"You... You..." Liu Xie looked at Zhuge Qiu's indifferent eyes, as well as the murderous aura emanating, and was stunned for a long time and did not dare to say more.

"You... You are going to curse the Nine Races, not even the King of Wei..." The

old eunuch on the side looked at Zhuge Qiu and continued to speak, although he was afraid, but as a eunuch, he naturally stood on Liu Xie's side.

"Noisy, where is your eunuch talking."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the eunuch, and then directly kicked it over without any hesitation.

Under the anger, the old eunuch only left shock, and then the whole person flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

Liu Xie subconsciously looked over, only to see the old eunuch's dead appearance, and the blood stains at the corners of his mouth.

Liu Xie was really afraid now, Zhuge Qiu actually kicked the internal attendant beside him to death in front of him.

What a terrifying power this was, and he was a strategist with such ability.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he wouldn't have dared to believe it, and originally thought that he still knew something about this Zhuge Qiu.

Now it seems that all this is a joke, I am afraid that I am not even as good as the fur.

"I really didn't expect that Zhuge Aiqing was hiding so deeply, I'm afraid even King Wei didn't know that Zhuge Aiqing had such skills."

After the fear, Liu Xie also laughed.

It's a big deal, it's just a death, and it's better than being that puppet.

Anyway, if he dies, he will be able to pull Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao into the water at that time.

No matter how history records, they will be accompanied by the reputation of the emperor.

"You said King Wei, if you know, Zhuge Aiqing has such skills, will he be happy, and how will he treat you."

When Liu Xie said this, he couldn't help laughing, as if he thought of Zhuge Qiu's future ending.

"This doesn't bother you, you better think about yourself more."

Zhuge Qiu snorted coldly, this kind of provocation was useless to himself.

Ten thousand steps back said, if Cao Cao really guarded himself because of this, then he was not afraid.

The strength on his hand began to increase, Zhuge Qiu pinched Liu Xie's neck, and gradually, Liu Xie's face began to turn red.

The green tendons exploded, and the whole person already seemed to be a little breathless.

Feeling the advent of death, Liu Xie was afraid and expectant.

"Husband, no, if you kill him today, you will surely be spurned by the whole world."

"Yes, Shouyi, if you kill Your Majesty, you will be crucified there forever in the history books."

Sun Shangxiang and Huang Yueying, seeing that they didn't open their mouths again, Zhuge Qiu really wanted to kill Liu Xie, and quickly stopped him.

"I don't care."

Zhuge Qiu naturally knew that what the two women said made sense, but so what, he didn't care at all.

"No, husband, we understand your intentions, but the stakes are so important that we must not act like this."

"Shouyi, what the two ladies said is very true, please Shouyi, your subordinates show mercy."

When Zhuge Qiu was about to make a move, Jia Xu was already panting and ran in at this time.

"Why, you have to persuade me too?" Zhuge Qiu glanced at Jia Xu, which surprised him a little.

"Shouyi's words are bad, now you want to kill him, but it is only a matter of raising your hand, but killing people is only a matter of moments."

"King Wei said that if you want to kill him, he will not stop him, but in the eyes of the following, sometimes living is more uncomfortable than dying."

Jia Xu glanced at Liu Xie, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

Zhuge Qiu glanced around, and then looked at Sun Shangxiang and Huang Yueying, both of whom shook their heads when they saw her gaze.

"It's okay, my two ladies won't let me kill you, I'll spare you a dog's life, but if you dare to have another time, the king of heaven Laozi can't save you, I said."

"I will let you see with my own eyes that the Great Han Imperial Court is scattered in front of you."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, the strength in his hand increased again, and before Liu Xie could speak, he fainted.

Then Zhuge Qiu threw Liu Xie aside like a dead dog.

Jia Xu did not care about Liu Xie, but looked at Zhuge Qiu and apologized.

Zhuge Qiu just nodded, didn't pay too much attention, and left with Sun Shangxiang and Huang Yueying, while Zhao Yun was guarded aside.

He was not giving Jia Xu face, but Sun Shangxiang and Huang Yueying were not injured, and the two of them were also persuading.

Otherwise, Liu Xie will die.

Jia Xu is not wrong to say this, sometimes living is more uncomfortable than dying.

And Liu Xie was just dropped by himself, although he can't die, but his body will be worse day by day.

He is very self-aware of his current strength.

"Carry him in, and kill everyone else."

Looking at the back of Zhuge Qiu leaving, Jia Xu said coldly.

Zhuge Qiu heard it, but he didn't stop it.

"Husband, you looked so terrifying just now, if we don't open our mouths, you will really kill him."

After leaving, Sun Shangxiang thought of Zhuge Qiu's expression just now, and couldn't help but ask.

"Naturally, if you don't kill him today, it doesn't mean that he will live long."

Zhuge Qiu did not deny this, Liu Xie was just fighting for the remaining time.

"In fact, just trampled the emperor under his feet, it's really good, such a thing, let alone brother, my father has never experienced it."

Sun Shangxiang looked at Zhuge Qiu and continued to speak with a smile.

Seeing her appearance, Zhuge Qiu didn't know what to say.

This Sun Shangxiang's thinking became really fast, and just now he thought that she was going to be moved.

Instead, Huang Yueying looked at Zhuge Qiu and frowned, full of worry, "Husband, I'm afraid that today's events will bring you trouble."

"So what, the last thing I'm afraid of is trouble."

Zhuge Qiu naturally knew Huang Yueying's worries, but he didn't care at all.

A few people just like that, they walked towards the mansion.

On Cao Cao's side, Xu Chu and Jia Xu had already returned.

"What's wrong?" Cao Cao asked, "Did Shouyi kill him?"

"Nope." Jia Xu shook his head, he knew in his heart that although Cao Cao would not stop it, Cao Cao still did not want Liu Xie to be killed like this.

After all, if Liu Xie is killed in such an upright manner, then he and Zhuge Qiu will be very passive.

"But although I didn't kill it, my Majesty is afraid that he will lie down for ten days and a half month." Jia Xu smiled bitterly.

"Why is that?" Cao Cao was puzzled.

Jia Xu and Xu Chu quickly told Cao Cao about the matter.

In particular, Xu Chu also looked excited and gestured.

"Shouyi, there is such a superb martial art."

Cao Cao grasped the point at once, which surprised him even more than Sun Shangxiang's beating and Liu Xie's guards.

Because of the guards around Liu Xie, he knew the skill, and it was very ordinary.

"Yes, lord, I didn't expect Shouyi to be so powerful, and I wanted to try tricks with him."

Xu Chu saw Cao Cao's surprise, and he laughed even more.

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