"What kind of calculation is this Zhuge Shouyi making, he did not enter Yizhou, but let Pang Tong go to Yizhou."

"Hurry, speed faster, I want to rush back to Jiangdong as soon as possible."

Zhou Yu muttered first, and then opened his mouth to urge.

In the carriage, Xiao Qiao looked at Zhou Yu and didn't say anything.

Just reached out and held Zhou Yu's hand, she knew what her husband was thinking.

And what he can do is to support him on the side, it is enough to accompany him.

Although Zhou Yu has not yet arrived in Jiangdong, Huang Gai has already returned.

Looking at everything familiar in front of him, Huang Gai was also full of emotion, quite a bit like a world away.

"Old general, it's really the old general who is back."

Lu Su saw the yellow cover at the gate of the mansion at this time, and he was also excited.

"Old General, please come inside, why don't you go to see the Lord when the old general returns?"

Lu Su greeted and welcomed Huang Gai in, and then asked.

"Seeing the lord, I'm afraid that I am already faceless to see the lord."

Recalling what happened at the beginning, Huang Gai also sighed.

"General, it doesn't have to be like this, victory and defeat are a common thing in soldiers, and the general is an old minister of the third generation, and it's too late for the lord to worry."

Lu Su saw Huang Gai's loneliness and quickly comforted.

"By the way, old general, what about Lu Meng, why didn't he come back?"

Lu Su saw that Huang Gai did not speak, so he asked again.

"Ziming, it's still in Xuchang Prison."

"I'm afraid that Cao Thief saw that I was already a dying person, so he showed mercy and released me as a dying person."

Huang Gai smiled bitterly and looked at Lu Su and said.

"But when I left, I also heard some that it was Miss Sun and Gong Jin who interceded, and finally Zhuge Qiu let Cao Cao release me."

"It turned out to be Gong Jin, which is not surprising." Lu Su laughed and said with a bit of relief.

"Hmph, this guy pit me in and get me out, that's how it should be."

Huang Gai snorted coldly, quite unappreciative.

After all, he was arrested, mainly by Zhou Yu.

Lu Su smiled and shook his head, "Actually, Gong Jin, I really didn't mean it.

"Old General, I have asked people to prepare clothes, the general can go to wash, eat some snacks later, and go to see the Lord together, the Lord will be happy."

Huang Gai did not refuse, so he did as Lu Su arranged.

After changing and washing, after eating and drinking, he went to see Sun Quan.

When he saw Huang Gai, Sun Quan was surprised.

"Old general, old general is back." After a while, Sun Quan reacted as if he were reacting.

"The last general Huang Gai has seen the lord." Huang Gai's eyes also turned red, and he hurriedly saluted.

Sun Quan helped Huang Gai up, "The old general doesn't have to be polite, it's really good that the old general returned safely."

"The last general, there is a failure to the expectations of the lord."

Huang Gai looked at Sun Quan, still very guilty.

Instead, Lu Su on the side told Sun Quan all about the matter.

"Gong Jin, I finally did a job."

Sun Quan also sighed after listening to it, but thinking that Lu Meng had not been put back, he also felt sorry in his heart.

Today's Jiangdong is the time of shortage of people, Huang Gai is old now, if Lu Meng returns, he will have another usable talent.

However, it is also good that Huang Gai can come back, after all, Huang Gai is the third old minister, if he is imprisoned to death in Xuchang, it will be a shame for them.

The news of Huang Gai's return soon spread, and Sun Quan specially set up a banquet for the ministers to participate in to wash the dust for Huang Gai. Sun Quan felt that this would also boost people's hearts and morale to some extent.

When Zhou Yu returned to Jiangdong, he was also very happy to hear the news.

"When the old general returns to Jiangdong safely, I will be relieved, I will go to see the lord, and you will return to the mansion first."

Zhou Yu explained to Xiao Qiao, and then went straight to Sun Quan's mansion.

"Lord, now that Old General Huang has returned, it is really gratifying, our army's heart has been greatly lifted, this time to attack Jingzhou, we will be able to succeed and defeat the enemy."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and then at Huang Gai and said very confidently.

"Good, good." Sun Quan nodded with a smile, also happy, it seems that what he did was really right.

Huang Gai felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, after all, he made himself like a mascot.

But he was relieved to think that he was such an age, and that he still had such a role, and that he could make the final contribution to Jiangdong.

"Report, Lord, most of the Governors are back."

While they were discussing, a soldier hurriedly stepped forward to report.

As soon as they heard this, everyone naturally understood.

Now Lu Xun is the governor of the capital, but there is only one person who can still be called that.

Naturally, it was Zhou Yu.

"Gong Jin is back, isn't he in Yecheng?"


Although everyone was puzzled, Sun Quan immediately asked Zhou Yu to come in.

However, Lu Xun and Huang Gai's faces were not good-looking.

Lu Xun was mainly worried about how Gong Jin came back at this time.

At the beginning, he did not offer a plan to let him compete with Zhuge Qiu, so that he could rest and recuperate if he was injured.

Huang Gai is naturally for the matter of being pitted, and he still has mustard in his heart.


"Old general, old general is fine."

Zhou Yu first greeted Sun Quan, and then quickly looked at Huang Gai with joy.

"Old General, why doesn't your face look good?"

Soon Zhou Yu asked puzzled.

It's okay not to ask, as soon as you ask, Huang Gai can't help it.

"Are you too embarrassed to ask?"

"Do you know how I got over the years?"

Huang Gai looked at Zhou Yu and immediately scolded angrily.

When Zhou Yu heard this, he was also very guilty in his heart, after all, it was indeed his responsibility.

"Gong Jin to the old general, make amends, but the old general will punish."

Zhou Yu held his fist and saluted Huang Gai solemnly.

Looking at Zhou Yu's appearance, Huang Gai was full of anger, but he couldn't vent it, after all, except for that time, he and Zhou Yu's cooperation was very tacit.

"That's it, that's it, I'm not as skilled as others, I can't die in battle, and I can't blame you all for everything."

It eventually turned into a sigh.

"Gong Jin, come back this time, I don't know if there is an emergency?"

After Lu Su breathed a sigh of relief, he took the lead in breaking the embarrassment and asked.

Sun Quan and Lu Xun also looked at Zhou Yu at this time, which was also something that the two of them also wanted to know.

At this time, Zhou Yu returned to Jiangdong, and Kenning was not for nothing.

Every time this guy comes back, something happens, but the results are unexpected every time.

"Lord, I came back this time, in fact, I want the Lord not to send troops for the time being, if I send troops, I am afraid that I will fall for tricks at that time."

As soon as Lu Xun heard this, he immediately looked at Zhou Yu, "Gong Jin, are you here as a lobbyist for Zhuge Qiu and Cao Thief?"

"In today's good situation, why can't you send troops?"

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