"General, this path is rough, I am afraid that it is not suitable for the army to fight, in my opinion, now that Yan Yan is not there, it is better to directly knock on the city with the army and persuade them to surrender."

After setting up camp, Mi Zhu looked at Zhang Fei and suggested.

"What you said is reasonable, but we also have to make more preparations, it is said that this Yanyan old man is deeply popular with the people."

Zhang Fei thought that along the way, although there were also those who surrendered, most of them did not surrender, and more of the people who surrendered were still after it was reported that Yan Yan was arrested.

"Tomorrow, Zhang Fei will personally go to the outside of Baxian City to call for battle."

Finally, Zhang Fei looked at Mi Zhu and decided.

For Zhang Fei's result, Mi Zhu naturally would not object, after all, now except for Zhang Fei, Liu Bei has no martial generals around him.

It's impossible to say that you're going in person, and if something happens to you, then it's gone.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhang Fei had already led people to the city of Baxian County.

Originally, Zhang Fei only brought 10,000 horses, but now he has passed the pass all the way and integrated a lot of pawns, not only in number, but also with a lot more.

"Sir, Zhang Fei did not attack directly from the path, but vainly tried to attack the city, how should it be good?"

After Yan Yan knew the news, he quickly asked, after all, at this time, he could not personally meet the enemy, and relying only on the adjutant general was definitely not Zhang Fei's opponent.

It seems that this Zhang Fei is not as reckless as he thinks.

But even so, Zhuge Qiu didn't feel that there was anything to worry about, as long as he held on, Zhang Fei would have to take this road sooner or later.

"It's okay, I'll lend you my crossbowmen to defend the city."

Zhuge Qiu then looked at Yan Yan and said, just in time to try the power of his transformed Zhuge crossbow.

As soon as Yan Yan heard this, of course this was good, he just wanted to see how powerful this crossbowman was.

Let Zhuge Qiu dare to come directly to Ba County with these thousand people.

"People in the city, listen, now your guard, Yan Yan Laofu, has been taken by the Cao thief, if you are willing to surrender today, I will spare your lives."

"If you are not willing to surrender, the chickens and dogs will not be left on the day the city is broken."

Zhang Feiyue immediately stepped forward, and the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand pointed towards the city, and immediately shouted loudly.

Zhang Fei is worthy of being a famous loudspeaker, and Zhuge Qiu was in the inner city building, and he couldn't help but sigh when he heard this voice.

"Bah, ring-eyed thief, Liu Bei killed my old master, and now he still wants to capture Ba County, even if Old General Yan is gone, we will not surrender."

The adjutant general got the order, and immediately looked at Zhang Fei under the city and replied.

It is Yan Yan, who is hiding in the shadows, always feels that this is a little strange, and has the feeling that he is cursed in front of him.

And still the kind of state in which he died on the spot.

"Seeing that you are looking for death, Zhang Fei killed all the way, and along the way, he was afraid of the wind, and Xiaoba County also dared to be rampant."

Zhang Fei's teeth itched immediately, he cursed, and immediately ordered the army to attack the city.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the battlefield began to become tense, and although they couldn't see it, Zhuge Qiu could still hear the endless shouts of killing.

And those five hundred crossbowmen have long been ready.

Aiming, launching, these actions are all done in one go, and I have to say that Huang Zhong's training is still very powerful.

"Fifteen rounds for one crossbow."

At this time, the adjutant general was also frightened when he saw the crossbow arrow that flew out.

Originally, he thought it was a shot of arrows.

I didn't expect it to be so awesome, who can stand it.

Even the crossbowmen plus the archers of Berkshire can be said to be raining arrows for a while.

The first batch of soldiers who had just rushed up suddenly poured a large piece, and Zhang Fei himself was startled.

"This rain of arrows is so dense."

Zhang Fei did not dare to continue to resist, so he could only let the soldiers rush to the front.

On the battlefield, corpses continued to fall, and the smell of blood continued to permeate.

The battlefield is like a running meat grinder, constantly turning.

"Retreat, retreat."

It wasn't until Zhang Fei looked at the rain of arrows and shot them as if they would not stop, and ordered the army to start retreating, that this stopped.

"This Berkshire is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the rain of arrows on that city is endless." After the army retreated, Mi Zhu also said with a palpitation.

"General Zhang has discovered that the most violent part of the arrow shooting is not an ordinary arrow."

Soon, Mi Zhu thought of something again and opened his mouth to remind.

"Of course, I found that this crossbow arrow is not to mention the lethality of it, and compared to the bow and arrow, it can shoot multiple arrows in one arrow."

"If not, we must tear down this Berkshire today, let them know how powerful it is."

Zhang Fei was also angry, thinking that Ba County was within reach, but he was defeated in the first siege.

"General, now the plan, I think it is better to feint an attack on Berkshire on the one hand, and then send people to attack from the small road on the other hand."

"In this way, Berkshire can be taken in one fell swoop." Mi Fang looked at Zhang Fei and began to suggest.

After Zhang Fei thought about it, it could only be so.

Now it is already a kick in the door, as long as you take Ba County, then all the relevant mouths of Hanchuan are under control.

"Let the sergeant rest for the night, tomorrow I will lead the army to feint, and at night the general will lead the army to take a small road surprise attack?"

Seeing that Zhang Fei had already agreed, Mi Fang immediately continued to suggest.

"No, tonight I will lead the army." After hearing Mi Fang's words, Zhang Fei immediately shook his head and refused.

"This Zhuge Kongming old said what is false and real, since this is the case, then we also come to this set, today has just been defeated, then the soldiers of Naba County must think that we dare not take action."

"Leading the army to attack at this time is even more unexpected."

Zhang Fei looked at Mi Fang and said with a smile, he felt that he was really too witty.

"General, brilliant plan, I didn't expect the general to have such a scheme."

Zhang Fei glanced at Mi Fang, "Go down and prepare, what are you still stunned for?"

Mi Fang knew that she had said the wrong thing, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

At night, Zhang Fei led 5,000 people to find a path and began to head towards Berkshire.

"Sir, do you say Zhang Fei can really come tonight?"

"He's so dark, how do I know, now he can only be dead." Zhuge Qiu gave Zhao Yun a blank look.

When Zhang Fei will come, it is really difficult to cover the coffin.

When the two were talking, they had already heard movement.

"Let Yan Yan and Huang Zhong get ready." Zhuge Qiu immediately spoke.

When Zhang Fei was leading the centaurs to walk, suddenly a rain of arrows shot out from both sides, and then torches rose, and Huang Zhong and Yan Yan led the centaurs to kill.

"So dark." Yan Yan also saw Zhang Fei for the first time, and subconsciously spoke.

"Who do you say, old puppy?" Zhang Fei immediately cursed when he heard this.

"Who are you scolding?"

Huang Zhong and Yan Yan said in unison, and then both looked at Zhang Fei.

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