"I'd rather see which of you dares to move."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Yang Song coldly, and then looked at Zhang Lu.

Lu Lingqi was protected by Zhuge Qiu, and she was still happy in her heart, but after hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, she was angry.

Is this guy a bad brain, he even said so at this time, and he pretended to be forced at this time.

This is not Cao Ying, if it is in Cao Ying, so to speak, she believes it, after all, Zhuge Qiu is trusted by Cao Cao and she is clear.

"Rampant. Yang Song was very angry on the surface, but happy in his heart.

The more Zhuge Qiu was like this, the more he felt that he could anger Zhang Lu.

This saves you a lot of effort.

"Lord, you see, how rampant this Zhuge Qiu is, he didn't put you in his eyes at all.

Yang Song looked at Zhang Lu as if suing, and said.

Zhang Lu also did not expect that this Zhuge Qiu would react like this, it stands to reason that this time should not be the time to be soft.

But this Zhuge Qiu was still so tough.

"I think Mr. is thinking that he is in Cao Ying.

Zhang Lu also frowned, with a bit of displeasure.

"Cao Ying, this is naturally not Cao Ying. Zhuge Qiu also sneered.

"If it was in Cao Ying, how could such a courtier appear?

"Naturally, there will be no such thing as killing heroes." Zhang

Lu naturally knew what Zhuge Qiu meant, and also knew that this time to defeat Zhang Fei, Zhuge Qiu was the biggest hero.

It can even be said that without him and Lu Lingqi, they would not be able to defeat Zhang Fei's army at all, and the best result would be to hold on to it and delay until Zhang Fei's army retreated.

"Wise words, Mr. Zhuge don't forget, you are Cao Cao's person, and you will also be our enemy in the future, why should you have to worry a lot about the enemy, Cao Cao is also ruthless to the enemy, isn't it?" Yang

Song saw that Zhuge Qiu's words seemed to have an impact on Zhang Lu, and immediately continued to speak.

"That's what I said.

"Lord Yang collects money and does things for people, and he really does it beautifully and can speak well."

"It's just a pity that you didn't use that little of your ability to assist your master."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Yang Song, he could now conclude that this guy must have received Zhuge Liang's money and specially came to deal with himself.

"You... You don't talk nonsense, what to collect money from people.

"Zhuge Qiu, don't change the topic, it's you who are talking about now, you sneaked into my Hanzhong with bad intentions.

Yang Song's face changed, and he immediately scolded when he looked at Zhuge Qiu.

"Two generals, what are you still stunned for, don't you hurry up and let people take them down.

Yang Song knew that at this time, too much would be lost, and Zhang Lu was hesitant to make up his mind.

After Yang Ang and Yang Ren heard Yang Song's words, they were stunned for a moment and stood out, after all, Yang Song was deeply trusted by Zhang Lu.

Moreover, all three of them have the surname Yang, and they can be regarded as having a relationship in this Han Zhong.

The two of them moved, and the pawn also surrounded Lu Lingqi and Zhuge Qiu at this time.

After Lu Lingqi saw it, she stood up again and wanted to make a move.

Zhuge Qiu stopped her again, "With me here, it's not your turn to do it today."

"I'm not a woman, I'm a woman." "

Do it, what are you all stunned for?" Zhuge Qiu was also speechless for a while after hearing Lu Lingqi's words, and then looked at Yang Ang and Yang Ren.

"Don't do it, Father, we can't do this.

At this time, Zhang Qiying's red eyes were already moist, and she stopped immediately.

"Miss, he is Cao Cao's person, he deceived you, you still protect him, this is his terrible thing."

Yang Song originally thought that Zhang Qiying would stop being partial after knowing Zhuge Qiu's identity, but he still stood up.

Just when everyone was waiting for Zhang Lu's decision, there were already soldiers who hurriedly stepped forward.

"Report, Master, there is a man named Chen Zhi outside who wants to see you. "

Chen Zhi?" Zhang Lu was stunned for a moment, he had not heard of this person.

"Master, this person must be Zhuge Qiu's person, let's take the two of them down first.

Yang Song hurriedly urged, at this time, the longer you wait, the easier it is to have problems.

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Zhang Lu was a little dissatisfied with Yang Song's urging.

"Let that Chen Zhi in.

Zhang Lu snorted coldly, glanced at the pawn, and ordered.

Now there is Zhang Qiying pleading, this Lu Lingqi killed Zhang Fei, the martial arts must be extraordinary, and it will definitely not be able to take it for a while.

Since this is the case, naturally he can only call Chen Zhixian in to see what this person is going to do.

Anyway, the people are still in Yangpingguan, even if there is anything, he believes that the two of them will not be able to kill it.

Yang Song saw that Zhang Lu was angry, and knew that he was in a hurry, but it had the opposite effect.

I have long heard that this Zhuge Qiu is difficult, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Soon Chen arrived, and when he came alone, Zhang Wei and Zhang Qiying also knew each other.

"I've seen Zhang Taishou. Chen Zhi symbolically gave Zhang Lu a salute.

"You are Chen Zhi?" Zhang Lu glanced at Chen Zhi, "Are you Zhuge Qiu's person?"

Chen Zhi was also not intimidated at all, looking at Zhang Lu and directly admitted.

"You are so daring, if you throw yourself into the net like this, you are not afraid that I will kill you?" Zhang

Lu saw that Chen Zhi was also so bold, and he also had a little appreciation, or envy.

Why don't you have such a capable person under your subordinates?

"Kill me?" Chen Zhi laughed, as if he had heard some joke, "Even if you want to kill me, then ask Zhang Taishou to read the things in it."

Zhang Lu looked at Chen Zhi and handed him a small wooden box after speaking.

"Lord be careful, such thieves' things should not be easily touched. Yang

Song's intuition told him that he couldn't let Zhang Lu touch Chen Zhi's things, which would be very detrimental to him.

"It doesn't matter, if he comes to save people and hurts me, they won't be able to get out."

Zhang Lu raised his hand, signaled Yang Song to retreat, and then asked people to take Chen Zhi's box over.


Zhang Lu motioned for the person to open it, and some folded letters soon appeared inside.

After reading it, Zhang Lu picked up the letter and began to read it.

The more he looked, the tighter Zhang Lu's brows furrowed, and the uglier his face became.

Yang Song looked at it, could it be that he thought wrong, this Zhuge Qiu lifted a stone and hit his feet?

"Lord, stop being angry, this Zhuge Qiu is so arrogant, this will take him down.

"You're still stunned about what to do, don't hurry up yet."

Yang Song hurriedly ordered and urged.

"Come man, take down Jansson. Zhang Lu also spoke at this time.

"Yes, Yang..." Yang Song echoed halfway and was stunned.

"Why is that?"

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