"Sir is back, I thought you weren't coming back today."

After Zhuge Qiu returned to Lingling, Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and said unexpectedly.

"Zilong, what are you called, I'm not coming back, where do I live?"

Zhuge Qiu gave Zhao Yun a blank look, regretting that he should not have brought Zhao Yun badly.

But this time to see the mink cicada, it is really very rewarding, with the trap camp, and his previous crossbow, then he will have two elite troops in his hands.

The Heavenly Dragon Halberd Method can also be learned by himself, after all, this is the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, and he singles out the king's halberd method.

As for this treasure, it can only be kept for the time being, anyway, I won't be able to use it for a while.

Zhuge Qiu's side was much more relaxed, and a few days later, Cao Cao's side had already received Zhuge Qiu's news.

"This kid is really unsettling, he slaughtered Han Xuan last time, and now he killed Liu Du's father and son."

In Xuchang City, in the mansion, Cao Cao looked at the news, and looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Master, I see that you are not to blame Shouyi, but it is too late to be happy."

Xun Yu also smiled and said at this time, Cao Cao's thoughts, he naturally knew.

Liu Qi died, Jiangxia was controlled by Guan Yu, Changsha was in the hands of Huang Zhong, and now Lingling County also had to send people himself.

This means that the nine counties of Jingzhou are no longer as simple as before, which belonged to Cai's surrender.

That is, there was basically no risk of rebellion in Jingzhou before.

"What Gongda said is very true, so there is no worry about Jingzhou."

Cao Cao did not deny this, but said with a smile.

"But Lord, in this case, wouldn't this Nine Counties of Jingzhou also fall into the hands of Mr. Zhuge ."

Just as Cao Cao was laughing, a voice was already ringing.

Cao Cao's laughter also gradually froze, but looked at the man and looked over.

"Sima Yi, why are you here, shouldn't you raise horses?"

Cao Cao was also a little stunned when he saw Sima Yi, and subconsciously spoke.

Sima Yi's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, "Ahem, that... Lord, the last time he was punished with General Xu Chu in Xia, it was already full of time.

"Yes, lord, the minister thinks that what this Zhongda said is reasonable."

Without waiting for Cao Cao to speak, at this time, Yang Xiu had already spoken.

"Moreover, this Zhuge Qiu disrespects the order and kills Taishou privately, which leads to the law of the great Han, and if people follow suit, it will not be a great chaos in the world."

If there is revenge or revenge, not a gentleman, Yang Xiu naturally will not let go of this opportunity.

As soon as Sima Yi and Yang Xiu's words came out, many people were stunned, obviously they did not expect that these two people would say something about this.

"Do you have any other opinions?"

Cao Cao did not directly express his position, but looked at Xun Yu, Jia Xu, and Chen Qun and asked.

Chen Qun was a person who had suffered Zhuge Qiu's losses, and he also knew that Cao Cao's trust in Zhuge Qiu naturally would not open his mouth.

Xun Yu and they will not go to dismantle Zhuge Qiu's platform, but this kind of problem, it is useless for them to open their mouths.

The main thing is to see what Cao Cao will think, after all, once Cao Cao's suspicion is committed, it will be fatal.

"Shouyi has long known that you will say so, so Shouyi has long given me the map of the deployment of troops in each county."

"And Shouyi also said that soon he will transfer Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to leave Changsha, and I still have to prepare to send people to guard Changsha."

Seeing that no one spoke, after a while, Cao Cao looked at Sima Yi and Yang Xiu and scolded.

"Sima Yi, I see that you are idle and have nothing to do, and you actually slandered and separated my relationship with Shouyi here."

After Sima Yi heard this, he was also confused, "This... How can it be? "

How could it be so coincidental, could it be that Zhuge Qiu could still know in Jingzhou that he would use this to speak to Cao Cao.

"What's impossible, do you think I can still lie to you?"

Cao Cao glanced at Sima Yi and immediately scolded.

"Nope... Can't. Sima Yi naturally wouldn't question it, even if he had this idea in his heart, he couldn't say it.

Because if Cao Cao really made it up, it could only mean that Cao Cao trusted Zhuge Qiu and was willing to do so.

"Hmph, I knew you didn't believe it. Take a good look.

Cao Cao threw the letter directly to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi subconsciously took it, and sure enough, he saw Huang Zhong's request to transfer away.

"Originally, I wanted you to go, but now look, you are still raising horses and quieting down."

Cao Cao looked at Sima Yi's surprised look and said very lightly.

"Don't, lord, I'm going to Changsha, I really don't want to raise horses, I shouldn't doubt sir."

Sima Yi's face suddenly became bitter, now he really stepped on a horse and didn't want to think about it.

My name is Sima Yi, and I am not a horse breeder.

"Now I know it's wrong, it's too late." Cao Cao glanced at Sima Yi without any discussion.

Sima Yi scolded Zhuge Qiu fiercely again in his heart, what is the matter, why don't you adjust Huang Zhong well.

Of course, Sima Yi didn't know that Zhuge Qiu transferred Huang Zhong not only for fear that someone would take this opening, but because Huang Zhong's arrow method was good.

He needed Huang Zhong to train the soldiers and arm his Zhuge crossbow detachment.

Yang Xiu saw at this time that Sima Yi had already gone to raise horses, and he did not dare to speak.

Instead, he looked at Cao Cao with a worried face, not knowing what would happen to him.

He obviously felt that since Cao Cao bet after defeating Xiliang Machao, he had no good face for himself.

"Master, if not, I will also go and raise horses."

Yang Xiu waited anxiously for a long time, but Cao Cao just looked at him and didn't say a word.

"Hmph, you want to raise horses, you don't have that qualification."

After Yang Xiu spoke, Cao Cao said coldly.

When Yang Xiu heard this, he was immediately frightened.

"Lord, it is also a guess below, for the sake of the lord."

"Yang Xiu, you have repeatedly slandered and defended righteousness, regardless of the overall situation, if it were not for the face of Father Ru, I would definitely kill you."

"Get out, you won't be used to discuss in my house in the future."

Yang Xiu still wanted to say something, but when he saw Cao Cao's face, he still didn't dare to speak, so he could only retreat.

"Lord, you said that you don't let Yang Xiu raise horses, just let him roll like this, will Sima Yi be envious, last time he raised horses, he was really unhappy."

Xu Chu on the side looked at Yang Xiu's back and sighed.

"How, your kid and Sima Yi raised horses and developed feelings?"

"Nothing." Xu Chu quickly nodded, "The one I admire the most, that's Shouyi brother."

"Just know." Cao Cao answered.

Isn't this the strategy of righteousness?

Finally discharged.

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