"Kong Ming, what do you want me to say about you this time?"

"You said that you are a Crouching Dragon, and as a result, you are not even as good as a phoenix chick, and a fire is burned clean.

In the main hall, Liu Bei's whole face was as dark as the bottom of a pot and looked at Zhuge Liang and scolded.

Zhuge Liang did not speak, although he wanted to say that this burning vine armor army was definitely not something that Pang Tong could come up with.

But what is the point of all this, whether it is losing to Pang Tong or losing to Zhuge Qiu, the result is all losing.

"Well, now we're falling short again.

"What if Cao Jun took advantage of this big victory and attacked Chengdu with a bang?" Zhuge

Liang sighed in his heart, in fact, even if Liu Bei didn't say it, he understood Liu Bei's thoughts.

"The lord rest assured, Yide attacked Hanzhong and won victory, we have not lost, and the lord will not lose Chengdu.

After Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words, he sneered even more.

"When you first set out to conquer Luocheng, you also said so, swearing, but now the result.

Liu Bei felt that he was really confused, and because of Zhuge Liang's performance in Zhengnanban, he actually really raised hope.

"Lord rest assured, in order to attack Hanzhong, Liang has already bought Yang Song under Zhang Lu.

"This person is deeply trusted by Zhang Lu and greedy for money, and Liang has previously befriended gold and silver, and promised high-ranking officials and houlu, and he will definitely be of use to us."

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and said very confidently, he had been planning for a long time to befriend Yang Song.

"Can I still believe your words?" Liu Bei frowned.

Every time Zhuge Liang is full of confidence, the final result is a surprise.

"Please also ask the Lord to give Liang another chance.

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and said, now if you want to find an opportunity to be humiliated, you can only rely on Liu Bei's platform.

"That's it, anyway, I don't have any other choice, but Kong Ming, you can think about it, if you pit Yide this time, I'm afraid he won't give up."

Liu Bei thought about it, and the people he had invited had no other choice.

Moreover, Zhang Fei has already sent troops to Hanzhong, and now he can only wait for the result.

Zhuge Liang understood what Liu Bei meant by this, which meant that this attack on Hanzhong also failed.

If Zhang Fei spread his anger on himself, then he Liu Bei would not speak for himself.

Thinking of Zhang Fei's face darker than Liu Bei at that time, Zhuge Liang was also excited in his heart.

"The lord is relieved, Liang understands.

Finally answered, Zhuge Liang retreated.

After leaving, he was also relieved, and the defeat of Luocheng was temporarily over.

I didn't think that I was a dignified dragon, and since I came out of the mountain, I mixed up like this.

"I don't know, what's wrong with Hanzhong, Yide should be almost to Yangping Pass."

Looking at the sky outside, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but whisper.

As long as Yangping Pass is taken, then the army will reach Nanzheng directly, and there will be no obstacles.

I just hope that everything goes well!"

"It's about to reach Yangping Pass, since Mr. Zhuge is Miss Lu's adviser, don't you have any suggestions?" On

the other side, Zhuge Qiu listened to Zhang Qiying's words, and his head was also big for a while.

This girl didn't know what was going on, and it was like staring at herself along the way.

Every time, she said that she came to find Lu Lingqi, but Zhuge Qiu found that every time her gaze fell on her.

"Yangping Pass is an easy place to defend and difficult to attack in Hanzhong, and this time to fight, you only need to hold on. Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhang Qiying and said lightly.

This is the most modest method, and after Zhang Qiying listened, she seemed to be unwilling.

"Sir, don't you have other suggestions, such as the marching formation of the army, how to set up camp?

"The girl is raised below, this marching formation, the generals believe that it is better than below, and they have their own arrangements. "

Zhuge Qiu naturally won't fall for Zhang Qiying, although he doesn't know what this girl is thinking, but he doesn't want to expose himself.

"Girl Lu, you strategist can't even march in formation, but you still trust him so much. Seeing

that Zhuge Qiu's oil and salt did not advance, Zhang Qiying had no way to do it for a while.

But I was also a little confused in my heart.

Could it be that he was really wrong, that he was an ordinary strategist?"

made you laugh. Lu Lingqi had to laugh at this time.

She naturally knew that Zhuge Qiu was unwilling to be exposed, and she would naturally try her best to cover for him.

"Then I'll go first.

Zhang Qiying did not forget to glance at Zhuge Qiu before leaving.

"Qiying, it's about to reach Yangping Pass, why do you still look like you're worried.

Zhang Wei saw that Zhang Qiying had returned, and asked a little puzzled.

"I'm just curious about that Zhuge Yi, after so many days, I didn't find anything, and I felt that everything seemed to be back to normal.

Zhang Qiying subconsciously replied.

"Ordinary, of course he is ordinary, originally an ordinary person, but you, all this day is thinking about that kid."

"Kiying, it's dangerous for you to go on like this, I've heard it before, when you're curious about a man, that's the beginning of your fall."

Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Qiying and said with a serious look.

"Second Uncle, what are you talking about, who are you listening to?

Zhang Qiying immediately gave Zhang Wei a blank look.

"Listen to what the old mother of Yingchunlou said. After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he quickly realized something and quickly stopped his mouth.

"That, it's about to reach Yangping Pass, and the second uncle still has business."

After that, Zhang Wei rode away.

"Tell me about you, how can you attract the attention of women wherever you go?"

"I also want to keep a low profile, who let the strength not allow."

Zhuge Qiu spread out his hands with a helpless look, looked at Lu Lingqi and replied.

"Bragging, I see that you are deliberately attracting the attention of Miss Zhang, too, after all, she is also a beauty.

Lu Lingqi glanced at Zhuge Qiu, and said with a strange yin and yang.

"It's so sour, I said Miss Lu, you won't be jealous, right."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Lu Lingqi, pinched his nose, and deliberately said.

"You... What kind of vinegar does Miss Ben eat.

"I just want to ask you, are we really stuck to it like this?" Lu

Lingqi snorted coldly and immediately retorted.

"Then it's up to you, if you want to attack, then naturally there is a way to take the initiative, if you just want to deal with it easily, then you can't stick to it."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Lu Lingqi and said, just now Zhang Qiying was there, he naturally wouldn't say more.

"If I say I want to kill Zhang Fei, do you have a way?"

Lu Lingqi asked after thinking about it, looking at Zhuge Qiu and asking.

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