Zhuge Qiu looked at Guan Yu and nodded, he also knew very well that Guan Yu most likely wanted to talk to himself about something related to Zhang Fei's death.

"I'm sorry for the matter of Yide, but the two armies fought each other, and I let his corpse be packed and sent back to Chengdu." After

thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu still said before Guan Yu spoke.

No matter what Guan Yu thinks, he will still say what he should say.

Yunchang understood.

"The moment we join the army, we are already ready to die in battle, and Wing De can die on the battlefield, and from this point of view, it is also a destination."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Guan Yu sighed and said lightly.

In fact, since he decided to descend to the imperial court and follow Zhuge Qiu, he had thought about this problem and knew that something would always happen.

It was precisely like this, so when Zhuge Qiu handed Jiang Xia over to him, he did not refuse.

Because he felt that in Jiangxia, then there was no need to face Zhang Fei and Liu Bei directly.

"Yide and I were married in Taoyuan and swore to live and die together, but now Yide has gone first, and I want to go to Chengdu to worship Yide.

Soon Guan Yu continued to speak, very solemn, and Zhuge Qiu also knew that Guan Yu was serious.


Zhuge Qiu directly agreed, if he didn't agree, Guan Yu might really not go.

But in Guan Yu's heart, it will be an eternal mustard, which is not what he wants to see.

"Mr. Xie.

Guan Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and was also stunned for a moment, and he didn't seem to expect that Zhuge Qiu would agree so cheerfully.

"You don't have to.

Zhuge Qiu raised his hand, "Go and prepare, I'll wait for you in Jiangxia."

Guan Yu answered, and then turned to leave with his fists in his hands.

"You are confident, you are not afraid that he will never return, after all, they are Taoyuan Sanjie, and it is a good story."

Lu Lingqi looked at Zhuge Qiu and reminded after Guan Yu left.

"If he really wants to leave, he can't stay, and if his heart is not here, it is useless to stay."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Lu Lingqi and said, he is not worried, but it is useless to worry.

When Guan Yu wanted to find Liu Bei, he passed five levels and killed six generals, and he didn't leave from Lao Cao.

Instead of forcibly staying, it is better to let Guan Yu go, and in the end, no matter what decision he makes, he will not interfere.

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Lu Lingqi felt that this was also the truth.

"But sir..."

"Why, Zilong, you are also worried that Yun Chang will never return, don't you still understand his personality?" Zhuge

Qiu saw that Zhao Yun also spoke at this time, and Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and was a little surprised.

"No, Yun Changyi, Zilong understands very well, and supports Mr. to do this. Zhao Yun shook his head.

"I'm more worried about Yun Chang's safety, after all, today's Liu Bei is no longer the original Uncle Liu Huang.

Zhao Yun explained and voiced his worries.

After all, the identity of Liu Bei's uncle has been told to the world by Liu Xie.

However, the truth or falsity of this identity is not the most important, but he harmed Liu Qi later, and after the defeat of the people, this series of operations is the most disappointing.

Zhuge Qiu also understood what Zhao Yun meant, if he did not appear, perhaps Liu Bei could pretend to be a benevolent and righteous prince for a lifetime.

Pretend for a lifetime, even if it is fake, that is true.

However, because of his appearance, Liu Bei's mentality was broken, and he let his sword go sideways and his methods were radical, and he would become a rat crossing the street.

Let Zhao Yun and Guan Yu separate the two, and feel that Liu Bei is no longer the one who can save the Han family and save the people of the world.

"It doesn't matter, as far as you're concerned, they have been married after all. Zhuge

Qiu knew that Zhao Yun's worry was not unreasonable.

But on the contrary, if Liu Bei really did something, Guan Yu was afraid that he would be even more disappointed.

Good for yourself.

Zhao Yun thought about it, in Zhang Fei's heart, wasn't his difference like this, and Liu Bei was the same, so he suspected himself.

"Then I'll send it.

In the end, Zhao Yun said hello, and after Zhuge Qiu agreed, he left.

Zhuge Qiu also understood that although Zhao Yun did not go in person, he was afraid that he also wanted to ask Guan Yu and bring a few words.

These self-understandings are all understandable, and it is precisely because of this that I will value them more in the first place and find ways to include them under my command.

Zhuge Qiu did not personally send Guan Yu again, and Zhao Yun returned half an hour later, and he told Zhuge Qiu that Guan Yu was gone.

When Guan Yu was leaving, he said that he would definitely return to Jiangxia.

Zhuge Qiu knew that Guan Yu said that he would come back, then he would come back, and that was enough.

"Zilong, do you have anything else to say?" Zhuge

Qiu looked at Zhao Yun with a look of wanting to speak, and he took the initiative to ask.

"I told Yunchang before that I would give Yi Deli a crown tomb, what did Mr. think.

"Well, yes. Zhuge

Qiu did not refuse, he and Zhang Fei did not have any feud, so they would not even be able to tolerate a crown grave.

In the following time, Guan Yu left, and Jiang Xia's affairs naturally fell on Zhuge Qiu.

"Sir, Mr. Jiangdong Lusu is here. "

When Zhuge Qiu was dealing with the approval of the matter, Zhao Yun came in to report.

"Lu Su?" Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment, and soon he knew what Lu Su was here for.

This was an apology afterwards, and Sun Quan was afraid that Cao Cao would transfer the spearhead to him because of this incident, so he asked Lu Su to ease up.

"Let him in.

"Sir, we met again, and this time I came on the orders of my father-in-law.

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Qiu after coming in and greeted with a smile.

"Brother Zijing, please sit down, there is no need for this between us. "

I don't know Zijing, why did you come here this time, is it because you can't come to the next war book?" asked Zhuge Qiu looking at Lu Su very enthusiastically.

"Shouyi, don't be funny, Bo Yan returned from a great defeat, how to say the war book." "

It's just that a few days ago, my lord heard the demagoguery, which made Bo Yan send troops, and now my lord specially asked me to come to make amends,"

Lu Su smiled bitterly, of course he knew that Zhuge Qiu said this on purpose.

It's just that now, as the defeated side, such a little ridicule naturally has to endure.

"Make amends, Zi Jing is serious, the two armies are at war, how to make amends, and even if it is to make amends, with all due respect, it will not be your turn to respect you."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Lu Su and continued to speak, putting down the matter in his hand.

"Why did Shouyi say this, I am a person from Jiangdong who came under orders, so who should come from Shouyi's point of view?"

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Qiu and explained again.

"Shouyi can't let my lord or Bo Yan come in person.

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Qiu and added with a wry smile.

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