"There was an earthquake in Jingzhou?"

When Zhuge Qiu received the news, he was also confused, which he did not expect.

However, at this time in history, Jingzhou did encounter several major natural disasters, floods and earthquakes.

But there is no sign of this, is it that all signs are after he has left?

"I'll go see King Wei first."

After Zhuge Qiu thought about it, he followed the person who reported the letter and left.

It was not a good thing that there was an earthquake at this time, and it was no wonder that Cao Cao was so anxious to call himself over.

When Zhuge Qiu came to Cao Cao, Xun Yu, Xun Yu, Jia Xu, Sima Yi, the scribes, and Cao Pi had already arrived.

"King Wei,......

" "No need to be polite, you also know about this Jingzhou matter, I don't know if you have a way?"

Cao Cao interrupted Zhuge Qiu's posture to salute and immediately asked.

"Save people."

Zhuge Qiu did not have any hesitation, this time can only save people, and it is still urgent.

"Shouyi, I agree with you, but such a natural disaster, the losses are extremely heavy, and it is only very difficult to save people."

Xun Yu sighed, and then said, everyone knows about saving people.

Now the key to the problem is how to save people, how to do a good job in saving people.

"I'll go and save."

Zhuge Qiu did not hesitate, he also knew that what Xun Yu said was the truth, and now he might be the most suitable person.

Not to mention that he inherited Sun Simiao's medical skills, he also knows some treatment methods in later generations, which can greatly improve efficiency.

Ten thousand steps back, Huang Chengyan's family is still in Jingzhou.

Not sure what their situation will be this time.

"Sir Gaoyi, but sir, I'm afraid you can't go."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, Cao Pi praised, and then immediately spoke.


Zhuge Qiu subconsciously asked, a little puzzled, at this time Cao Pi would suddenly say this.

"Sir, I don't know something, this earthquake came suddenly, and the time was just after you became Situ."

"There is already news, and now among the people, especially the people of Jingzhou, many people say that all this is because of Mr."

"Sir rebelled against His Majesty... The imperial court, conniving at General Wei and harming Chen Lin, so this is a punishment from God, and this is a report from the gentleman..."

"Enough, according to what you say, does that lonely also have retribution."

Before Cao Pi finished speaking, Cao Cao immediately scolded angrily with a black face.

"The child does not dare, the child also knows that they are talking nonsense, but they are afraid of ruining the reputation of the husband, the child will make people strictly investigate, and anyone who dares to talk nonsense, there is no amnesty for killing."

Cao Pi knelt down directly with a snort, lowered his head and did not dare to look at Cao Cao, and then expressed his attitude.

"No." Zhuge Qiu quickly denied it.

Although he didn't know whether what Cao Pi said was true or false, nine times out of ten it should be true.

After all, it just happened to be such a coincidence, and the ancients also believed in this.

If there is a major disaster, even the emperor will be punished.

"If there is a strong suppression at this time, it will cause the disgust of the people, and the most important thing to do at this time is to save people."

If you blindly suppress it, the disaster cannot be alleviated, so more resentment will be transmitted to your own body.

This kind of thing is more than worth the loss, and Zhuge Qiu naturally will not agree.

"Old Cao, don't hesitate, I'll personally go to save people."

Zhuge Qiu directly urged at this time, what father-in-law, King Wei, that does not exist, Old Cao is enough.

Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu had even changed his title, and knew that he really wanted to save people.

"Be careful."

Cao Cao naturally agreed, after all, saving people must be saved, and he also believed in Zhuge Qiu's ability.

Zhuge Qiu nodded, then took the paperwork from Cao Cao and left directly.

The rest does not need to be negotiated, just listen to your own deployment.

After Zhuge Qiu left, Cao Cao naturally let everyone leave.

"Zhongda, as you expected, this Zhuge Qiu chose to personally save people."

After Cao Pi went back, he looked at Sima Yi and whispered.

"It's just Zhongda, the resentment of this people, it seems..." "

This depends on what Gongzi does, some things need to be guided."

Sima Yi understood what Cao Pi meant, and immediately spoke again.

"Okay, I'll do it, as long as he fails in disaster relief this time, there will inevitably be public resentment."

"Even if my father trusts him again, he can't cover him up, and he can't help his father."

The more Cao Pi thought about it, the more excited he felt, as long as he got rid of Zhuge Qiu, the position of the son of the world must be his own.

"Yes, because of the Chen family's affairs, as well as the previous Zhuge Qiu salt making incident, the family clan hates him to the bone."

"The disaster relief materials needed to save people this time must not be a small amount, and Jingzhou has just fought with Jiangdong before."

"The nearby food and grass must be consumed a lot, and when the time comes, even if Zhuge Qiu is powerful, he will be restrained."

"Will this be..." After hearing this, Cao Pi also understood what Sima Yi meant.

But I was a little worried in my heart.

"Is Gongzi worried that the plan will not come true, or is he worried that there will be too many deaths and injuries by then?"

"If it is the former, then I don't dare to guarantee, if it is the latter, Gongzi can not do it, Cao Chong Gongzi, also has benevolence."

Sima Yi said lightly as if he had seen through Cao Pi.

"." In the end, Cao Pi still agreed.

If there is no place for the son of the world, then one's ambition will become empty, what is the use of what is unkind.

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know this, and after returning to the mansion, he directly told Zhao Yun about disaster relief.

Zhao Yun naturally agreed without saying a word, and he also agreed with Zhuge Qiu's approach.

"Husband, we will go with you too." At this time, several women also stood up and spoke.

"You two go with me, the others stay."

Finally, Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Yueying and Cao Jie and spoke.

Cao Jie has studied medicine with herself, and she can help somewhat, and Huang Yueying is worried about Huang Chengyan, let her stay here stupid, etc., it is estimated that it is difficult.

As for the others, forget it, they are going to save people, not to produce.

After Zhuge Qiu decided, he led the men and horses towards Jingzhou overnight.

"They have already set off, and the rest is up to Gongzi."

In the middle of the night, Sima Yi glanced at Cao Pi and then at the moonlight outside.

"Understood." Cao Pi nodded.

If I can become the son of the world, he will become an emperor one day, and then I will make up for the people of your Jingzhou."

Cao Pi sighed in his heart, then left, and finally disappeared into the night.

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