"Brother Kuan, have you finally figured it out?" On

the lively street, two richly dressed Gongzi brothers walked side by side, followed by many small entourage.

"This damn bastard, I have never been so humiliated, let me be the laughing stock of everyone, if I run into him, I have to let him know how powerful it is." As

long as Kuang Jing thought about what happened at the tea party that day, his mood was extremely unhappy.

He hasn't been to a party since, because he knows he's a joke even if he doesn't dare say it in person.

"Teach him a hard lesson. Chu Yuan also echoed.

As he spoke, Chu Yuan's eyes flickered, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him, coming in his direction.

"Brother Quan, is that kid?" Chu

Yuan immediately pointed excitedly at Zhuge Qiu who was trotting in front of him.

He was also present that day, although Zhuge Qiu mainly aimed at Quang Jing, but the last sentence was garbage and extremely lethal.

As soon as Kuang Jing heard this, he immediately felt like he had beaten chicken blood, and sure enough, he saw Zhuge Qiu trotting over.

He immediately sneered, "It's really a narrow road." As soon as

Kuang Jing beckoned the small house and entourage behind him, he immediately noticed and stopped Zhuge Qiu and surrounded him.

Zhuge Qiu didn't pay attention at first, after all, he was going to show up once, and he was still a little excited.

When he saw the person at the head, he immediately understood.

"Brother Kuang is so Yaxing, could it be that he came to ask for poetry today?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them calmly and asked with a smile, without a trace of fear.

"Fart, please. Kuang Jing immediately replied with an ugly face.

Seeing that Zhuge Qiu even dared to mention the events of that day, he was even more angry.

"Good boy, there is a way to heaven you don't go, hell has no door you break in, I care what Zhuge you are, today Young Master Ben wants to make you a pig brother." "

With a move of Kuang Jing's hand, he let those entourage prepare to start.

The little ones had not yet had time to start, and at this time Zhuge Qiu was already preemptive.

"Killing, someone killing.

Zhuge Qiu pulled his throat and shouted hard, it is estimated that he did not eat golden throat tablets in his previous life.

Kuang Jing and Chu Yuan were both stunned, such a scoundrel.

On the street, of course, they dare not kill people on the street, and the land of Jingxiang today is not the former Jingxiang.

The laws under Cao Cao were still very strict, which was also his means to calm the hearts of the people and win the trust of the people.

In order to reflect this, in addition to the patrol army of Jingzhou, Cao Cao also asked his own soldiers from Xuchang to patrol with him.

There is the intention of protecting the people, but there is also the purpose of discovering the situation at any time and preparing for suppression.

Looking at the people who were originally not afraid to be nosy, they were all attracted by this voice, and the two were also anxious.

"Brother Quan, it's so easy, the patrol army has attracted ah."

Kuang Jing gave him a blank look, of course he knew, and was ready to take Zhuge Qiu and leave.

"What are you gathering here?" suddenly

a question sounded, and a group of about ten Jingzhou patrols came, led by one of them.

The two of them were startled, and they were relieved to see that it was the Jingzhou patrol army, fortunately it was not Cao Cao's patrol army.

"Kuang Gongzi. As

soon as Kuang Jing was about to speak, the other party had already taken the initiative to speak, and Quang Jing was a little surprised, "You know me?" "

Little Han Zhu, I was fortunate enough to know Lord Qualiang before, so I have seen Gongzi, the little one has today, and thanks to Master Quan."

When Kuang Jing heard this, there was such a good thing, and immediately smiled and replied, "The adults are serious, they are all for the people."

"I don't know what is going on with Kuang Gongzi?" Han Ji asked with a smile

, "This person used vulgar words to humiliate Brother Kuan, and he wanted to teach him two words, but this person turned out to be a scoundrel and made a fuss on the street." Chu

Yuan immediately opened his mouth and said, since he is his own person, it is naturally easy to do things.

Han Zhu is not stupid, where can he not understand when he hears this, this is offending Kuang Jing.

He originally wanted to slap, how could he let go of such an opportunity.

"This prince, what do you say about this?"

asked Han Zhu as he turned to look at Zhuge Qiu and looked like a businesslike person.

"I have nothing to say, who do you believe, don't you have a number in your heart?" Originally

, he wanted to lure Cao Cao's patrol troops, but he saw it when he was just passing by.

I didn't expect that it was Jingzhou Jun who came first, and he happened to know Quanjing.

However, he did not dare to resist directly, after all, he was not a person who practiced martial arts, and these soldiers had weapons.

"Since you have admitted it, bring it back and investigate it properly, and make trouble on the street and must be severely punished."

After Han Zhu finished speaking, a soldier stepped forward and rescorted Zhuge Qiu.

"Don't be too happy.

Zhuge Qiu laughed and was taken away.

"Lord Han, this person is so rude, the adult must be severely punished.

"Gongzi, please rest assured.

Quang Jing spoke, and Han Zhu immediately replied with a smile, why not do this kind of human favor.

Looking at this dim and damp cell, Zhuge Qiu also sighed, he didn't expect that he would have such an experience.

"Get in. "

Zhuge Qiu was directly pushed in, the treatment was not bad, single single room.

"Go in, go in, but don't beg me to come out then."

Zhuge Qiu found a corner and sat down.

"Come in here, you are still hard-mouthed, are you looking for death."

A soldier immediately scolded angrily.

"Don't bother, lock him up for a while, starve him for a few days, and then teach him a lesson."

Han Zhu said with a cold snort and led the pawn away.

"Boss, why don't

you let me teach him a lesson?" "After entering us, are you afraid that you won't have a chance

to teach a lesson?" "It can be seen that Kuang Gongzi has a great resentment towards him, if you let Kuang Gongzi personally teach him, what do you think Quang Gongzi will do to us?"

Han Zhu said with a smug smile, since he wanted to shoot, then naturally he had to shoot it well.

Zhuge Qiu entered the cell, Jia Xu's side had long been anxious, but there was no way, Zhuge Qiu did not come, he could only bite the bullet.

Fortunately, what Zhuge Qiu said last night, he wrote it down.

Huang Yueying never thought that it would be Jia Xu who solved the problem.

She asked many times, but Jia Xu didn't say more.

Everyone dispersed, Jia Xu successfully completed the task, and then they went back separately.

"Prime Minister, everything has been done.

Jia Xu went back to Cao Cao.

"Well done, this time you and Shouyi are both rewarded, this time you work with Shouyi, what do you think

?" "Didn't the prime minister let Shouyi come?"

said Jia Xu a little surprised.

"Didn't go?" Cao Cao frowned, "Shouyi will never break the contract."

"Just let me see. The

two just arrived just in time to see Zhao Yun come out, "Shouyi didn't come back." "

Didn't he go to Mr. Jia Xu

?" When Cao Cao heard this, his face suddenly changed.

"Immediately send someone to search, and immediately let Zhang Liao come to see me. "

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