart?"

After a while, Wu Guotai looked at Zhuge Qiu and continued to ask.


Zhuge Qiu did not hide it, if he really didn't care, he wouldn't have come to Jiangdong.

"But..." "

No, daughter, you heard everything?"

Wu Guotai glanced at Zhuge Qiu and interrupted, glancing behind the screen with a smile.

Then Sun Shangxiang walked out with a red face.

"Okay, the old body is old, it's time to go back to rest, you two juniors talk to each other."

Wu Guotai glanced at the two, smiled and turned to leave.

Zhuge Qiu and Sun Shangxiang both knew that this was Wu Guotai deliberately making room for the two of them.

"As long as you have me in your heart, then I have no regrets, and wherever you go in the future, I will be with you."

"But I won't play for Koto, you really won't mind?"

Some words, Zhuge Qiu felt that he still had to explain, which is why when he knew Sun Shangxiang's feelings, he pretended not to know.

"Marry a chicken and marry a dog with a dog, I'm just a female stream, what does the world have to do with me?"

"Besides, since ancient times, women have not been allowed to participate in politics, have they?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Sun Shangxiang and did not get entangled anymore.

"In that case, then you can continue to be a small housekeeper."

"You actually let Miss Ben be a small house, yesterday you and Gong Jin went to find flowers and ask Willow, Miss Ben didn't blame you."

"This, you have to find Gong Jin to settle the account, this is his pot."

Zhuge Qiu smiled and said, anyway, he also saw that the whole Jiangdong, although Lu Su was the first honest person.

But now he can also see that Zhou Yu is the authentic back-pot man.

"Gong Jin?" Sun Shangxiang was puzzled, "It's not because Cheng Hitachi created rumors in the first place, why don't you know to explain."

Sun Shangxiang suddenly understood, "How can I explain your man's affairs."

"Forget it, as for the Metropolitan Governor, someone will clean him up."

Sun Shangxiang smiled, but she knew that Xiao Qiao often went to Da Qiao to complain.

Now that Zhou Yu has this file again, then Xiao Qiao will definitely not be spared.

Soon by Wu Guotai, the marriage of Zhuge Qiu and Sun Shangxiang was decided.

Moreover, Wu Guotai made it clear that no one could hurt Zhuge Qiu and did not restrict him from staying.

"Master, now that the old lady is doing this, won't we be unable to leave that Zhuge Qiu, won't it be a failure."

"So what, what else can you do, the old lady has already spoken."

Although Sun Quan was also uncomfortable in his heart, after all, it was Wu Guotai who spoke.

"Lord, the lord's filial piety is naturally praised, but it is related to the foundation of Jiangdong, and the lord must not be soft-hearted."

"Bo Yan, what is the plan?"

Sun Quan also frowned and asked.

"Lord, I have a plan, but it is bad for the impression of the old lady, when the time comes, the lord can take advantage of the old lady's anger to kill Zhuge Qiu on the spot."

"By then, the matter is a foregone conclusion, what can the old lady do?"

"After all, all this is also for the foundation of Jiangdong."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and continued to speak.

"Well, if you're sure, go ahead and do it." Sun Quan's eyes turned cold after thinking about it, and he immediately answered.

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