Sun Shangxiang nodded subconsciously, but she hadn't spoken yet, and at this time Zhuge Qiu had already spoken again.

"Is my mother sick?"

If there is anything in Jiangdong that can make Sun Shangxiang so gaffe, it must be Wu Guotai.

When he and Sun Shangxiang became married, if it weren't for Wu Guotai's help, I am afraid that it would not be so easy to leave.

Because of her existence and favoritism, this makes Sun Quan throw himself into the rat and has many concerns.

"The letter said that my mother was seriously ill, and the doctor was helpless, and if there was no good medical treatment, I was afraid that time would run out."

Sun Shangxiang was not surprised that Zhuge Qiu could guess what was said in the letter, and Zhuge Qiu's ability was naturally clear to her.

"So serious?" Zhuge Qiu frowned again.

"Hmm." Sun Shangxiang nodded.

Zhuge Qiu didn't speak for a while, and he wasn't sure if this would be Sun Quan's old routine.

In the acting, isn't this how Sun Shangxiang was tricked back?

At that time, Sun Quan's purpose was to trick Ah Dou into Jiangdong through Sun Shangxiang.

"I know your Gu..."

"Needless to say, I'll go back with you, if this matter is true, since Jiangdong's doctors are helpless, maybe I can help."

Zhuge Qiu interrupted Sun Shangxiang's words and immediately spoke.

True or false, he is not willing to gamble, Wu Guotai is Sun Shangxiang's mother and has also helped himself, this is enough.

If this is really Sun Quan's scheme, then when the time comes to pacify Jiangdong, he will not need to think about this love.

A person who even his mother can take out and use, whether it is a hero or not, he disdains.

Sun Shangxiang was also moved after listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, she knew very well in her heart that Zhuge Qiu also had adventures, but she also understood Zhuge Qiu's medical skills.

"Husband, you are so good, in this life, I will live and die."

Sun Shangxiang's eyes were moist, his eyes were red, and he threw himself into Zhuge Qiu's arms.

While Zhuge Qiu asked Sun Shangxiang to pack up his things, he went to Zhao Yun and them to explain things.

"Old Mrs. Wu is seriously ill?" After Lu Su heard the news, he was also stunned.

"I heard that the old lady was unwell, but I never met, and since the marriage, the relationship between the old lady and my father-in-law has also become delicate."

Zhuge Qiu kept looking at Lu Su, and he knew that Lu Su was not lying.

At least he didn't understand, and if Lu Su had come with this purpose in the first place, it couldn't have been so long before there was movement.

Since Lu Su can't get reliable information here, he can only go to Jiangdong.

"Zijing go back with me, Gong Jin, will you go back?"

Looking at Zhou Yu, Zhuge Qiu asked.

"I... I won't go, now I am an official in Xuchang, and I have no face to see Father Jiangdong. "

I would like to go back, but Sun Quan didn't mean that.

Besides, if I go back and help again, what will others think.

Zhou Yu feels that at this time, whether it is true or not, he can't participate in it, he doesn't believe that there is such an evil sect, if he doesn't go back, I can still help you.

Zhuge Qiu did not force Zhou Yu to go back together, but returned to Jiangdong with Sun Shangxiang and Lu Su early the next morning.

"General Zhao, I can understand that Sir doesn't take me, but why doesn't Sir let you accompany you?"

Deng Ai looked at the direction Zhuge Qiu left and asked puzzled.

"You, learn slowly." Zhao Yun smiled, then turned around and walked back.


"Lord, rest assured, Miss Sun has a deep affection for the old lady since childhood, and this time the old lady is seriously ill, and she will inevitably return to Jiangdong."

"Zhuge Qiu's medical skills are superb, and the young lady will definitely let him accompany him."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan, who was pacing back and forth, and said.

He is still very confident on this issue.

"Bo Yan, you said that we will take advantage of the old lady's condition, will it be too much... Too... Not suitable anymore.

Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun and sighed, seemingly a little entangled.

"The Lord is benevolent and admired, but in extraordinary times, extraordinary means are required."

"Now that the old lady is seriously ill, as a son-in-law, he should do his best to fulfill his filial piety, if it wasn't for the old lady, how could this Zhuge Qiu escape from Jiangdong?"

"If he can cure the old lady, then leave the two of them in Jiangdong and fulfill their filial piety in front of the old lady, and they are willing to come to her old man's house."

"But if he can't cure the old lady, then the Lord was righteous and let him go because of the old lady, and now it should also end because of the old lady."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and said coldly, obviously Lu Xun has never forgotten the previous things.

Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun and thought about the current situation, the battle in Hefei, he has become a laughing stock, what else is worth caring about?

Jiangdong Foundation is absolutely impossible to destroy in his own hands.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan's gaze also became firm, and he was a little more indifferent.

"How sure are you this time?"

"Don't worry, Gong Jin is not there, and Bo Yan is ninety percent sure."

Lu Xun immediately asserted that he knew that Sun Quan had agreed to say this.

"Go down and get ready."

"Yes." Lu Xun led the way, full of confidence.

"Well, then it's good, try to keep them alive."

When Lu Xun walked to the door, Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun's back and said.

Lu Xun only paused and did not answer, and then disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Sir, we're almost to Koto."

A few days later, on the surface of the river, Lu Su looked at the dock and looked at Zhuge Qiu and said lightly.

"Isn't that great, at least it shows that Zijing has returned safely to Jiangdong again."

After Zhuge Qiu listened to Lu Su's words, he immediately said with a smile.

Although this makes sense, it always feels a little awkward.

"Sir, aren't you really worried that this is a trap?"

After a while, Lu Su saw that he was about to land and couldn't help but ask again.

Sometimes he feels that he really doesn't understand Zhuge Qiu, is he really so confident that there is no place he can't go?

"If it were someone else, maybe I wouldn't go, but the old lady has a grace for me, and my wife has the grace of nurturing, I can't leave it alone."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Lu Su and answered, this is his idea and answer.

Lu Su didn't ask more, he already understood.

The ship docked, and Lu Su and Zhuge Qiu soon landed together.

Lu Xun has long been waiting here, to be precise, he has been here these days.

"Mr. Zhuge , we meet again."

"Yes, meet again, Bo Yan, please lead the way."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lu Xun and replied, it seems that this time things are not simple.

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