Deng Ai was originally happy when he heard Zhuge Qiu agree, but he was also a little confused when he heard that he wanted to change his name.

This teacher learns, but also have to change the name?

Although there is such a thing, is it really good to be so direct?

"Dare to ask... Why is Sir? Deng Fan looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"Your name is the same as that of your clan and the same."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Deng Fan and said, this is also the reason why Deng Fan changed his name to Deng Ai in history.

"There is... The matter? How does Sir know?

Deng Fan's eyes widened again, he didn't know this kind of thing, Zhuge Qiu would actually know.

"You can write back to ask for confirmation of this, and I know that you have a stuttering problem."

"Although you speak at this time, cover it up with a slight pause."

After Deng Fan heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he couldn't hide his surprise in his heart.

"He has a stutter?" Xu Chu on the side was stunned, he didn't hear it.

There was a pause, and he thought it was the fault of this group of readers.

"First... Sir really... Zhennai God and Man, my stuttering problem, since childhood, I used to practice with stones in my mouth, which has greatly improved, and when I am not nervous, it is hardly too obvious.

Deng Fan looked at Zhuge Qiu, and now he was impressed by the five bodies.

He didn't believe that he was a nameless person, and Zhuge Qiu would go out of his way to investigate himself.

And he was very confident that he had just opened his mouth, and the pause was very good, but he was still seen at a glance.

Zhuge Qiu listened and understood, it turned out to be practiced with stones, no wonder he didn't notice much at first.

However, this kind of exercise is not easy, not only for a long time, but also often because of the practice with stones, lips and tongue, often rubbed and bleeding.

If you think about it, Deng Ai's success in history did not happen overnight, and when he was discovered and appreciated by Sima Yi, he was already in his forties.

If it weren't for his persistence and opportunity, I was afraid that he would have been in the field in this life, and then he would have stolen cards.

"Mr. Xie appreciated, but the matter of changing the name, Deng Fan also needs to discuss and consider."

"It should."

Zhuge Qiu smiled and nodded, it was not a trivial matter, and he knew that Deng Fan was only afraid to verify what he said, whether there was someone with the same name.

"Let's take him along?"

Xu Chu was also looking at the two of them on the side, didn't he say that he would take me to fly, why are there more people?

"That's natural, in the future, his reputation will not be worse than that of you tiger."

Since he met it, Zhuge Qiu naturally would not let it go, and besides, staying by his side was better than giving it to Sima Yi.

"Thank you sir, the kid will learn humbly in the future."

Deng Fan naturally didn't understand what Zhuge Qiu meant, he only thought that this was Zhuge Qiu's praise and recognition.

So the duo on the street is now a trio.

Zhuge Qiu even waved his hand directly and squandered it with a few people.

Xu Chu didn't know if he was stained with this Deng Fan's light.

When he returned to the mansion, Cao Jie naturally went back and was gone.

Sun Shangxiang and Huang Yueying were naturally there.

Originally, Sun Shangxiang wanted to tease Zhuge Qiu, but he saw that Zhuge Qiu returned with Deng Fan.

"How long have you been out, even the children are so old?"

When Zhuge Qiu heard this, his head was suddenly full of black lines, and he said that his chest was big and brainless, and he really came with his mouth open.

"What do you think, this is Deng Fan, and he will be my disciple in the future."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Sun Shangxiang, and then began to introduce it.

"It turned out to be a person from the Deng family, I have heard of some, although the Deng family is already weak, in the end it is also a big family, and it is not surprising that the people in the younger generation are favored by Shouyi."

After hearing this, Huang Yueying looked at Deng Fan and said, after all, their Huang family is in Jingzhou.

So for the affairs of Jingzhou, she knows more naturally than Sun Shangxiang.

Although Deng Fan's arrival was not a very unusual thing, but because he was Zhuge Qiu's disciple, all this seemed different.

Lao Cao also specially called Zhuge Qiu over.

"Why did you suddenly take the initiative to put away your apprentice?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked with a smile, knowing that he had forced Cao Pi and them to Zhuge Qiu in the first place.

As a result, in the end, the closest to Zhuge Qiu, apart from Cao Chong, was only Cao Zhang.

"The investment will naturally be received."

Zhuge Qiu also knew Cao Cao's careful thinking, and immediately replied with a smile.

"To be seen by you, I see that this person must be extraordinary, and I also know a little about yesterday's events, this person is indeed far beyond his peers."

After all, Xu Chu went with him yesterday, and this guy can hide something from his big mouth for a long time.

Apparently there is none.

"Now this Liu Bei and Sun Quan are busy fighting foreign races, and I heard that this Liu Bei also asked Zhuge Kongming to lead troops to attack Nanban."

"This Sun Quan is also attacking everywhere now, and it is said that he has the intention of attacking Jiaozhou."

Soon Cao Cao did not entangle the topic of Deng Fan, but watched Zhuge Qiu pull the topic to Sun Quan and Liu Bei.

"You brought this trend, they are like this, I can't send troops to attack them."

"Otherwise, the people of this world are afraid that they will criticize me again."

Cao Cao glanced at Zhuge Qiu, and then said with a bitter smile.

Zhuge Qiu was unimpressed, so he did not believe that Cao Cao would be afraid of the world's scolding.

It's just that in Cao Cao's heart too, fight foreign races, I can let you fight first.

When you're done, we'll fight behind closed doors.

Otherwise, this insult is a piece of cake for him.

"Okay, anyway, you're not afraid of scolding, when you were the King of Wei, you were scolded less?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Cao speechlessly and asked rhetorically.

"You came to me today, wouldn't it be for Deng Fan's affairs?"

"You know, nothing can be hidden from you, and you must know about Jingzhou's affairs, right?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and smiled, although he was also surprised by Deng Fan's matter, he did not deliberately entangle this matter.

Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment, and then thought of what Huang Chengyan had told him in his letter.

At first, he didn't intend to pay attention to it, but he didn't expect that now it seems that Cao Cao should have received the news.

"Shall I go then?"

After thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu took the initiative to speak.

Although Lao Cao may not have this meaning, he can also deal with Sima Wei's affairs when he goes.

"Actually, I'm going to let Shiyuan go, but if you go, I'm more at ease."

Zhuge Qiu got up with a smile after listening to Cao Cao's words, after all, he had to prepare to leave Xu Chang.

"That... Shouyi..." As

soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by Cao Cao again.

"Why, you have something for me to transfer to Mrs. Cai?"

Zhuge Qiu stopped, turned to look at Cao Cao and smiled, obviously he did it on purpose.

"No, I'll let you add more tomorrow."

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