"Is the husband worried about the war?"

Cao Jie was dressed in a red wedding dress, and the hijab had been uncovered, and looked at Zhuge Qiu with a coquettish face.

"No, I just suddenly felt a little emotional."

Zhuge Qiu was pulled back to his thoughts by Cao Jie's words, and subconsciously shook his head.

If there is no crossing, it is estimated that it is difficult to marry a wife, but now he has married three beautiful women, naturally he sighs.

"Husband, do you plan to sit until the second half of the night?"

When Cao Jie asked, his face became even more shy.

But today she married Zhuge Qiu with Huang Yueying, and the candlelight nights in this cave were separated, and before she got married, her mother also told her.

"Sit until midnight?"

Zhuge Qiu also gasped when he heard this, is this Cao Festival so fierce?

In this case, I am afraid that I will not be able to pay Huang Yueying's place.

"Since the husband does not want to sit, then rest."


When Zhuge Qiu woke up the next day, it was already three days in the morning.

"Are you okay, sir?"

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu, with a smile on his face, quite a bit of a lively posture.

"It's okay, it's better than you, such a big person, I don't know to find a wife, you look at the old Pang of the people, although the people are ugly, but you see how active the people are..."

"Sir, am I not here at the right time?"

Pang stood speechless at the door.

"It's okay, I'm praising you, look at Zilong, this is not as good as you."

Zhuge Qiu is also used to it, anyway, it is not the first time that he was arrested by Pang Tong.

Praise me, how can I not feel like it.

"Sir, let's praise others more in the future."

Pang Tong gave Zhuge Qiu a blank look, how damaged your mouth is, you can still praise me.

"Okay then." Zhuge Qiu replied, "By the way, Lao Pang, did you suddenly come here today?"

"This is the news of this time, Zhang Fei has already sent troops to Hanzhong, and Sun Quan's side has no movement, but he is very angry at Liu Bei Zhuge Liang's behavior."

Pang Tong briefly explained while handing the specific news to Zhuge Qiu.

"In this way, Mr. Fei made a mistake in judgment, does this Liu Bei really want to take this opportunity to punish Sun Quan?"

After Pang Tong finished his brief description, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and was also a little puzzled.

"Zilong, what do you think?"

Zhuge Qiu just smiled, and then looked at Zhao Yun on the side and asked rhetorically.

"This... Zilong is also unclear, if the news is reliable, it may really be as Shiyuan said.

Zhao Yun felt that since all Zhang Fei had already killed Hanzhong, there should be nothing wrong.

"Yes, it is true from the news, Zhang Fei led an army of 60,000, vast, it really does not look like a fraud, after all, this 60,000 army, once it is promoted, the consumption of food and grass is already not small."

"But don't you think about how long it will take for the news to reach me at the earliest, and why we can receive the news so punctually today."

"You mean, Kong Ming is a suspicious strategy, with the consumption of sixty thousand troops as a bet."

Pang Tong felt that he still didn't believe it, Kong Ming had always acted cautiously, and the capital of this suspicious plan was too big.

Moreover, with Liu Bei's current strength, 60,000 troops have been dispatched, how many troops can he send?

Zhuge Qiu seemed to see Pang Tong's thoughts, but for him, this was more certain, Zhuge Liang wanted to rely on the southern barbarian pawns, take Luocheng, Ba County, and kill Hanchuan's strategy.

"Think again, if Zhuge Liang really wants to use Jiangdong to attract our firepower, why did he preemptively strike?"

"Wouldn't it be safer to send troops after Sun Quan and us have fought?"

Then Zhuge Qiu looked at the two and continued to speak.

Pang Tong also understood after hearing this.

Originally, I didn't think it was a suspicious trick before, but I just felt that it was impossible to do so with Zhuge Liang's caution.

Now it seems that Kong Ming is also constantly changing in the midst of failure.

Just because you won't do it before doesn't mean you won't do it now.

"Okay, let's all prepare, in a few days the battle report of Luocheng will come, and we will go south to Jingzhou."

After Zhuge Qiu saw that they understood, he sighed and said.

Alas, no way, who let them do things at this time.


"The war in this Luocheng is tight, shouldn't we be in Yizhou?"

Pang Tong and Zhao Yun nodded first, and then asked with a puzzled posture that had just reacted.

They thought they had misheard.

"What Yizhou to enter, just go to Jingzhou." Zhuge Qiu said with certainty.

After Pang Tong and Zhao Yun went to prepare, it didn't take long for Cao Cao to come.

"Shouyi, hahaha, how was it last night, dad came to see you."

As soon as he came in, Cao Cao laughed and said.

The corner of Zhuge Qiu's eyes twitched, this guy Lao Cao must have done it on purpose.

So soon came to take advantage of the door.

"Old Cao, you honestly explain, have you wanted to be my father for a long time?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and asked with a bad look.

"Hahaha, Shouyi, I want to give you both daughters, and you will not lose."

When Cao Cao saw Zhuge Qiu deflated, he felt a pain in his heart.

It's not easy to see this kid suffer.

If you take advantage of this cheapness, it is justified.

It's not a loss, I'm losing a lot.

If nothing else, first of all, the kidney will be lost.

"If you come early in the morning to take advantage, I don't have time to entertain."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Cao and turned around and prepared to leave.

"Look at your appearance of not suffering losses, in fact, I want you to teach Zhang'er martial arts today."

"You were originally his master, and now that your martial arts are so high, I can rest assured that he will learn from you."

"Old Cao, you are excessive, you are trying to squeeze my surplus value."

"Besides, Cao Zhang's guy with developed limbs still wants me to teach."

Zhuge Qiu immediately looked at Cao Cao angrily.

Teaching Cao Chang actually does not reject it, but just after taking advantage, he wants to work his own, then there is no way.

The father-in-law and son-in-law just got along with each other like this.

Finally, when Cao Cao left, he was angry and called a beard blowing and glaring.

Zhuge Qiu rested for two days with satisfaction.

"Newspaper, King Wei, sir, the news of Luocheng has come, and our army has suffered a great defeat."

"What, a big defeat, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan are both brave and fierce, why is it like this?"

Cao Cao and everyone were shocked when they heard this, and only Zhuge Qiu looked calm.

"It is reported that they are fighting against a group of southern barbarian soldiers, dressed in strange armor, swords, guns, halberds, bows and arrows that cannot hurt them in the slightest."

"And this armor is light, barbarians fight, and they are even more courageous, our sergeant is not an opponent, and the two generals are helpless."

The man did not dare to hide it, and quickly replied.

When everyone heard this, they also took a breath of cold air.

"Shouyi, the true god is also calculated, now that the barbarians have such means, how should they be good?"

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