"Where are the people?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and then asked.

"Outside the house, he said that he wanted his husband to go out to meet them in person."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and quickly replied.

"Do you want me to meet them in person?" Zhuge Qiu muttered, "Think that you can do whatever you want if you look beautiful?" That

said, he went outside, he wanted to see who it was.

When Zhuge Qiu walked to the door of the hall, he found that Zhao Yun did not follow, and he stopped and subconsciously glanced at Zhao Yun.

"Zilong, why don't you come with me?"

On weekdays, when he sees people, Zhao Yun basically accompanies him, but this time he didn't move.

Zhuge Qiu felt that this was a bit abnormal, a little strange.

"Sir, I'm not going, Zilong just has something to ask Gong Jin for." Zhao Yun quickly waved his hand, and at the same time made an excuse.

"Zilong, even if you find a reason, you have to find a decent reason, what do you ask him for, this reason is too lame."

Zhou Yu's head was suddenly full of black lines, why did you guys personally attack me when you chatted.

"Forget it, if I don't go, I'll go by myself." Zhuge Qiu didn't bother to think about what Zhao Yun was doing.

After Zhuge Qiu went out, he understood what this guy Zhao Yun was doing, no wonder this guy had bad intentions.

"That... Why are you two here? Zhuge

Qiu didn't expect that it was Huang Yueying and Sun Shangxiang who came.

"Naturally, someone invited us to come." Sun Shangxiang glanced at Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu didn't think of who it was for a while, so he could only bring the two of them in first.

"Sir, Mr. and Mrs. are here."

After Zhao Yun saw them come in, he immediately greeted them with a smile.

But that smile, no matter how you look at it, Zhuge Qiu feels so owed.

This guy knew that they were coming, and deliberately didn't say it, just wanted to watch the play.

When Zhou Yu saw them, he also smiled and said hello.

Zhuge Qiu directly let them stay where they are cool and stay, and they want to stay here to watch their own good show, no way.

"Now you two can say, why are you here?"

After everyone was emptied, Zhuge Qiu looked at the two and asked with a smile.

He believed that Huang Yueying and Sun Shangxiang would not come here for no reason.

"Why, are you afraid that we will know about you going to be married again?"

Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu and did not answer directly, but asked with some complaints.


It is really said, there are indeed some concerns, although it is very common in ancient times, but it is still a little weak-hearted.

Huang Yueying looked at Zhuge Qiu's appearance, snorted, and laughed, "Well, she is teasing you, in fact, we have known for a long time."

"Besides, with your excellence, how can you not be liked."

Look at it, or Huang Yueying knows how good a wife is.

"In this way, you still praise him, I don't know how many sisters you will find for us in the future."

Sun Shangxiang also looked at Huang Yueying with an unhappy look at this time.

"Yes, on the way here, I don't know who is happy all the way."

Huang Yueying looked at Sun Shangxiang and joked with a smile.

"I won't tell you guys, I'll go find Xiao Qiao."

Sun Shangxiang's face suddenly turned red, and then he ran away with a shy look.

"It's really fast." Seeing this, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but sigh.

"In fact, she is giving us time, in her heart, although we met first, but by mistake, you became relatives first, so she felt guilty in her heart."

"Along the way, she's excited." Huang Yueying looked at the direction Sun Shangxiang left and sighed, appearing very moved.

"And this?"

Zhuge Qiu was also very surprised, but he didn't expect Sun Shangxiang to have such a thought.

I thought she was really jealous and had a tantrum.

"In fact, when I came to Xuchang this time, in addition to missing you, there is another thing that my father asked me to hand over to you."

Huang Yueying looked at Zhuge Qiu, and then took out something from her body and handed it to Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu took it, and it was another letter.

Look, this is the trouble of no phone and no WeChat.

Although Huang Chengyan said that at the beginning, he was not satisfied with himself, but later he was also good with himself.

At first, I was afraid that Mr. Sima Weiji of the Water Mirror hated himself, and he deliberately dealt with it for himself.

Even if he is not worried, he still has to accept this love.

After Zhuge Qiu read the letter, he also frowned slightly.

In Huang Chengyan's letters, except for some family members who let themselves take good care of Huang Yueying and the like.

He also highlighted two things, one of which was related to Mr. Sima Wei of the Water Mirror.

Another thing is that Jingzhou seems to be abnormal.

It's just that Huang Chengyan didn't say much in the letter, and it seemed that he wasn't sure.

In the evening, Zhuge Qiu naturally entertained everyone with good food and drink.

"Sir, you said that you are about to marry two wives again, can you teach you?"

Xu Chu ate and drank, and then said with some ambiguity.

When it came to marrying his wife again, Zhuge Qiu obviously felt Sun Shangxiang's love.

Zhuge Qiu immediately gave Xu Chu a blank look, this guy really didn't have any eyesight to speak.

Xu Chu was glanced at by Zhuge Qiu, obviously did not understand Zhuge Qiu's meaning, and thought that he was unwilling, so he immediately spoke.

"Sir, you can't leave it alone, besides, the relationship between us is not as good as Lao Pang."

"You see how ugly he is, you help him find a daughter-in-law."

Xu Chu did not forget to look at Pang Tong's eyes when he said.

"Lao Xu, believe it or not, if I can't beat you, I will kill you."

Pang Tong's face is also dark, he can't speak, don't say it, and he has to pull himself out to show a wave.

"Okay, okay, whoever you like, find me later."

Zhuge Qiu knew that now that Xu Chu was drunk, he didn't want a few drunks to fight and delay his mood to eat.

"I know that Mr. won't care, but I don't like the kind of skinny person you like."

"Okay, stop, I know what you mean."

Zhuge Qiu quickly stopped Xu Chu to show that he knew, if this kid continued to talk, someone would have to fight by then.

When he woke up the next day, Zhuge Qiu also had a headache, because Cao Jie was coming to study medicine today.

That is to say, today the three of them are going to get together.

Three women in one play, it is simply terrible.

"My good husband, if you don't stand up again, then the Cao girl will have to wait for a long time."

Sun Shangxiang was already looking at Zhuge Qiu with a smile at this time.

"That... I'm not feeling well, can I..."

"Are you unwell, why didn't I find out last night?"

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