Zhuge Qiu saw that Dong Qi had actually stopped himself, was this a threat to himself?

I don't know where Lao Cao found this guy, but he dared to talk to himself like this.

"So what?" Zhuge Qiu sneered and looked at Dong Qi, it seems that this guy is really not just doing things according to Lao Cao's orders.

Nine times out of ten, they also fancy Cai Wenji and will be so attentive.

"And what?" Seeing that Zhuge Qiu was so not afraid of death, Dong Qi also snorted coldly.

"I tell you, it's best to stay away from Miss Cai, otherwise you will offend King Wei, and you won't be able to eat and go."

"I'm really not afraid of King Wei, if you have the ability, just let King Wei come to me to punish you."

"Of course, as for whose sin will be punished at that time, then we'll see."

Old Pang chased Cai Wenji, that was Lao Cao nodded, if he found that the pawn he sent dared to make an idea, Dong Qi did not know how he died.

"You..., well, you wait for me."

Dong Qi saw that Zhuge Qiu had no fear, and he couldn't help it for a while, so he naturally didn't dare to stab Cao Cao in this matter.

"Okay, I'll wait." Zhuge Qiu laughed, looked at the angry and corrupted Dong Qi and left directly.

Dong Qi looked at Zhuge Qiu's distant back, and his heart was even more unconvinced.

I can't cure you, someone can cure you.

After Zhuge Qiu left, he went directly to find Pang Tong.

This matchmaker is really hard to do.

"Old Pang, look at your little appearance."

After Zhuge Qiu entered, he found that Pang Tong was still holding Cai Wenji's Huji eighteen pats and watching, and he was immediately angry.

"People Dong Qi, they all know to send the piano to Cai Wenji, why don't you know."

"Jean?" Pang Tong was stunned for a moment, and then a little embarrassed.

"That Shouyi, in fact, I don't hide from you, I can't play the piano."

"You won't? Isn't Kong Ming all right, why don't you be a phoenix chick? Zhuge

Qiu was a little surprised, he thought that Pang Tong would be.

It is estimated that this guy feels that he is not good-looking, and playing the piano is not in line with temperament.

"I know who's going to be."

Playing the piano himself will definitely not be able to do it, and the system has not given itself this skill.

But Zhou Yu will.

Zhou Yu was proficient in music when he was young, and when he listened to people playing, even if he drank alcohol, he was a little drunk, and he could hear a little mistake.

So there are mistakes, Zhou Lang Gu.

Zhou Yu was drinking tea and chatting with Xiao Qiao at this time.

Zhuge Qiu pulled Pang Tong and came in directly.

"Two, what does this mean?"

Zhou Yu looked at the two of them without greeting, and directly entered the hall, really did not treat himself as an outsider.

Pang Tong hesitated, and Zhuge Qiu poked him with his elbow.

"That... That one... Gong Jin, I want to play the piano with you. After Pang Tong finished speaking, his eyes couldn't help but glance at Xiao Qiao.

"You want to make love with me?" Zhou Yu was stunned at first, and his face immediately darkened, "Get out."

"Gong Jin, don't be so petty, aren't you just learning to play the piano with you?"

Zhuge Qiu didn't react for a while, and looked at Zhou Yu and persuaded.

Is playing the piano also a secret skill?

Am I stingy?

It is too much to deceive, and it is not humiliating to kill.

"I used to be the governor of Jiangdong, and my wife and I have a lot of affection, and I was misunderstood for you and me, so forget about Longyang."

"Now you are openly humiliating me."

Zhou Yu rolled up his sleeves and was ready to fight with Zhuge Qiu and Pang Tong.

"No, no, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Gong Jin, that old Pang wants to learn music, music, he wants to learn to play."

Wipe, Zhuge Qiu quickly explained at this time.

Good guy, at this time, you two are still in harmony, no wonder Xiao Qiao's face is not good-looking.

"Ahem, really, he likes Cai Wenji, you know?"

Seeing that Zhou Yu still didn't believe it, Zhuge Qiu continued to explain.

Then Zhuge Qiu explained again, and Zhou Yu let down his guard.

"I heard that you have excellent piano music, so I brought him to study."

"Slightly understood, slightly understood." Seeing this, Zhou Yu said with a modest look.

"It's okay for me to teach you, it's just that this piano song is not something that happens overnight."

After a while, Zhou Yu looked at Pang Tong and frowned and said.

"It's okay, just teach him one that can probably pretend."

Zhuge Qiu can also understand, he can only let Pang Tongxue calculate how much first.

Zhuge Qiu asked Pang Tong to learn from Zhou Yu, and then left directly.

In addition to letting Lao Pang learn some pretend piano skills, there is also a very important thing, that is, to find a good piano.

At this time, there is no piano more suitable than the Jiaowei piano.

Jiaowei Qin is not only a good piano, but also happens to have a relationship with Cai Yong.

There are even interesting stories and legends about Cai Yong and Jiao Weiqin.

So if Pang Tong can give the Jiaowei Qin to Cai Wenji, then the shit thing sent by Dong Qi will naturally be the slag of the second.

Moreover, he really knew where Jiao Weiqin was, not in the palace, nor with Cao Cao.

And it is in Zhuge Qiu's own hands.

It was extracted from its system, and they all ate ashes in the storage ring without knowing how long they had eaten.

However, the acting must be a complete set, and he naturally will not take it out directly like this, so he has to find a trust.

For three days, Pang Tong was with Zhou Yu every day, and Xiao Qiao was squeezed away.

One of the Koto sisters, I didn't expect to lose to a man again.

"How's it going, how did you learn?"

Zhuge Qiu walked in with the Jiao Weiqin and asked.

"Just scratched the surface." Pang Tong said embarrassedly.

"Don't say that, you don't even count as fur." Zhou Yu rolled his eyes.

Yes, seven tips have learned six tips.

"Today you take the piano to see Cai Wenji, if she plays at that time, you don't blindly praise, but learn to pretend to be deep."

"The piano is a good piano, and the music is also a good song, but..."

"Remember, pause when you say it's just, and look like you want to say something."

Zhou Yu watched Zhuge Qiu's on-site teaching, and he was also stunned.

Is it okay to be like this?

Zhuge Qiu led people to Cai Wenji, and at this time Dong Qi was still there, and when he saw people coming, he immediately looked unhappy.

However, Zhuge Qiu also directly ignored him and went directly in.

"Go quickly, tell General Xu Chu, just say that the guy who doesn't know if he is dead or alive is here again, and he brought an ugly monster."

After Dong Qi ordered the other person, he immediately followed.

Later, there will be good fruit for you to eat.

"Listen to Mr. Zhuge say, Mr. Feng Yan also loves music?"

Cai Wenji looked at Pang Tong and took the initiative to ask.

"I know a little about one or two, Miss Cai, I have a piano here, I think the girl must be familiar with it, and now it happens to return to the original owner."

Pang Tong opened his mouth lightly, then took out the Jiaowei qin and took away the covered cloth.

When she saw Jiao Weiqin, Cai Wenji was immediately stunned, obviously she didn't expect it.

"This... This is Jiao Tong. His eyes were red and his sockets were gradually moistened.

Some memories began to emerge and emerge vividly.

When Dong Qi saw it, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

No, I have to find a way to hold it out, General Xu hasn't come yet.

"Since this is a good piano, didn't Mr. say that he was proficient in piano music before, I wonder if Mr. can play a song?"

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