Although Liu Xie also knew for a long time that Chen Jing would raise this matter to the bright side again, but after what happened just now, he was already out of spirit.

He knew that the attitude of Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu just now was already a kind of disgrace to him.

But the matter has come to this, even if Liu Xie is no longer interested in this matter.

But since the play has already been performed here, then naturally all this cannot be stopped.

Even if it only becomes a process, he has to perform it.

"What Ai Qing said is very much, Zhuge Ai Qing, it is said that this matter is for you to protect that Wei Yan, I don't know what happened in this matter."

Liu Xie glanced at Chen Jing, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"If Ai Qing is not clear, he can also call Na Wei Yan and let him explain it clearly in front of this Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, so that he can give an explanation to the Chen family."

"Your Majesty Xie is in charge." When Chen Jing heard this, he quickly opened his mouth to thank him.

Liu Xie is willing to speak, and for him, this is already hope.

"Explanation, what do Your Majesty and the Chen family want to explain?"

"The anti-thief Liu Bei, under the guise of the name of the imperial uncle, killed Yizhou Taishou, and now he is colluding with the barbarians to attack Luocheng."

"Lord Chen was trusted by the imperial court and the King of Wei to go to help the enemy, but he did not do things well, causing civil unrest."

"Such a great crime, how does Your Majesty want to explain?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Xie and looked at everyone, although his voice was not loud, but it also clearly fell in everyone's ears.

"You... You spew blood. Chen Jing stopped doing it first after hearing this, and immediately jumped up.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Chen Jing and was not surprised by his reaction.

It's just that now it seems that this Chen Lin's son has not inherited Chen Lin's IQ.

At least stupider than the young Chen Lin.

What happened in the current situation is just a matter of his own words.

Who cares if it's true or not?

Even if Chen Jing cares, it won't change anything.

"Your Majesty, think that if Your Majesty also thinks that I am a bloody person and have wronged Lord Chen, then Your Majesty will be punished."

Zhuge Qiu ignored Chen Jing, but still looked at Liu Xie, since it was the scene he initiated.

So if Liu Xie is not allowed to end, then how can he be worthy of him?

"This..." Liu Xie didn't know what to say again for a while.

This Zhuge Qiu must have done it on purpose, the purpose was to personally announce that Chen Lin's death was a remnant of death.

In this way, whether it was the Chen family, or his last pitiful emperor dignity, he was slapped again.

Suddenly, Liu Xie also hated Chen Jing a little, if it weren't for this stupid pen, he wouldn't have fallen into the current situation at all.

"Isn't Your Majesty going to preside over justice, let Shouyi come back and ask clearly, now that it is clear, Your Majesty feels that it is time to decide."

Cao Cao, who had never spoken, also spoke at this time.

There was no mood swing in the voice, a very ordinary sentence.

But listening to Liu Xie's ears, this is an unquestionable order.

He knew that Cao Cao was telling him Liu Xie, this play has already accompanied you here, and it is very face-to-face.

Although he was helpless, for Liu Xie, there was no other choice.

"Since everything is as Zhuge Aiqing said, then Lord Chen has indeed committed a crime, although his crime does not lead to death, but the military law is strict."

"Although General Wei has something wrong, he can also understand it, since this is the case, let's punish General Wei for half a year."

When Liu Xie said every word, Chen Jing's face turned pale.

Fine Li Lu for half a year, what kind of punishment is this, it can be said that there is none.

At the beginning, Xu Chu killed Xu Yu, and was punished by Cao Cao to raise horses, and did not let him drink.

"Your Majesty, since General Wei Yan has already disposed of it, what about this Chen Jing slander, the minister of the imperial court?"

Without waiting for Chen Jing's excessive reaction, Cao Cao had already spoken again.

This time made Zhuge Qiu a little stunned, what did Lao Cao plan to do.

"King Wei, you really want to add to the crime, slander the court ministers."

"When did I slander the minister of the imperial court, Mr. Zhuge today, although the imperial court has no official position, why should the minister deal with himself?"

After Chen Jing listened to Cao Cao's words, he also fought at this time, anyway, it was such a result.

"King Wei, don't forget that even if the imperial court is under your control, it hasn't changed its dynasty yet."

When Zhuge Qiu heard this, he also knew that Chen Jing was dead.

Lao Cao will definitely not let him go, after all, this matter, in the chaotic world, is right or wrong, but the strength is not enough.

"Good, good." Cao Cao smiled angrily.

"Since you all said that he has no official position, then I will tell you today."

"From now on, Situ's position will be righteous."

As soon as these words came out, it was not only others who were confused.

Zhuge Qiu has not caught up with Cao Cao's thoughts, how to get himself a Situ official.

"With the talent of righteousness, Situ, what are your objections?"

Cao Cao's surprise to everyone, everything seemed to be expected, so he continued to speak.

Zhuge Qiu really wanted to ask Cao Cao what kind of fame, he didn't want to be a Situ.

However, in this court, if he said it directly, it would be equivalent to directly hitting Cao Cao's face, so he could only not speak.

Cao Cao spoke, and the result was naturally self-evident.

Liu Xie also knew in his heart that no one would object, let alone Situ.

One day, Cao Cao said that he was not worthy of being the emperor, and few people below dared to come out.

Just like when Dong Zhuo abolished the emperor, he was not unseen.

After the next dynasty, everyone knew that Zhuge Qiu and Wei Yan would be fine, but no one thought that not only that, but Zhuge Qiu also became Situ.

"Shouyi, congratulations, this is not a sound, a blockbuster, suddenly become a Situ."

"Gongda, don't tease me." Zhuge Qiu shook his head when he met Xun Yu.

Then more and more people came to say hello and congratulations.

"Zhongda also congratulated sir, sir is now afraid that he has become the youngest Situ of this big man."

"With the talent of the gentleman, but it is also deserved, the gentleman can treat us to a drink at that time."

When he was about to leave the palace, Sima Yi also came to Zhuge Qiu's side with a smile at this time and congratulated.

"Zhongda said seriously, in fact, I was also very surprised by this position of Situ." Zhuge Qiu looked at Sima Yi and replied.

"Besides, Zhongda, you don't know me, I'm not unwilling to go to politics, this Situ Zhi is only a burden to me."

After Sima Yi heard this: "..."

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