"What kind of eyes did Xu Lao Ru look like this just now?" Xun

Yu watched Xu Chu's tower-like back getting farther and farther away, still feeling unbelievable.

"We were actually despised by him?" Cheng Yu also looked alive.

Usually despised for the power of the unrestrained chicken, the reader is not compared with this old man.

But today, he is despised in terms of knowledge.

"General Xu guards the Lord Gong closely, since this object was created by the Lord Gong, General Xu is not worried when he sees it.

Jia Xu replied thoughtfully and made a guess.

This is indeed fine, Cheng Yu and Xun Yu heard it, and it seems that there is only this explanation at present.

"Let's go, don't pay attention to this, let's fight with the elder."

Xun Yu said, beckoned everyone and left, Cao Cao's side still waited five days to report later.

However, what they didn't notice was that Xu Shu did not forget to secretly glance at Xu Chu when he left, thoughtfully.

Of course, Xu Chu will not be these old men with crepe crepe.

trotting all the way to Zhuge Qiu, at this time Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun also ended the game.

"Zilong, when you said that the silver you owe will be repaid, you can't go back to Liu Bei and pay it back, I'm afraid that when the time comes, they will say that you have collaborated with the enemy."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and joked with a smile, only playing cards must be much less fun.

"I, Zhao Zilong, never pay the bill, don't worry.

Zhao Yun knew that Zhuge Qiu was deliberately joking, but he still said very seriously.

"Brother Zilong, you also lost your pants?" Xu Chu heard that Zhao Yun also owed debts, and immediately found the team, and asked very enthusiastically.

"It's just a little owed. Seeing

the self-cooked Xu Chu, Zhao Yun was also helpless, but in the past few days, he really didn't hate Xu Chu.

Even if you really want to compare sometimes, Zhang Fei's personality is definitely not as good as Xu Chu.

"Zilong, or let's work together and win the money back when the time comes."

Xu Chu pulled Zhao Yun with a mysterious look and said.

Zhao Yun glanced directly at Xu Chu, as if to say, we both have no money, what else to play.

"Don't you have a green sword, anyway, he is not your weapon, or take it..."

Zhao Yun's face was also angry, he felt that he was often with this group of guys, and people became stupid.

How can I believe that this brainless guy can come up with any good ideas.

Zhuge Qiu and Xia Hou Wei were also happy on the side.

Especially Zhuge Qiu, he never thought that Zhao Yun could still have such an intersection with Xu Chu.

After Xu Chu pestered Zhao Yun for a while, he pestered Zhuge Qiu and they played a few games in the name of practice.

Five days passed quickly, and for Zhuge Qiu, this day was going to fade out.

In ancient times, this was not good, the landlord was tired, and Xiahou Wei had already lost most of it and stopped playing.

Xu Chu loves to play, but he will only owe money.

Today, Zhuge Qiu said that he would not owe anything, and Xu Chu had to go back to Cao Cao, thinking about whether he could mix some rewards and pay his salary in advance.

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Chu was startled, "How many of you old men are there?" Cheng

Yu, Xun Yu, as well as Jia Xu, Xu Shu, and Chen Qun were all here in Cao Cao.

Cao Cao glanced at Xu Chu, yes, this guy must have lost again, and Cao Cao had a pain in his flesh.

I love the general well, how can I be a little made into a gambler by Zhuge Qiu.

"Okay, ignore this guy and continue to read the ledger.

Cao Cao gave Xu Chu a look, let him stand well on the side, and then continued to study the ledger.

"Zhongde means that there are many wrong places in this money and grain?"

"Yes, not only this year, but also in previous years, it can be seen that Cai Mao has gained a lot from Jingzhou since he took control.

Cheng Yu continued to speak, and at the same time turned over the place where there was a problem with the marking.

"It seems that this Liu Jingsheng sits in Jingzhou and calls him the head of the eight juns in Jiangnan, which is just a false name.

After taking a look, Cao Cao couldn't help but criticize.

It is no wonder that after Liu Biao's death, Cai's family can cover the sky with one hand, and now he has even sacrificed the land of Jingxiang.

"I think it's also true, such a simple arithmetic can be wrong, and you can be deceived."

After Xu Chu glanced at the side a few times, he immediately spoke.

Xun Yu was immediately unhappy, thinking of Xu Chu's pretense before.

You pretend to be addicted, right, Cao Cao said Liu Biao, that is capital.

You are a stupid big man with well-developed limbs, what are you mixed with.

"Could it be that General Xu can also see the problem

?" "Isn't it obvious?"

Xu Chu glanced at Xun Yu, as if to say who he looked down on.

"Here are two hundred and sixty and five hundred and forty, it should be eight hundred, how can it be seven hundred?"

"And here, it is clearly five hundred and three, but it is written five hundred and two."

"But you're right in Arabic numerals."

Xu Chu said with a head pointing to the ledger.

Xun Yu was stunned again, of course they knew and found out these mistakes.

The problem is that Xu Chu can be counted so fast, and can be combined with Arabic numerals to compare?

It's no problem to fight Xu Chu, but you can still count now, and it's so fast, how many meanings?"

"Well, don't think that if I teach you some, you can show up here and go outside to guard."

Cao Cao also saw their surprise, in fact, he himself was surprised.

But thinking that this guy plays cards every day and follows Zhuge Qiu, I'm afraid these are really not a problem.

If Zhuge Qiu is allowed to teach Xu Chu more, he may really be able to be alone in the future.

Cao Cao wondered if he should give Xu Chu some reward.

But this matter cannot be noticed by this group of people.

Xu Chu was a little confused, he didn't know that he had looked at something big before. It's that simple.

Looking at their living appearance, I couldn't help but feel proud in my heart, look, my old Xu also has today.

However, Cao Cao spoke, and he naturally had to go out.

"Master, now that the account issue is clear, do you directly

ask Cai Mao about them?" "No, Liu Jun and Cai Mao are descending, asking about sins at this time is not conducive to stability, and besides, what right do I have to ask when Liu Jingsheng was sitting in the town before?"

Cao Cao raised his hand and said, this is his purpose.

"Wen He, I'll leave this matter to you.

"Yes, Prime Minister.

Jia replied, and then everyone retreated.

Xu Chu stayed outside until everyone had dispersed, and Cao Cao had no other orders, he asked if he was ready to leave.

As soon as he left the mansion, Xu Shu greeted him.

"General Xu, where is this going, if you are not busy, I wonder if you can accompany you for a few drinks?"

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