After Zhuge Qiu heard this, he was also a little confused, this old man turned out to be Huang Chengyan.

It is no wonder that Huang Chengyan was able to cultivate Huang Yueying into a talented woman, and he himself was originally a talented person, proficient in the study of Qi Men Dun Jia and Five Elements Bagua.

Moreover, Huang Chengyan and Liu Biao are still brothers-in-law, that is, once picked, they belong to the relationship thief iron.

Not only that, Huang Chengyan and Cai Mao are still the relationship of Lang's uncle.

This is why it was said before that the relationship between the Cai, Huang, Kuan, and Liu families in Jingzhou is complicated.

It's very simple, in ancient times, the best way to pull a relationship, that is, to become relatives, everyone is a family, the relationship is naturally not bad.

"I don't want to. Zhuge

Qiu always had a little ambiguity when he thought of his relationship with Huang Yueying, and Huang Yueying also helped him a lot.

At this time, it's a little unspeakable.

"Forget it, that's not okay. "

Huang Chengyan is also an old stubborn, with his own pride in his heart, where has he suffered this grievance.

Seeing that Zhuge Qiu was soft, he didn't agree, in his opinion, the more you kid is afraid, the more I want you to remember for a long time.

The old man is proficient in Qi Men Dun Jia and Five Elements Bagua, and in terms of arithmetic, Huang Chengyan feels very confident.

"The old man asked you, there is a woman who rushes to sell eggs, six dollars for one egg, twenty-five eggs, for geometry?"

The boy said. Huang Chengyan saw that Zhuge Qiu was stunned, and immediately urged proudly.

It's not difficult, but it's more than enough to deal with you.

"One hundred and fifty words.

"What if she still has three hens and one forty-six

letters?" "The hen gets 138 letters, for a total of 288 letters."

"Good boy, there are really some skills, you must not be proud, these are just the old man tempting you." Huang

Chengyan also did not expect Zhuge Qiu to calculate so quickly, and he came with his mouth open.

"Kid, listen to the question.

"Today there are 100 steps for those who do good deeds, 60 steps for those who do not do good deeds, 100 steps for those who are not good deeds today, and those who do good deeds chase after them, and ask how many steps are there?"

After Huang Chengyan finished saying the question, he looked at Zhuge Qiu with a proud face, and he didn't believe that this kid could still answer this question.

There is no pen and paper on this street, and there is no calculation.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the proud Huang Chengyan, although this question is more advanced than before, it is still stress-free for himself.

Isn't it that there are two people, one walks well and walks a hundred steps, the other small short leg can only walk sixty steps, the small short leg walks a hundred steps first, and the long leg can catch up with how many steps it takes.

It's not just addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

100×100÷ (100-60) = 250 steps.

"250 steps.

"This... How could it be so fast?" When Huang Chengyan was proud, he heard Zhuge Qiu's answer, and his face changed.

Of course he knew the answer, he had been calculating for a long time, and this was what he saw in an old and broken book.

Is there such a coincidence, it just so happens that Zhuge Qiu has also seen it?

"Today there are chickens, straight money five; chicken mothers, straight money three; chicken chicks, straight money one, every hundred dollars to buy a hundred chickens, ask the chicken wen, mother, and chick geometry?" "4 chickens, 18 chicken mothers, 78 chicken chicks


"12 chickens, 4 mothers, 84 chicks.

Zhuge Qiu only hesitated and said the answer.

The first answer Huang Chengyan knew, but the second he didn't know, but his intuition told him that it was right.

Now looking at Zhuge Qiu's gaze is the same as seeing a ghost, someone is really so powerful?

"You... Don't test me, it's time for me to test you. Seeing

that Huang Chengyan still wanted to speak, Zhuge Qiu immediately took the lead.

You've had enough, it's my turn.

"Why are you afraid?" Huang

Chengyan was indeed a little stunned in his heart, but he couldn't stand the provocation, and immediately said angrily, "Although it is."

"Good. Zhuge Qiu said with a smile.

"Today there are chickens and rabbits in the same cage, thirty-five on top, ninety-four feet below, ask the geometry of chickens and rabbits?"

Although this question existed in ancient times, Sun Tzu counted the question in the scriptures, but this book probably came out during the Wei and Jin dynasties.

For Huang Chengyan, this question is obviously beyond the standard.

When Huang Chengyan heard it, his heart also clicked, this question, he won't.


Chengyan was so anxious in his heart, and his old face was also very embarrassed.

Zhuge Qiu was also in no hurry and looked at him with a smile.

"Can't figure it out, I'll give you another question, you go home and calculate it slowly."

"A hundred steamed buns and a hundred monks, and three great monks are even more indisputable." Three young monks are divided into one, and how many big and small monks are each?"

This is a famous topic in the Ming Dynasty's abacus everyone, Cheng Dawei's "Straight Pointing to the Algorithm System Sect".

For Huang Chengyan, it is also a super-class topic.

Huang Chengyan's heart suddenly felt like 10,000, and grass and mud horses rushed past.

But it is shocking, how high this attainment can be exported into chapters, with such a level of topics.

In this way, he did not react until Zhuge Qiu left.

Huang Chengyan was also not in the mood to appreciate the Arabic numerals, and immediately ran towards his house.

He must calculate these two questions, otherwise where will his old face go.

Walking home in a hurry, Huang Yueying was studying playing cards at this time.

After doing it for Zhuge Qiu last time, after she came back, she thought about making a pair for herself too.

"Dad, what's going on, why are you so ugly and anxious?" Huang

Yueying saw that her father was wrong, and immediately asked with concern, after all, her father has always been very calm.

It's good if you don't mention it, and it explodes when you mention Huang Chengyan.

"It's not that kid on the street who doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, he dares to look down on the old man, and after the old man solves the problem, he has to look good."

Huang Yueying was a little surprised, and someone could stump his father and make him so angry?

Huang Chengyan didn't want to say it, but when he thought about it, his daughter has always been smart, what if the answer comes out.

So he immediately told Huang Yueying the two questions.

Huang Yueying was also very surprised, "Who came up with this question?" She

also played tricks, studied qimen broken armor, five-element gossip, mathematics is naturally not bad, so she also saw the achievements of these two questions at once.

"Not yet," Huang Chengyan replied smoothly, and then patted his thigh, "I was so angry by that smelly boy that I forgot to ask his name."

"If you don't worry about it, after calculating it, I will go to Xiangyang City every day to look for him, and I don't believe that I can't find him." After

Huang Chengyan finished speaking, he went directly into the study.

"Yueying, this Cao thief has studied some Arabic numerals, if you are interested, you can go and take a look. Soon

, Huang Chengyan opened the door again and said something to Huang Yueying, then closed the door and did not come out again.

Huang Yueying shook her head with a smile, only afraid that her father would be locked up in the study for several days.

I looked at the playing cards in my hand and left the mansion.

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