"Things, I'll take them for the time being, I'll show you first."

Although Zhuge Qiu is also a little curious, the most important thing now is to see if the mink cicada is still saved.

"Since the gentleman accepted this thing, then the concubine Quandang Mr. agreed."

The mink saw that Zhuge Qiu had taken the thing, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised at all by the mink cicada's words, and he was too lazy to refute anything.

The big deal is to bring Lu Lingqi back, if you don't want to, then give it to Wen Yuan.

"Now you can see a doctor with peace of mind."

Zhuge Qiu is also speechless, this session of patients is really difficult, and they have to explain their last words before they can see a doctor.

"Everything please, sir."

This time, the mink cicada did not refuse, stretched out his hand, and did not know whether this request referred to the things explained before or to see a doctor.

Zhuge Qiu didn't bother to guess, and began to take the pulse for the mink cicada.

It's a slippery hand.

Made, see a doctor, what do you want.

Then Zhuge Qiu began to inquire again, and the mink cicada also cooperated this time, and told Zhuge Qiu everything.

"You are infected with wind chill, and the wind chill evil qi into the body, it is already into the inside to turn into heat, it has already caused tracheitis, in this way, I am afraid that it will become pneumonia."

Zhuge Qiu soon had a diagnosis, this infection with wind cold, in ancient times is a relatively general concept, this thing is also of varying severity.

Therefore, the disease of mink cicadas is not serious, light is not light, if you can't accurately prescribe the right medicine, you may really die.

The mink cicada naturally didn't understand much, and looked at Zhuge Qiu and smiled bitterly, "Sir bothered, my body, I know it myself, I'm afraid it's going to be impossible." Zhuge

Qiu glanced at the mink cicada and knew that the mink cicada was only afraid that there was some misunderstanding.

"It's a little tricky, but fortunately you met me, it's not hopeless."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the mink cicada and comforted, he was really afraid, and he would explain his last words without saying a word.

"Really?" Can live, the mink cicada naturally does not want to die, immediately asked uncertainly.

"Of course, I will prescribe the medicine first, grab the medicine according to the prescription, give you a medicinal bath when the time comes, and then I will administer the needle for you."

Zhuge Qiu nodded and looked at the mink cicada and replied.

"Medicinal bath?" The mink cicada blushed, "Isn't that sir?" In

the following words, the mink cicada was already a little embarrassed to continue, but Zhuge Qiu also understood.

"Ahem, this is indeed a little inconvenient, if you mind, you can take a few pairs of medicine first."

Heaven and earth conscience, I really didn't think so much, just according to the medical skills inherited in my mind.

"Okay, just do as you say."

Without waiting for the mink cicada to speak, at this time, Lu Lingqi had already pushed the door and entered.

Originally, she was guarding outside, but seeing that there was no movement for so long, she was ready to come in, and just heard it.

"Little Niang, it's all this time, don't worry about so much, can you bear to leave me?"

Lu Lingqi looked at the mink cicada and persuaded.

"I... This..." "

Little lady, just listen to me." Lu Lingqi looked at the mink cicada and immediately decided.

Zhuge Qiu listened to their words and didn't say a word, if he opened his mouth at this time, he must not be treated as an old color.

Seeing this, the mink cicada did not speak.

After Zhuge Qiu saw that they had discussed it, he prescribed the medicine prescription and handed it to Lu Lingqi to prepare.

Lu Lingqi took the formula and left, and soon there were only two people left in the room.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the mink cicada who was still a little afraid to look directly at him, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"That... I'll give this thing back to you. In

order to avoid embarrassment, Zhuge Qiu took the thing out of his arms again and returned it to the mink cicada.

"No, no, whether I live or die, this thing is left to Sir."

The mink cicada coughed, but did not answer, but opened his mouth to ask.

"Doesn't the gentleman want to know what this thing is?"

"I'm curious."

Zhuge Qiu did not deny it.

"Sir, open it and look at it." The mink cicada looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

Zhuge Qiu saw that the mink cicada said so, and he was not pretentious, and he saw that there would be nothing, and if he did not follow this topic, it would be embarrassing later.

After removing the layers of packages, two things were finally revealed.

A token that is black all over and has not yet been slap-slapped.

There was also a piece that looked a little old, a bit like parchment.

"This is a token for the trap camp."

Sable Cicada looked at Zhuge Qiu and said lightly.

Zhuge Qiu also saw clearly at this time, the two sides of this token do have two words, but it is difficult to see clearly if you are not careful, and there are special tattoos on the token.

"Is that the trapping camp that Gao Shun controls?"

Zhuge Qiu was also surprised, this turned out to be a token for the trapping camp.

Gao Shun is an overlooked general in the speech, and the trapping camp is even more prestigious, belonging to Lü Bu's ace army.

Even the Three Kingdoms Zhi, so cherished as ink, also wrote Gao Shun's "trapped camp" into it, and it was "every attack, all those who are invincible" "But doesn't it

mean that this trapped camp, after the defeat of General Lu and Gao Shun's general Xuzhou, let the subordinate general Wei Xuan take charge?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at the mink cicada and asked suspiciously.

"It seems that the gentleman really knows a lot, but the gentleman only knows one and does not know the other."

"The trapping camp was formed by Fengxian at the time of Puyang, and then handed over to General Gao Shun, and it can be said that the trapping camp is Fengxian's most trusted force."

"The defeat of Xuzhou, knowing by the prophet, may be difficult to escape, so he disbanded the trap camp and let them escape, because he did not want the trap camp to fall into the hands of Cao Cao."

"The trapping camp led by Wei Xuan is just an ordinary elite stand-in."

I go, and this operation.

This thing, can Lu Bu's IQ really think of it?

But it is not impossible, after all, since Gao Shun's death, no one has mentioned the camp, and Lao Cao is also riding mainly with tigers and leopards.

That is to say, Wei Xuan's so-called trapped camp is no longer able to fight.

"This camp is reserved for Lingqi to protect herself, to ensure that our mother and daughter are thorough, and if there is a difficulty, we can summon them."

"But I know very well in my heart that if our mother and daughter summon them, they will suffer endlessly and will lead to death."

Zhuge Qiu did not deny the words of the mink cicada, it is true that the camp is elite, but after all, the number of people is limited, and it is not invincible, otherwise Lü Bu would not have died in the hands of Cao Cao.

"Now that the camp is handed over to Mr. Yu, change Mr. to protect Lingqi, and the concubine thinks that this is the best choice."

Zhuge Qiu did not refuse, this camp, he really used it.

"I will still inform Yu Lu Lingqi about this, if she is willing, I will take over the trapping camp."

After all, it was left by Lu Bu, and he didn't want to silently take advantage of this just like that.

The mink cicada did not object, and after talking, Lu Lingqi had already returned.

"It's time to prepare a medicinal bath."

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