"That Gongda, why are you so ugly?"

When Pang Tong was about to go to find Cai Wenji, he met the black face on the road, and Zhuge Qiu next to him.


Xun Yu subconsciously looked over when he heard the voice, and saw Pang Tong's young face that was as ugly as Guan Yuan.

Zhuge Qiu also smiled and shook his head at this time, Pang Tong this guy really doesn't mention which pot.

"Eh, I said Gongda, I care about you, you even raised your nose at me." Pang Tong was immediately unhappy.

"Look at your smelly face, I don't know and thought you were going to die, yes, I'm too lazy to ask you."

As soon as Pang Tong's words were finished, Xun Yu almost jumped up directly when he heard that he was going to die, as if he had been stepped on his tail.

"Old Pang, you better hurry up, this guy has just been angry with an ugly old man."

Zhuge Qiu looked at these two people, they were not young, and they were like children.

"It's still righteous, you are reasonable." Pang Tong saw that Zhuge Qiu was protecting him, and his heart suddenly felt much better.

But just after walking two steps, Pang Tong seemed to have thought of something again, not right.

He was angry with an ugly old man, what does it matter to me?

You can't just take your anger out on me because I'm ugly.

But thinking that he doesn't seem to be Zhuge Qiu's opponent, forget it.

Made, it's bad luck to meet you both.

"Gongda, you're still angry, then why didn't you just take an allegro brick and pat Guanjian's head up."

After Pang Tong left, Zhuge Qiu saw that Xun Yu's face seemed to have almost recovered, so he also smiled.

"Say that life and death look down, I haven't this realm, but now that I think about it, people will eventually die, I'm all this age, but it's just a matter of sooner or later."

Xun Yu smiled bitterly and looked at Zhuge Qiu and replied.

"But Shouyi, what do you think of what this steward told you when he left?"

Xun Yu was so troubled by Pang Tong, and after figuring it out, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

When Guan Yuan was leaving, he specially told Zhuge Qiu, saying that he would have a big disaster in the future.

"Who knows what will happen in the future?" Zhuge Qiu calmly spread his hands and said.

The big difficulty is not very difficult, even when, the management is not clear, how can I guard against it.

What if, Guanji refers to the fact that he dies when he is old and his grave is ripped off?

I can't manage this thing.

"That's right, but Shouyi, you have to work harder, if I really only have less than two years of life, you can hurry up and assist King Wei to rule the world."

"I believe that in this world today, only you have such skills, and if before I die, I can see the unity of this world and the people are protected from war, then I will have no regrets in my life."

Xun Yu thought that from the very beginning, he wanted to serve the imperial court, assist the Han Dynasty, and now assist Cao Cao, and the changes in his experience are also embarrassing.

"Do your best."

Zhuge Qiu replied after hearing Xun Yu's words, after all, the unification of the world is not something that can be done in a day or two.

After the two chatted for a while, they separated at the fork in the road and went back to their respective mansions.

"Sir is back, you left with Mr. Xun, and you haven't returned for a long time, and I'm still worried about whether something happened to you."

Zhao Yun couldn't help but worry when he saw Zhuge Qiu come back so long after them.

He also understood what happened in the Wei Palace today, and from then on, Liu Xie and Zhuge Qiu completely tore their faces.

If Liu Xie would have had a hint of wanting to win over Zhuge Qiu in the past, then this time there will definitely not be another thing in the future.

"Think too much."

Zhuge Qiu also knew that Zhao Yun's worry was not unreasonable, Xun Yu had already said it before.

It's just that even if Liu Xie wants to do something, then he won't move so quickly, unless he is assassinated.

But now his martial arts are not comparable to ordinary people.

It's hard to get rid of yourself by assassination.

Seeing Zhuge Qiu so calm, Zhao Yun was relieved.

Compared with Zhuge Qiu's calmness here, Liu Xie was already angry there.

Everything that could be smashed in the house had already been smashed to pieces by Liu Xie.

"It is simply unreasonable to be humiliated again and again by the emperor of the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

"Cao Cao, Zhuge Qiu, Xu will not let you go."

While smashing, Liu Xie cursed while breaking his mouth.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is cautious, be careful that there are ears on the wall, if you are listened to by King Wei's people, I am afraid that there will be another twist and turn."

The eunuch on the side was frightened and hurriedly persuaded.

"Shen Yan?" Liu Xie's face became even more ugly after hearing this.

"Xu is the emperor, not him Cao Cao, let alone Zhuge Qiu, what did Xu say, let them listen?"

"Could it be that he Cao Cao still dared to kill Xuan?"

"He doesn't dare, if he dares to kill Xuan, he would have killed it long ago, he keeps Xuan, he is still useful to him."

Liu Xie became more and more angry when he spoke, without the slightest intention of stopping.

But when it came to the back, he was even more helpless.

Even if there are some things that you can see through, so what, you still can't get rid of this status quo after all.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are like this, making the old slave feel distressed."

"Your Majesty, since you can't deal with it for a while, they, according to the old slave, why don't Your Majesty start with the people around them first."

The old eunuch looked at Liu Xie scolding tired and smashing the state after being tired, quickly stepped forward, comforted in a low voice, and came up with an idea.

"People around you?"

Liu Xie's eyes lit up when he heard this, yes. Since I can't move myself for a while, the people around me always have a chance.

"You eunuchs, you really deserve your name, I heard that when the Ten Constant Attendants fought for power and profit, they could use any means of abuse."

"I don't know, you wrote about it, but what did you learn?"

Liu Xie looked at the old eunuch and asked with interest.

In the past, he could not look down on these eunuchs, and he also suffered when the ten constant servants made trouble.

But now, in addition to those useless pedantic old ministers, there are only a few eunuchs left.

Even if you don't like it anymore, sometimes you can still use it.

"Your Majesty... Seriously, Your Majesty, the old slave is not talented, but he has a few ideas.

The eunuch first looked around warily, and then whispered in Liu Xie's ear.

Liu Xie was just casually asking at first, but after listening to this eunuch's words, he had some spirit.

"I really didn't expect that you crippled people really have a dark heart, but it's good, when the time comes, I will not forget your merit."

Liu Xie laughed happily.

Zhuge Qiu, you wait.

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