For a while, everyone's eyes subconsciously looked in the direction of Liu Xielai, and at this time, the dragon robe on his body appeared more dazzling than usual.

"Why, you guys don't know Ai Qing anymore?"

Liu Xie naturally also saw what they were hesitating in their hearts, and knew what was in their hearts.

Liu Xie's opening, the other ministers did not know whether to speak, or should not speak.

If you want to play the fool at this time, there must be no way to fool the past.

"King Wei, congratulations to King Wei today, the palace has been completed today, and the power of King Wei is well deserved."

Liu Xie knew that they were waiting for Cao Cao's attitude, so he also said with a faint smile.

"Is Your Majesty here to congratulate you today?"

Cao Cao's face was no better at this time, but he still couldn't ignore Liu Xie.

"Naturally, congratulations, does King Wei have any opinion on Xuan?"

Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao and replied with a smile, the smell of gunpowder under the smile, not only Zhuge Qiu, but also those ministers, also smelled it.

But what made them breathe a sigh of relief was that Liu Xie was not forcing them, and they didn't need to think about whether to salute or not.

As a result, the next moment, Liu Xie's words made them feel that 10,000 grass and mud horses were galloping past.

"What do the ministers think, do you think Xu has an opinion about King Wei, or do you also have an opinion about Xuan?"

You have an opinion, it is not a matter of once or twice, not everyone in the world knows, the two of you are not compatible.

However, although they know this in their hearts, they also know that they must not be able to say it.

"Mr. Zhuge , what do you think about this matter?"

No one dared to speak, and Liu Xie also understood, and then set his eyes on Zhuge Qiu's body.

"How do I think, everyone with discerning eyes knows the relationship between His Majesty and King Wei, so why should His Majesty knowingly ask?"

"Your Majesty and King Wei can get to this point, doesn't Your Majesty know how to introspect yourself?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Xie, he was not used to him, originally he thought that he could not find a chance to speak.

Liu Xie now sent it up by himself, wanting to take him Zhuge Qiu, that is really embarrassing, chose the wrong object.

After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, many ministers also gasped, although what Zhuge Qiu said was something that everyone knew.

But on this occasion today, Zhuge Qiu was able to say it directly, that is, to scare Liu Xie.

After Liu Xie listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, his face also changed, he expected Zhuge Qiu to not buy his account too much, but what he didn't expect was that he would not give face at all.

But soon Liu Xie laughed again, which was just earlier than he expected.

"Zhuge Aiqing, your words are disrespectful, why don't you know that the relationship between Xu and King Wei is so powerful, you are provoking, the relationship between Xu and King Wei."

"King Wei is the pillar of the Great Han, what is your intention in provoking so much?"

When it came to the back, Liu Xie had already watched Zhuge Qiu once again put on the majesty of the emperor and questioned.

"King Wei, what do you think he should do to provoke the relationship between monarchs and subjects?"

Not only questioning Zhuge Qiu, but also directly approaching Cao Cao.

After Xun Yu heard this, he also secretly shook his head in his heart.

Liu Xie really came prepared, and the one who came was not good.

Not only did he give Zhuge Qiuan a provocative charge, but he also told everyone the way of a prince, at least today he is still a king.

In the end, he put Cao Cao in the place of choice, if he also admitted that Zhuge Qiu provoked, I am afraid that if he is indispensable to punish the crime, it may cause a mustard between Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao.

If he is not punished, then it is equivalent to Cao Cao admitting and telling the people of the world that he and Liu Xie are not compatible.

"I really didn't expect that His Majesty would come to sow discord with such a hand, or on such an occasion." Jia Xu couldn't help but whisper.

"Shouyi, it seems that he is still a little impulsive, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be like this."

Xun Yu heard Jia Xu's whispered words, and at this time he also whispered back immediately, appearing a little puzzled.

Jia Xu was also puzzled, and when he wanted to speak, Cao Cao had already stood up from his seat at this time.

"Your Majesty, why did you say this, but since Your Majesty opened your mouth to ask, then I will be blunt, and please don't blame Your Majesty."

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie, and at the same time glanced at the ministers in the audience.

"Since the rebellion of Dong Zhuo and Li and Guo Qiang, the minister welcomed His Majesty to Luoyang and returned to Xuchang to revive the Han court, but the people under the world are Daoist ministers, holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes, the relationship between this minister and His Majesty, it can be seen that this is so, I don't know what His Majesty thinks?"

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and also sneered, and said.

However, he did not wait for Liu Xie to answer, but continued to speak.

"Since everyone in the world thinks that the ministers are holding the Son of Heaven hostage to order the princes, then what is wrong with the words of righteousness today?"

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and asked rhetorically, which also showed his own attitude.

Cao Cao stood on Zhuge Qiu's side.

This is a result that everyone is not surprised, but when Cao Cao is so direct, it also makes them sigh with emotion.

After Zhuge Qiu heard Cao Cao's words, he was not too surprised, but it was also one of the results he wanted to be tough and Liu Xie wanted.

When Zuo Ci came, the changes in Cao Cao made him still want to see if he had changed Cao Cao.

As for Liu Xie's tricks, he didn't care at all, he didn't have any monarchy concepts, so there were no concerns of those ministers.

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied with this answer, or do you have any other views on Your Majesty?"

At this time, Zhuge Qiu also stood up directly, looking at Liu Xie and said very calmly.

"Xu has no opinion, since King Wei and Zhuge Aiqing have the same opinion, then why do you need to ask Xu more?"

"Whether it's King Wei or Zhuge Aiqing, when have you asked Xuan's opinion before?"

Liu Xie looked at Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao, sneered and asked.

Cao Cao glanced at Liu Xie, seeing that Liu Xie was also iron-hearted this time, and wanted to tear his face.

"Zhuge Aiqing, a few days ago, Xu asked people to come and deliver the will to you, didn't Zhuge Aiqing just ignore it?"

"I don't know what you think you should be guilty of this disobedience?"

Liu Xie pressed step by step, and even took out Zhuge Qiu's previous resistance problem.

"Yes, what Your Majesty said is true, I Geng Yi was the one who delivered the will that day."

"Zhuge Qiu, do you say yes or no?"

Geng Yi also jumped out from the side at this time and pointed out.

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