"The last general originally planned to do what Mr. said, but after this craftsman saw the drawings, practice made perfect, and even crossbows were made."

Huang Zhong looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with some excitement, after all, this team was brought up by him himself.

"Fortunately, the so-called Han Xin points troops, the more the merrier."

After listening to Huang Zhong's words, Zhuge Qiu also said with a smile.

Although the soldiers are refined, there are not many, but the most essential part of this army is the crossbow.

This is still different from the trapping camp, and the elite of the trapping camp is more a combination of soldiers' abilities and equipment, as well as their formation cooperation.

"Sir, you just came back to see these soldiers, is it a place that comes in handy?"

Huang Zhong saw that Zhuge Qiu did not bother with the question of quantity, so he asked again.

"Good." Zhuge Qiu nodded and did not hide it, "It has been a few months since I received in Jiangdong that Liu Bei used the Wu brothers and sisters to kill Liu Zhang.

"With Zhuge Liang's ability and the cooperation of Wu Yi's brothers and sisters, it is almost necessary to integrate the forces of the capital."

"If that's the case, then aren't they going to attack Zhang Ren and Yan Yan?"

Zhao Yun usually follows Zhuge Qiu, and he is full of ears, in addition to being able to drive, this strategy is also fast to learn.

"So naturally we can't let him get away with it."

Zhuge Qiu nodded, since he chose to side with Cao Cao, then he definitely couldn't let Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang develop obscenely.

"But how can we stop it?"

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu with some puzzlement and asked.

You know, the road to Xichuan, it is not easy to walk, and it can be said that there are many checkpoints along the way.

"Mountain people have their own tricks."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and said with a smile.

"We first enter Sichuan from Jingzhou and go straight to Ba County and Luocheng, which means that we take Yan Yan first."

As long as he can take the lead and take Yan Yan, then when the time comes, no matter who Liu Bei sends to attack Bajun, he can give them a surprise.

The next day, Zhuge Qiu asked Zhao Yun and Huangzhong to change their clothes early in the morning, and Qiao loaded into the river to prepare for a surprise attack on Ba County.

Today's Yizhou is a three-legged posture, so although the checkpoints are heavy, the defense is not very tight.

There were many people coming and going, because many people fled, and some soldiers and guards were watching.

As for those who supported Yan Yan, they focused more on the direction of Chengdu to Ba County.

Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun all the way, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan all the way, all from Hanchuan Road, to Ba County, and then directly to the west of Luocheng.

These are all directions from Jingzhou to Sichuan, and the defense is naturally much weaker.

"Sir, sure enough, at this speed, we will soon enter Berkshire."

Zhao Yun did not expect that the road would be so smooth.

"Then I have to thank Zhang Fei, he is now killing all the way from Chengdu to this direction and attracting attention."

Zhuge Qiu also couldn't help laughing, and had to say that the timing of his troop dispatch this time was just right.

Originally, I thought that I could be much faster than Zhang Fei and them, but now this rhythm is just right.

"Zilong, I will arrange for people and Huang Zhong and Wei Yan to connect with each other, so that they can directly raise the banner of Cao Jun as soon as they arrive in Ba County."

"Sir, you're not going to sell them, are you?"

Zhao Yun was a little puzzled, he could understand the surprise attack, but directly let Huang Zhong and Wei Yan jump out, wouldn't that just let them attract firepower?

"Look at what you said, you think I'm Gong Jin."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, although Huang Zhong did play this role in this way, but how could it be said that it was sold.

"Think about it now that we have penetrated deep into Ba County, what will happen if Cao Jun suddenly appears?"

"It will inevitably cause panic and suspicion in the Xichuan army, so it will naturally be more advantageous for us to attack Berkshire."

After Zhao Yun heard this, although he still felt that something was wrong, but anyway, it was Huang Zhong and Wei Yandingbao, and he should still believe Zhuge Qiu.

After Huang Zhong and Wei Yan received the order, although it was also an accident, they did not hesitate to trust Zhuge Qiu.

"There is a Cao Jun called the formation?"

Early the next morning, before Yan Yan could inquire, Zhang Fei's situation on his side had already heard a soldier hurriedly come to report.

"How is this possible, the fastest to send troops from Jingzhou, there is no movement at all, how can it suddenly appear outside the city?"

Yan Yan was very surprised when he heard this, obviously he didn't believe it.

"Take a look with the old man, the old man suspects that someone is pretending to be a ghost."

Yan Yan picked up his big knife and directly led the people to the head of the city.

Sure enough, he saw five hundred pawns behind Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, holding strange crossbows

, "It's really a ghost, how did they appear."

After Yan Yan saw it clearly, he also looked like he had seen a ghost.

The others looked at each other and did not know, so no one dared to speak for a while.

Yan Yan knew when he saw it, and he asked in vain, and this sudden Cao Jun was afraid that he would scare them a lot.

"Look at your little appearance, but an old man came with five hundred people and scared you like this?"

"Come, follow the old man out of the city to fight."

Yan Yan shouted loudly, and immediately got off the city tower and led the army out of the city.

"Old General Huang, he said you are an old man."

Yan Yan's voice is not small, and he also deliberately makes people hear it to boost morale.

"How can it be reasonable, he still has the face to talk about me at this age." Huang Zhong naturally heard it, and when he saw that Wei Yan also specially reminded him, he immediately reprimanded angrily.

"No, Chief Wen, why didn't he mention you."

After speaking, Huang Zhong quickly thought of something again, and looked at Wei Yan and said.

When Wei Yan heard this, he was really angry immediately, "Old Pifu, you dare to ignore me."

"Old General, I'll see me behead this person later."

Soon the city gate opened, and Yan Yan led the men and horses out.

"Bold old man, the dying man, even led five hundred people to come and send him to death."

Yan Yan pointed at Huang Zhong with a knife and cursed.

"You are the one who will die, dare to say that I am an old man, see that I take your life today."

After Huang Zhong finished speaking, he directly danced the big knife and also rushed over.

Wei Yan looked at Huang Zhong and rushed out directly, and he was immediately stunned.

Good fellow, you two old puppets, can't you see me?

Say okay, let me cut this Yan Yan?

Endure the calm for a while, take a step back, the more Wei Yan thinks, the more angry he becomes.

Why are you two old men having fun, too stepping on horses and bullying people.

Thinking of this, Wei Yan couldn't bear it anymore, and the horse dancing knife also rushed over.

"Death to the old puppy."

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