Zhao Yun looked at this situation, what kind of virtue is this?

Is this recognizing yourself?

Although he said that he did not change his name, there should be many people with the same name and surname in this world.

"If you want to go into the city today, beat me first."

Xing Daorong was already walking towards Zhao Yun with an open axe at this time.

"Is there still this rule when you go into town?"

Zhao Yun was also confused, and it seemed that the other party did not recognize him.

"Rules, what I say is rules." Xing Daorong sneered and said.

I'm holding back these days.

"This general is in such a big breath, I wonder who the general is?"

Zhao Yun frowned, this Zero Ling guard was so domineering, no wonder Mr. Zero wanted to come to Zero Ling.

"Say my name and be shocked."

"Listen, General Ben is General Xing Daorong of Lingling, and today General Ben just taught you this Zhao Yun."

Xing Daorong glanced at Zhao Yun and said.

Although he is not necessarily the opponent of the real Zhao Yun, it is not a hand to deal with a fake one against you.

"In that case, I hope that the general will keep his promise, and if I win, he will let me into the city."

Zhao Yun looked at this situation, there should be no way to avoid it, he could only say

that he had to go in, if he didn't go in, how to find Zhuge Qiu.

"As long as you can win General Ben, naturally let you into the city."

Xing Daorong sneered, really thinking that everyone could not win.

"Come on."

Zhao Yun glanced at Xing Daorong, he just wanted a quick victory now.

"You... You still dare to underestimate me. As

soon as Xing Daorong heard this, how could he endure this, and the opening axe in his hand directly slashed towards Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun just glanced at it, did not dodge, and the spear in his hand moved like a bolt of lightning when the opening axe was about to approach.

With a bang, Xing Daorong could not see the movement of this spear clearly, and the whole person was shocked back again.

"You..." Xing Daorong had just stood firm, and before he could be shocked, Zhao Yun's spear had already appeared in front of him.

A slight lift of his hand can pierce his throat neck.

"Now I can go into town, right?"

Zhao Yun looked at Xing Daorong and said lightly.

And the surrounding soldiers were also vigilant at this time and surrounded them.

"Why, does General Xing want to regret it?"

Zhao Yun naturally noticed it and said immediately.

As a last resort, he didn't think of too much conflict, after all, he was only one person.

"All retreat, what General Ben said naturally counts."

Seeing this, Xing Daorong immediately reprimanded, it was already humiliating enough that he had lost, and if he repented under the public, he would be even more faceless.

"Let him in."

Xing Daorong immediately let people go, went in, I see how you come out.

After entering the city, Zhao Yun saw that there would be soldiers patrolling the city from time to time, and they went door to door, and began to search.

Wanted notices were also posted on the streets.

Although the painting is very ugly, Zhao Yun can see at a glance that the person who painted this painting is Zhuge Qiu.

But the woman next to him, he didn't know.


Zhao Yunzheng heard a shout when he looked at it, the sound was not loud and not far away.

When Zhao Yun heard the prestige, he saw that on the other side, a guy with a beard in the crowd called himself.

Zhao Yun naturally saw at a glance that the person was Zhuge Qiu.

"Sir, are you still interested in admiring your wanted portrait?"

On the way back, Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked in a puzzled whisper.

"And your beard, what are you doing with it so ugly, you don't think this can change your face, right?"

Without waiting for Zhuge Qiu to answer, Zhao Yun had already opened his mouth again and asked.

Lu Lingqi on the side couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

"You still have a smile, that's your bad idea."

Zhuge Qiu first glanced at Lu Lingqi, and then looked at Zhao Yun.

"Now that Zilong you are here, then we don't have to leave Lingling, I plan to kill Liu Du directly."

"Killed directly?" Zhao Yun was also a little confused, "I'm afraid this is not appropriate, right?" "

It's too hard to do.

"What's inappropriate, I already know in the past few days, this Liu Du father and son have done a lot of evil in Lingling, and they are not popular with the people."

"Besides, I even killed Liu Xian, do you care about one more Liu Du?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and said very calmly.

If you don't kill Liu Du, I'm sorry for the peek-a-boo in the past few days.

After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Zhao Yun didn't say much when he thought of the city gate, Xing Daorong's domineering, and the fear of the people.

"You send this token to Liu Du's mansion, and when the time comes to see the token, he will definitely meet me, and then it will be time to start."

Zhuge Qiu handed the thing to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun soon went to Liu Du's mansion.

Although the soldier did not let Zhao Yun in, he still took the token in to report.

"Prime Minister Cao Cheng's people?"

After listening to the soldier's words, Liu Du took the token.

Could it be that Cao Cao already knew what he had done?

No, you have to stabilize them first.

Liu Du immediately went to see Zhao Yun, "Sir, I don't know where Sir is?"

"How could Sir come to see you so easily, and you sent someone to pick me up in a carriage."

Zhao Yun glanced at Liu Du with a cold face and said.

Liu Du still thought that the other party was putting up the shelf, and didn't think much about it, and even if he agreed.

Zhao Yun naturally understood Liu Du's thoughts, and he couldn't help but secretly say in his heart.

If you see the person first, not the token, I am afraid that Liu Du will not have this attitude.

With the carriage answering, Zhuge Qiu naturally did not have to worry about being recognized on the street.

The carriage soon returned to Liu Du's mansion, and naturally no one dared to stop it this time.

"This... Why is this gentleman still covering his face? Liu Du was a little puzzled after seeing it, this person still carried a bucket hat in the daylight.

"Naturally, it is Lord Liu's blessing."

Zhuge Qiu no longer pretended at this time, and in the mansion, taking Liu Du's life to Zhao Yun was a matter of snapping his fingers.

After Liu Du heard this, he felt that this voice was somewhat familiar.

"It's you."

After Liu Du saw Zhuge Qiu, the whole person was also shocked.

"Come..." Before the words could be spoken, Zhao Yun's spear was already in front of him.

"You turned out to be Mr. Zhuge ?"

"It turns out that you have planned all this for a long time, are you deliberately killing my son and disrupting our plan?"

The more Liu Du thought about it, the more he felt that it was impossible, otherwise how could it be so clever.

Zhuge Qiu did not explain this Liu Du's brain supplement, he really just watched the excitement that day.

Giving Zhao Yun a look, Liu Du's eyes gradually dispersed.

"Liu Du is dead, take Cao Cao's token to appease everyone."

Liu Du died, and with Cao Cao's token, everything was quickly calmed.

"You... Is it really Zhao Yun? Xing Daorong also looked like a ghost.

However, at this time, he would not be stupid enough to avenge Liu Du, and he was not Zhao Yun's opponent.

With Xing Daorong's help, everything went even smoother.

"Sir, Miss Lu has an urgent matter to see."

"She is no longer wanted, what are you looking for me for?"

Zhuge Qiu was a little puzzled.

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