"If you don't choose me, forget it, why did he choose Zilong instead of you, Mr."

Cao Chang saw that the Xiongnu Right Sage King actually pointed to single out Zhao Yun, and he was also confused.

Zhuge Qiu gave Cao Chang a blank look, he always felt that this kid had invisibly humiliated himself.

"In fact, everyone has a fixed time to report to Hades, but unfortunately some people always like to take shortcuts."

In the end, Zhuge Qiu still sighed, and could only wish him good luck.

Go humble, go, the name is not bad.

"Zilong, since people let you go to die, you hurry."

Zhuge Qiu directly agreed without saying a word, with Zhao Yun's ability, he believed that it was more than enough to clean up a Xiongnu.

Zhao Yun naturally understood what Zhuge Qiu meant, that is, to send him a ride and let him successfully realize his dream of overtaking.

Zhao Yun held the gentian bright silver spear and took the lead out of the large array of the Mo Dao team.

"Little white face, what other last words do you have to explain, although King Ben will not convey it for you, but you can listen to it."

Qu Bei looked at Zhao Yun very confidently, the trident in his hand, pointed to the sky, and looked at Zhao Yun and spoke again.

"No thanks, I have no last words."

Zhao Yun looked at this Xiongnu Right Sage King to humble, he felt a little funny, it had been a long time since he saw such a floating person.

No, except for Cao Zhang's hairy boy.

If it weren't for the fact that he followed Zhuge Qiu now, he would have to hammer him, just like Guan Yu at the beginning.

"Well, no last words are your last words."

With a loud laugh, his legs were lightly clamped, and the war horse under his crotch rushed out as if he had received an order.

The Xiongnu soldiers behind them, including the generals, did not have any worries, but were equally confident.

After all, they are clear about this ability to go to humbling, and the strength of one body has few opponents in their tribe.

Zhao Yun's gentian bright silver spear soon collided with the trident of Debei.

The huge force made both of their weapons emit a piercing golden sound.

Zhao Yun naturally felt the strength through the gentian bright silver gun.

No wonder this is so lowly, and it really has some strength.

If you underestimate the enemy, I am afraid that you will be repulsed just now.

After a few more rounds of fighting, Zhao Yun also found that although this lowly person had strength, he only had brute strength.

The gentian bright silver spear in his hand is like a flexible lightning, fast and fast, and each time it can be four or two thousand pounds to solve with ingenuity.

"You... You kid has two strokes. "

With each brute force venting like a fight, soon to be humble a little physically exhausted.

No one in the tribe has ever been able to resolve all this so easily.

"It's not just two, now it's my turn."

Zhao Yun saw that there was really no other means to go to humility, so he was too lazy to say more.

Originally, I wanted to see if he had any hole cards, but I deliberately didn't take the initiative to attack.

In an instant, the furious gun shadow was overwhelming and went towards the humble.

Before he could react, it was already too late when all the shadows in front of him converged into a silver spear.

Before he could escape, Zhao Yun's gentian bright silver spear was like a silver lightning, directly penetrating his body.

I don't believe it until I die, and I'm done.

And died at the hands of a person who himself disdained at all.

Not only to be humble, but as they went down, those Xiongnu generals who were originally full of confidence were stunned.

Originally, the two armies fought generals in order to boost morale and deter each other.

Now it's good to pour it out, just fight yourself out.

For a while, they were leaderless, and they didn't know what to do.

"See no, this is the end of overtaking."

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Chang and said, and then immediately ordered the army to advance forward.

The leaderless Xiongnu army also panicked when they saw Zhuge Qiu's army pressed up.

"Avenge the king."

I don't know who shouted, but many soldiers began to charge.

After all, they still had anger in their hearts, watching their king be killed like this.

However, their anger was quickly extinguished by the blade of the Mo Dao team and the pervasive smell of blood.

The cavalry continued to fall, the Mo Dao team slashed and killed in front, and the elite riders continued to release arrows to harvest.

They were already leaderless, and now they were completely chaotic.

Cao Chang chased and killed the Xiongnu army while shouting about invincible loneliness.

After chasing and killing for a whole day and night, the Right Sage King not only successfully walked out of a shortcut by himself.

Most of his entire Xiongnu tribe also took shortcuts.

The defeated army that scattered and fled was almost everywhere, spreading Zhuge Qiu's army like the evil ghosts of hell.

They would harvest all the Huns, and for a while the three major tribes of the Southern Huns were filled with fear everywhere.

"Shan Yu, Shan Yu, the Right Sage King was killed."

"Got it, go down." Hu Chuquan waved his hand after hearing the news.

"Daughter, our plan succeeded."

After the person left, Hu Chuquan immediately looked at his daughter with a smile.

However, Liu Yun was not happy now, but frowned.

"Father, I'm afraid we have underestimated this Zhuge Qiu this time."

"Although our plan has been fulfilled, fear is now pervasive throughout the Xiongnu tribe."

Hu Chuquan, who was originally happy, was also stunned in place this time.

"Daughter, don't we all do what you say?"

"Daughter, daddy believes in you, don't pit daddy."

"Father rest assured that his daughter will not let the Han people succeed." Liu Yun looked at Hu Chuquan and quickly assured.

"Now that the soldiers of the Right Sage King have been seriously injured, although the Zuo Xian King is dead, but the Zuo Xian King's soldiers are basically undamaged, I will go to integrate the army for my father."

"At that time, my father is gathering the defeated army of the Right Sage King, gathering the soldiers and horses of the three major tribes, and will definitely be able to defeat the Han army in one fell swoop."

"Okay, that's it."

Hu Chuquan immediately asked Liu Yun to go with his token.

Liu Yun did not dare to delay, and quickly left the big tent.

The two tribes are not close, but they are not far away either.

When Liu Yun arrived, it was already a few days later, but the entire tribe had changed a lot.

"Miss Liu, let's meet again."

When Liu Yunzheng was about to leave in doubt, a voice was already ringing.

"You... You took this place ahead of time?

Liu Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and them, his face suddenly changed, did he know that he would come here?

"I can't talk about taking it, but you can't leave today."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Liu Yun and said, this woman thought that she had learned a little Han culture and learned a little fur, so she fiddled here.

It's a pity that all the strategies she can think of have already thought of herself.

"Could it be that you even want to kill me, but don't forget, I saved you in the first place?"

Seeing that Liu Yun couldn't leave, he pretended to be calm and walked towards Zhuge Qiu.

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