"It doesn't have to be like this, let's get up and talk, I'm just an ordinary strategist, Aunt Lu... The generals are here, and I will naturally help you.

Zhuge Qiu helped Zhang Qiying up with a confused look.

However, although this Zhang Qiying practices martial arts, it seems that his hands are not as cocooned as Lu Lingqi, but it is quite slippery.

Made, what are you thinking.

After Zhuge Qiu reacted, he was also a little embarrassed by his distraction.

"Let's get up first, if you are seen, I am afraid that there will be a misunderstanding and cause unnecessary trouble." "

Anyway, Zhang Qiying is also Zhang Lu's daughter, and this is in Hanzhong.

Zhang Qiying is also the commander of the sergeant of this big village, she knelt down for herself, was seen, and thought that she was bullying her.

"Then thank you sir.

Zhang Qiying thought about what Zhuge Qiu said also made sense, and she was also worried that if she didn't listen to Zhuge Qiu, if she provoked him angry at that time, it would be even more than worth the loss.

"It's okay, then I'll go first." After

Zhuge Qiu saw Zhang Qiying get up, he turned around again.

"Nope. Zhang

Qiying saw that Zhuge Qiu was leaving again, and thought that he wanted to regret it, so he subconsciously pulled Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu didn't expect Zhang Qiying to suddenly pull him, and suddenly he stumbled, and the two collided together.

For a while, the two people were stunned, Zhuge Qiu was stunned, he didn't expect Zhang Qiying to come to this hand.

Zhang Qiying didn't expect that he really pulled people over.

For a while, his face immediately turned red, and he was also stunned when he saw Zhuge Qiu.

Thinking of what he had peeked at herself before, she immediately thought of something.

He has saved his own life, and if he can save Hanzhong again, even if he is committed to him, it seems that it is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qiying also directly greeted her, Zhuge Qiu wanted to open her mouth to let her go, and just about to say that men and women are not intimate, her mouth was blocked.

Lying groove, was I taken advantage of by women in ancient times?

"Qiying, I heard that you suffered..." Before

the injured word was finished, Zhang Wei was also stunned when he saw the two when he came in.

Angrily patted his thigh, "Oh, I just said, this reader will deceive people, look at you."

"I'll just say you'll like him sooner or later, how do you tell your dad." After

Zhang Wei finished speaking, the person also left Dazhai directly, all like this, where there is an injured look.

Being disturbed by Zhang Wei, Zhang Qiying also separated immediately.

The whole face was as red as a ripe apple, and the face felt hot.

"If Mr. can save Hanzhong, Qiying thinks that she still has some pose, and is willing to marry Mr. and serve for life."

"That... That you misunderstood, I am the adviser beside General Lu, and I already have a wife.

"Don't worry, with General Lu here, I will do my best." After

Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he quickly left the big tent.

Because he doesn't want to have too much to do with Zhang Qiying now, after all, it is certain that Hanzhong will be unified in the future.

That is to say, if Zhang Lu is unwilling to surrender, there will be a battle with Hanzhong in the future, and if he has something to do with Zhang Qiying, won't it be another layer of entanglement.

Looking at the back of Zhuge Qiu leaving, Zhang Qiying couldn't help but laugh when she thought of Zhuge Qiu's flash just now, and seemed to be a little flustered.

This was the first time since we met to see Zhuge Qiu's uncalm expression.

"Do you really think I'm stupid, if you are a simple strategist, how can Miss Lu obey you.

"And the look in Miss Lu's eyes, you don't know, but as a woman, I do."

Zhang Qiying sighed softly.


"General, this night attack can't be successful, it seems that this Zhang Lu has been prepared, in a short period of time, if you want to take Yangping Pass, I'm afraid it's very difficult."

After collecting the troops, Zhang Song looked at Zhang Fei and said.

Zhang Fei nodded, which he naturally knew.

"General, there have been rumors in recent days that Mr. Kong Ming and General Wu Yi led the Vine Jia Army to attack Luocheng, the battle is unfavorable, I am afraid that we will be defeated, are we considering withdrawing our troops.

Zhang Song saw that Zhang Fei agreed with his point of view, so he continued to speak.

"No, you can't retreat. As

soon as Zhang Fei heard the retreat, he immediately vetoed it.

Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu were both in Hanzhong, how could such an opportunity retreat.

"Send a message to Kong Ming, saying that the bookboy he said before is in Hanzhong.

"What, the general is saying, the scribe tonight, but he... He actually repelled the general with his spear, he..."

Zhang Fei naturally knew what Zhang Song meant, and he was actually a strategist with such force.

"The Hanzhong army is weak, and its combat effectiveness is far inferior to the Cao army, if we can kill him in Hanzhong, Kong Ming's guy, won't there be no opponent

?" At least in normal times, Zhuge Liang boasted about himself.

"In this way, if he dies, Hanzhong will surely fall, and it will not be a beautiful thing to kill two birds with one stone?"

After Zhang Song understood what Zhang Fei meant, he immediately took the order.

In the next two days, there was nothing on Zhuge Qiu's side, because Zhang Fei no longer attacked.

However, Zhang Qiying seems to be because of the events of that day, and she doesn't know how to face Zhuge Qiu, and she tried to avoid these two days.

Zhuge Qiu also felt relaxed, although he said that he had suffered a loss.

But forget about this small loss.

Besides, isn't it often said that suffering a loss is a blessing?


When Zhuge Qiu was comforting himself, Zhang Qiying's voice came from outside the tent.

"Sir, this Zhang Fei army, now camped, has no intention of retreating, it seems that he wants to confront our army for a long time.

"I don't know what Sir thinks should be good?" Zhang

Qiying did not mince words, but directly said her intentions.

"He doesn't want a long-term confrontation, he wants to wait for someone. Zhuge

Qiu knew that Zhang Fei recognized him and would definitely tell Zhuge Liang.

They will even want to kill themselves in this han.

Unfortunately, they don't have that opportunity.

Although there is no news yet, he believes that the vine armor will definitely lose, and Zhuge Liang has no energy to care about this side.

Or that there is not enough strength to support Hanzhong, and he will not let Zhang Fei wait until that day.

"Waiting for reinforcements?" Zhang Qiying subconsciously replied after listening to Zhuge Qiu's words.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhang Qiying and promised Lu Lingqi to help her kill Zhang Fei.

Then Zhang Fei absolutely could not or leave Hanzhong, and unlike Guan Yu, he was brainless and loyal to Liu Bei.

It would be impossible for him to surrender.

"He's not waiting for reinforcements, he's waiting for death. Zhuge Qiu shook his head and said with a bit of indifference.

"Waiting for death?" Zhang

Qiying was also frightened by Zhuge Qiu's confidence, after all, she had also seen Zhang Fei's martial arts.

I'm afraid it's not easy to kill him, even if he loses the battle, who can stop him if he wants to kill him?

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