"Are you really not a righteous opponent?"

After Xu Chu went back, Cao Cao still couldn't believe it when he heard the news.

If you talk about brains, Xu Chu is definitely not ranked in his own camp, but simple force, except for the deceased Dian Wei.

It is really that no one can defeat him, and there are many who can entangle him.

Now Xu Chu turned out to be a complete defeat, which made him feel that it was so unreal.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I really lost."

After speaking, Xu Chu also stretched out his hand and spread out the position of the tiger's mouth, and in the last moment, the tiger's mouth was cracked by the shock.

When Cao Cao saw Xu Chu's tiger mouth injury, he also gasped for air.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid that the courage of righteousness is not under Lü Bu."

"And with his intelligence, how can there be an opponent."

"I didn't expect that Mr. 's thin body would have such amazing explosive power."

Xu Chu admired Zhuge Qiu even more, after all, Zhuge Qiu had already crushed him in intelligence and force, so he immediately echoed.

"You know drinking, you know what."

Cao Cao gave Xu Chu a blank look, and then quickly asked him to go down and treat the wound.

After Xu Chu left, Cao Cao didn't know what he was thinking.

It took a while before Cao Cao left the mansion.

Cao Cao went directly to Cao Jie.

"Dad, why are you here?" After Cao Jie saw Cao Cao, he was also stunned and a little surprised.

"Why, my daughter is about to get married, and I, the father, can't come to see it."

Cao Cao smiled and asked rhetorically in response.

"Of course not." Cao Jie quickly shook his head.

"It's not, Dad must have come here because of something, otherwise why didn't I come to see my sister before."

On the side, a young girl a few years younger than Cao Jie, with big smart eyes, looked at Cao Cao with mischievousness.

"You girl, it's not big or small, although your sister married first this time, don't forget that you will also marry Shouyi in the future."

Cao Cao looked at the man and was not angry, but laughed.

Cao Jie is not surprised, in terms of love, his father's favorite must be Ling'er's sister.

"No, my father didn't ask for our advice in the first place." The girl, stuck out her tongue, shook her head vigorously.

"You girl, your sister also said no, but now."

"Dad." After listening to his father's words, Cao Jie also blushed.

"Well, today is actually Dad just to tell you that when you marry in the future, you must serve Shouyi well and put away your little nature, understand."

"If you really like him, he will not treat you badly in the future."

Cao Cao gave two words and left.

Although Cao Jie did not answer, she also agreed, when Zhuge Qiu went straight to Liu Xie's mansion for Sun Shangxiang and Huang Yueying, and beat Liu Xie, she was very envious.

"Sister, what do you want?"

"But I heard that he is very powerful, can you stand it?"

Seeing that Cao Jie was stunned, the girl on the side shook her arm and said.

"Hmm." Cao Jie's face turned red, and his voice was a little smaller.

"Doesn't my sister dislike generals, fight and kill."

"What do you say about fighting, killing, killing?"

"I'm talking about him, but I've heard that General Xu is not his opponent."

"You're talking about fighting."

"Otherwise, sister, why do you think?" The girl looked puzzled.

"Didn't... Nothing, hurry back and pick up jewelry.

Cao Jie looked at those innocent and flexible eyes, and suddenly blushed, pushing and walking back.


Half a month passed quickly, and there was one more day when Zhuge Qiu married Cao Jie Huang Yueying in the Wei Palace.

Chen Lin finally arrived in Luocheng at this time and had a round with Huang Zhong.

"Two generals, King Wei specially asked me to come and help the two of them, to guard against Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang and the like."

Chen Lin said hello to the two.

"Since it was King Wei who said, then thank you, my lord." Huang Zhong looked at Chen Lin and responded.

"Since it was sent by King Wei, what about Mr. Zhuge , I don't know if you came here this time, but you have Mr. Zhuge 's clever plan and a strategy to ward off the enemy?" Wei Yan asked directly.

"General Wei, this is a bad word, since the King of Wei sent me here, naturally let me assist the two, Zhuge Shouyi is busy with the wedding at this time, why should he be concerned about this."

"But the two generals don't have to worry, if there is old age, they will be able to worry-free, and besides, this Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are not enough to worry about now."

Chen Lin looked at Wei Yan and replied very calmly.

"Sir is not such a person, since King Wei can send you, it means that Sir has long expected it, how can there be no strategy to ward off the enemy."

After Wei Yan listened to Chen Lin's words, he immediately didn't believe it, and he also heard that Chen Lin seemed to be hostile to Zhuge Qiu, so he didn't reply angrily.

"General Wei, what do you mean, do you mean that without him Zhuge Qiu, I Chen Lin's assistance will not work?"

"I might as well tell you that Old Immortal doesn't believe it at all, then Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang have the ability to kill them, so his strategy to ward off enemies, Old Immortal doesn't care at all."

Chen Lin saw that Wei Yan was so convinced of Zhuge Qiu, and he was even more angry.

What he is most uncomfortable with is this, on what basis, everyone believes that you are a brat, I don't know where it comes from.

And if it weren't for Zhuge Qiu, Cao Cao wouldn't really let himself suffer in this remote place.

Hurrying overnight, the hard work is self-evident, so Chen Lin is naturally even more unhappy with Zhuge Qiu.

"My lord's words are too careless, besides, Mr. has always been a plan, I can't take it lightly."

Huang Zhong also frowned at this time, looked at Chen Lin and said.

Although he was not as direct as Wei Yan, he also expressed his attitude.

"It's not a solution, I don't think so."

"This time is when he miscalculated, this Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang can't get out of Chengdu at all."

Chen Lin snorted coldly, the more someone praised Zhuge Qiu in front of him and spoke for Zhuge Qiu, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart.

"I see that this old thing of yours is jealous of Mr. Jealousy, that's why you are talking nonsense here."

Wei Yan looked at Chen Lin's virtue and directly cursed.

An old thing that doesn't know where it comes from, but still dares to pose in front of himself and talk non-stop.

"Daring, General Wei, you dare to insult the old man, don't forget, it was King Wei who asked me to come."

"Don't you forget, your allegiance is to King Wei, but not him Zhuge Qiu, you have such an attitude towards old immortals, do you still want to rebel?"

Seeing Wei Yan scolding him, Chen Lin couldn't hang up on his face, and immediately replied forcefully.

Wei Yan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Huang Zhong and whispered, "Don't cause trouble for Mr.

"Since Lord Chen has said so, then when the time comes, everything will be responsible."

Huang Zhong pulled Wei Yan away, left a word, and then left as well.

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