"At this time, Gong Jin must have returned to Jingzhou."

In Sun Quan's mansion, Lu Su looked at Sun Quan and Lu Xun and said.

"Isn't that what Lord Zijing wants to see?"

Obviously, Lu Xun was still a little displeased, so he replied a little coldly.

"Bo Yan, I don't know if you can listen to me today?"

Lu Su looked at Lu Xun and paused, then asked.

"Adults may as well say it bluntly, and juniors should listen to it."

"Zhuge Qiu is a wizard, I think everyone knows a lot, whether it is poetry and song, or arithmetic magic, salt farming, ingenious schemes, it can be said that he knows everything."

"Such talents are difficult for ordinary people to match, and if you want to deal with him, you must not be too hasty, let alone extreme."

"Bo Yan has a competitive heart, I can understand, but people should be more humble, not arrogant and impatient."

Lu Xun listened to Lu Su's words, and at first he was a little disdainful, but he thought of the mistake he made when he was facing Ge Qiu.

But in his heart, he began to recognize it again, and many times he regarded Zhuge Qiu's words and deeds as provocations, and thus lost his mind.

Gradually, Lu Xun also began to calm down and thanked Lu Xun.

"Thanks for the teaching, Bo Yan understood, in the past, Bo Yan was eager to win, ignoring the gap between the two, or he was unwilling to admit it."

"For the sake of generals, they should be humble and guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

"Only by having both civility and martial arts can we break the enemy like a bamboo."

After Lu Xun finished speaking, he saluted Lu Su again.

Sun Quan and Lu Su both saw the change in Lu Xun, and the whole person's temperament seemed to have changed.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu is not here, if he is here, he is estimated to sigh.

Is this Nima enlightened and transformed into a god?

"In this case, what does Na Bo Yan think should be done next?"

Sun Quan saw that Lu Xun also spoke at this time, quite tentatively.

"Bo Yan will prepare a thin gift tomorrow to apologize to the old lady and Mrs. Da Qiao."

"Okay, okay, go ahead."

Sun Quan also said with a smile when he heard this, obviously very satisfied with Lu Xun's attitude.

Lu Xun answered and retreated.

"Zijing, I didn't expect that your words today seem to have changed a lot in Boyan." Sun Quan looked at the direction in which Lu Xun disappeared and sighed.

"Bo Yan is originally a talent of Jiangdong, if he can really remember today's words, it is really Jiangdong's luck." Lu Su also showed a faint smile.

"By the way, Zijing, do you have any words that can make Gong Jin have an epiphany."

"This guy's undercover mission, the more he lies, the more mysterious it is."

After being happy for a while, Sun Quan quickly thought of something again, and looked at Lu Su with an expectant look and asked.

Lu Su: ...

"Well, it's me who is hard for you." After Sun Quan saw Lu Su's silent reaction, he waved his hand and signaled that there was nothing wrong, and Lu Su could also retreat first.

"Is there no way?"

When Lu Su left, he also heard Sun Quan's self-talk, and his heart was speechless for a while.

Gong Jin, Gong Jin, you are really a big problem.

"Ah Qiu."

Zhou Yu on the other side was about to go in when he suddenly sneezed.

Could it be that Zhuge Qiu cursed me in his heart?

"Husband, what's wrong with you, but you got cold on the way back?"

Seeing this, Xiao Qiao looked at Zhou Yu with concern and asked.

"Didn't... It's okay, let's go inside. Zhou

Yu thought about it, anyway, he has to face it, he is not embarrassed to pretend to be a woman, why should I be embarrassed.

As long as I am not embarrassed, it is he Zhuge Qiu who is embarrassed.

After figuring it out, Zhou Yu directly led people in.

"Oh, Zilong, long time no see, has Sir come back?"

"I accompanied my wife to worship the ancestors this time, and I just brought my lady back, and my husband must be happy to see it."

After Zhou Yu went in, he saw that Zhao Yunzheng didn't know what he was muttering with Deng Ai, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Sir, he came back a few days ago." Zhao Yun's gaze moved from Deng Ai to Zhou Yu's side.

"Then I will go to see Shouyi first, I still have something to discuss with him."

Zhao Yun naturally won't stop Zhou Yu, after all, everyone doesn't get along for a day or two.

"You're back."

When they entered, Zhuge Qiu was writing something, and when he saw someone come in, he immediately put down his pen and said hello.

"You know we're back today?" Sun Shangxiang was a little surprised.

"Forget it." Zhuge Qiu smiled, Sun Shangxiang's safety, he was not worried about it, something could happen with Wu Guotai protecting.

It's just that the time to come back is much earlier than I thought before.

"Gong Jin, what do you always look at me for, Zilong said that you accompanied your wife to Anhui County, why did you come back now?"

After Zhuge Qiu pulled Sun Shangxiang aside, he looked at Zhou Yu, who did not speak, and spoke.

As soon as Zhou Yu heard this, his heart was also 10,000 grooves.

I still underestimated the thickness of this guy Zhuge Qiu's face.

If nothing happened, you still have the face to ask me, why did I come back now.

If it weren't for you, we would be captured by this guy Lu Xun?

"Some little things were delayed, and I met Lu Boyan on the way, and he said that you were in a hurry to go back, so let me pick up Madame."

Finally, Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and replied.

Say okay, as long as you are not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

As a result, he was still too hasty.

But since he pretended not to know, he could only continue.

"That's hard work."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu and continued to say nonchalantly.

Soon, Zhou Yu couldn't stand this embarrassment, made an excuse, said that he was tired and left directly.

"You said that we will all come back like this, will my brother find trouble with my sister-in-law and mother in the future."

After Zhou Yu left, Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a worried face.

"With the old lady here, it will be fine."

Zhuge Qiu was still clear about this, and he believed that even if Sun Quan wanted to do something, it would not be too much.

After all, if these two people move, they will be drowned by the spit stars.

At most, as in history, the children of Da Qiao and Sun Ce were completely marginalized and made some nominal officials.

Da Qiao's life will definitely not be a problem, and he is not good at telling Sun Shangxiang.

Even when it comes to this official, neither she nor Wu Guotai has this power to change.

"Sir, sir, King Wei has sent a letter, saying that after the affairs of Jingzhou are handled, Sir can return to Yecheng."

At this moment, Zhao Yun came in to spread the channel.

"Back to Yecheng?"

Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled.

"This is a letter, and the one who sent the message said that the gentleman would understand it when he read the letter."

Zhao Yun also saw Zhuge Qiu's doubts, and added a sentence.

"Sir, there is also a letter delivery outside, saying that it is from Yizhou."

Before Zhuge Qiu could read the letter, Deng Ai ran in again.

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