"Old Taoist, did I say to go with you, it's just right if you don't let you go, I tell you, our King Wei won't go either."

Xun Yu was also angry, and he went back directly, anyway, I don't believe it here, what else can you old Taoist priest do with me.

"Poor Dao talks to King Wei, can you still be the master of King Wei?"

Zuo Ci was originally unhappy today, and now Xun Yu dared to talk back to him to find trouble.

Therefore, he couldn't care so much, and directly worked with Xun Yu.

Zhuge Qiu was also speechless when he saw these two, and one of them could be regarded as one of the trusted advisers under Cao Cao.

An old Taoist priest who is also a good villain can be regarded as an immortal wind Daoist bone, as a result, he actually quarreled like this, which is simply amazing.

However, it seems that Zuo Ci, this guy, has quite a hand in quarrelling, and he has a feeling of dominance.

Cao Cao was also big for a while, but he naturally stood on Xun Fu's side, after all, Xun Fu was his own person and worked for him.

This Zuo Ci didn't know what demon technique he used, and he made so many things to let himself eat an orange.

This posture means to smash the field.

Cao Cao naturally had no good impression of Zuo Ci.

"Well, there is no need to argue, Gu is not interested in your Taoism, and besides, people in this world also need Gu."

Cao Cao glanced at Zuo Ci, and then waved his hand to signal that Zuo Ci could leave if there was nothing else.

Zuo Ci still wanted to say something, but seeing that Cao Cao was resolute, and there was another Zhuge Qiu here, he didn't speak.

"It's okay, the meaning of the poor road today, Xiaoyou already knows everything, then the means of the poor road naturally cannot touch King Wei."

"Little friend, today's matter is that you have won."

Zuo Ci finally looked at Zhuge Qiu and sighed and said.

Zhuge Qiu didn't explain anything, but just answered with a smile, "It's heavy." Although

he also wants to watch Zuo Ci's performance later, it doesn't seem good if Zuo Ci knows that he won't know his things at all.

So he simply let Zuo Ci go like this, and he saved himself trouble.

"Although I lost today, I also thank Xiaoyou for your kindness that day."

After saying that, Zuo Ci left leisurely.

After Zuo Ci left, Zhuge Qiu was still nothing, and the others had already directly surrounded Zhuge Qiu.

"Shouyi, can you call us?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at their appearance, and suddenly he was speechless, I ordered a fart, do you want me to take out a bag of Mai Lisu for you in public?

"Ahem, this, it depends on chance, look at chance, let's talk about King Wei's palace."

Finally, Zhuge Qiu said perfunctorily.

After some excitement, it was finally stopped by Cao Cao that it quieted down.

"Three days later, King Wei is ready to entertain all the ministers of culture and martial arts in the Wei palace, and His Majesty will personally congratulate him when he arrives."

Xun Yu frowned at this time and spoke.

"The relationship between His Majesty and King Wei is already delicate, it stands to reason that King Wei set up a banquet in King Wei's palace, and this canonization ceremony has long passed, and His Majesty will naturally not come again."

"But His Majesty insisted on coming, and I thought it was not easy."

After Zhuge Qiu heard this, he also understood what Xun Yu meant.

No wonder these people gathered here, except to be happy that they were discussing this unhappy thing.

"You are worried that Your Majesty has some plans, and when the time comes, this banquet will be difficult."

Of course, it is normal for them to worry that the Liu Association will make things difficult.

Liu Xie's move was already strange, and it can be said that it was already a kind of attack.

No matter what purpose Liu Xie originally made Cao Cao king.

Now that Cao Cao is crowned king, this is also his territory, and here is Cao Cao's largest, which is understandable.

However, when the Wei palace opened the palace and set up a banquet, Liu Xie came, and he no longer had real power, which also bore the name of the emperor.

Those officials who participated in the banquet naturally could not ignore Liu Xie, no matter whether they were sincere or false, then they had to give Liu Xie face.

Then Cao Cao, the King of Wei, must be shorter than Liu Xie.

In this case, it is naturally somewhat ugly.

Especially at this time, Liu Xie will have a better chance to make some small moves.

"Good." Xun Yu nodded.

"Shouyi, do you have a way to deal with it?" Cao Cao also asked at this time.

Obviously, this also shows that he is also somewhat worried, after all, on happy days, being disgusted is as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, and it is enough to see the trick."

Zhuge Qiu said indifferently.

It can't be said that Liu Xie is forced not to appear, although with Cao Cao's power, it can be done, but this is also easy to criticize, there is no need for this.

"It can only be so, there is righteousness, there is no worry."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao also answered.

After Cao Cao clapped, everyone finally went back to their respective homes.

But on the way back, Zhuge Qiu also felt it.

It seems that this identity of King Wei makes Cao Cao very concerned.

If this had been before, Liu Xie had disgusted Cao Cao as an identity, although he was not happy, but Cao Cao would not care so much.

Even he dared to go back with Liu Xie in person, but this time he seemed to be very concerned.

In the end, he was still afraid that on this particular occasion, he would lose the face of King Wei.

After going back, Zhuge Qiu probably told Zhao Yun what happened today.

"Although I have heard that there are many strange people in the world, I didn't expect that there were really people who had such skills."

"My brother has met such a person before, and my brother lost his life because of this."

Sun Shangxiang also thought of something he didn't want to think about after Zhao Yun finished speaking, and his eyes became a little sad.

Zhou Yu didn't say anything after hearing this, obviously he also knew about this matter, and he also recalled the original incident a little.

Zhao Yun was very curious, but seeing their appearance, Zhao Yun did not ask and chose silence.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu knew what Sun Shangxiang and Zhou Yu were talking about.

On the Jiangdong side, the most famous Taoist is Yu Ji.

Originally, Zhuge Qiu also thought that this was just what was said in the speech, but now it seems that these things, true and false, really can't be completely unbelieved.

"What are you talking about Yu Ji?" Zhuge Qiu looked at them and also spoke.

"You know about that?"

"Although this matter was not widely reported at the beginning, but at that time, the second brother did a very severe treatment, and no one wanted to mention this matter again."

Sun Shangxiang was a little surprised, and finally looked at Zhuge Qiu and sighed, and then spoke.

"Actually, this matter is not exactly as it was reported..."

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