Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lu Lingqi and was also a little speechless.

It is estimated that this guy saw a lot of people, and he was not sure, so he pulled himself out.

Sure enough, the lively thing is never seen in vain, it all comes at a price.

"Cut me?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Liu Du, "Liu Junshou, he is really a great official." "

Guan Wei?"

After Liu Du listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, he did not mean to deny it at all.

"So what?"

"As I said, today my son is injured, none of you want to live."

After Zhuge Qiu listened to Liu Du's words, he was also quite emotional, he did not expect that this Liu Du was even more arrogant and domineering than Han Xuan.

"There is a debt and a master, this... What does Master Liu have to do with us.

"Before Zhuge Qiu spoke, there were already people who were not happy.

They just watched a lively scene, why should they take their lives.

"You stand idly by, and if my son is injured, you will die."

Liu Du glanced at the man and said with disdain.

Although Liu Du did not answer himself, Zhuge Qiu already understood.

In Liu Du's eyes, there was no need for any reason to kill these people.

"Since that's the case, then kill it."

Zhuge Qiu also got up at this time and walked towards Lu Lingqi.

Anyway, he has already been dragged into the water by Lu Lingqi, and Liu Du can't let these people go, so he won't pretend.

After Lu Lingqi heard Zhuge Qiu's words, she didn't expect Zhuge Qiu to be so rigid.

She noticed Zhuge Qiu at the beginning, but Liu Du brought hundreds of people here, and it must be difficult to deal with it alone, so she didn't rush to kill Liu Xian and pulled Zhuge Qiu in.

Now Zhuge Qiu actually let her kill Liu Xian directly.

"You play with me, just kill like this, how do we run, I can tell you, I have a better chance of running out than you."

Lu Lingqi looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked in a low voice.

"Now you know you're afraid?" Zhuge Qiu gave Lu Lingqi a blank look.

"Didn't you say that I am a dog-headed military master, I have this idea, you can do it or not."


Lu Lingqi looked at Zhuge Qiu was also angry, she was not stupid, this Zhuge Qiu was clearly intentional.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll kill it."

Lu Lingqi snorted coldly, and the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand was also slowly raised, and then stabbed towards Liu Xian.

"Daddy... Save me. Originally

, Liu Xian still didn't believe it, but when he first arrived at the halberd tip that was getting closer and closer, shining with cold light, he couldn't be calm anymore.

He didn't want to gamble his own life, if he died, even if he avenged himself, it would be useless.

"Stop, how can you release me."

Liu Du glanced at Liu Xian and then at Lu Lingqi.

Liu Xian is his only son, if he really dies in front of him.

Then even if he occupies Lingling County and takes Jingzhou, then there is no successor, and there is no point.

"Don't, Master Liu, we naturally want Liu Gongzi to give us a burial, we are not afraid of death."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Du and said lightly, Liu Du will compromise, he has already calculated it.

"Good, good, as long as you release me, I can get away with it."

After Liu Du listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, his face was a little ugly, but he still endured it.

As long as I save my son, I will give you a good look when the time comes.

"This girl, this son, let's hurry up and release people, we don't want to die."

Someone was already quickly looking at Zhuge Qiu and they spoke.

You don't know if you're afraid of death, but they really don't want to die here.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them, this group of idiots, if Lu Lingqi really released people, they would really die.

But he was too lazy to think so much about these people.

"Well, if that's the case, then you just let them all go."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Du and said.

Instead of leaving these people, which are of no use at all, it is better to give them a chance to live.

Although they don't expect them to be grateful to Dade, they also avoid it, in order to survive, they turn against the water behind their backs to cause chaos for themselves and Lu Lingqi.

"Release people."

Liu Du glanced at Zhuge Qiu, and then at Liu Xian at Lu Lingqi's feet, and immediately gave the order to let the soldier give way.

As long as Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu can't run, as long as these untouchables are still in Lingling County, there are ways to clean them up.

At this time, those who watched the excitement immediately fled and left.

This is so lively that they don't dare to watch it.

Soon, there were only two people left in the inn, Zhuge Qiu and Lu Lingqi, and the others were all Liu Du's people.

"Now it's time to release people."

After Liu Du saw that everyone was gone, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and Lu Lingqi and asked.

However, the inquiry was carried in a very clearly commanding tone.

"Did I say release people?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Liu Du.

Just kidding, he himself is not the Virgin, saved the others, and put himself here.

"You're playing tricks?"

After Liu Du heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately scolded and questioned angrily.

After so many years, when have I been played like this.

"Liu Junshou, if we let people go, I'm afraid we would have died a long time ago, how could we be so stupid."

"You guys get out of the way, and when we're safe, I'll naturally release the people."

Zhuge Qiu's anger towards Liu Du was as if he couldn't see it, and he continued to speak.

This kind of operation, even the mountain thief will, how could he not know.

"It turns out that you hit this idea."

Lu Lingqi looked like she had reacted to this, and looked at Zhuge Qiu and whispered.

Well, yes, there is another one here that is not even as good as a mountain thief.

This Lu Lingqi is a perfect inheritance of Lu Bu's IQ.

"Dad, promise him, I don't want to die."

Liu Du was originally a little hesitant, but after hearing Liu Xian's words, he finally agreed.

"If you tease the old man again this time, I just don't want this son, and I will kill you too."

Liu Xian: ......

Liu Xian, who was lying on the ground, said vigorously, "No, no."

In this way, Zhuge Qiu and Lu Lingqi escorted Liu Xian out of the inn.

Liu Du led the people to follow far behind.

"Quickly command, keep the gates, and never let them out."

"As long as we're out of town." After Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu left the inn, they said with a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to die."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lu Lingqi speechlessly, how could he go out of the city at this time.

"Kill him."

Before Lu Lingqi could react, Zhuge Qiu had already spoken.

"We're all gone, are we going to kill him?"

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