Cao Chong didn't understand Zhuge Qiu's words, but he didn't ask more, he knew that if Zhuge Qiu didn't want to ask, he would ask for nothing.

Cao Chong left, and in the next few days, Zhuge Qiu also ended up with a leisure.

"Sir, today is the day Zheng Jie was killed, and King Wei still hasn't been notified?"

Zhao Yun accompanied Zhuge Qiu, who was wandering around Xuchang Street, and couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't it something before, King Wei actually has something in his heart?"

Zhuge Qiu just smiled and did not speak, Zhao Yun saw it, and he naturally knew.

This time, even their father and son were included, how could Cao Cao not mind at all.

No one is a saint, it just depends on how long everyone can come out.

"The Zheng family's shop is closed?"

When he walked to his silk shop, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but be a little surprised, he hadn't come out in the past few days, and he really didn't know.

"Well, it closed the day after Zheng Jie was arrested, and now the silk cloth in our shop is recognized as the best."

Zhao Yun nodded, he really forgot to tell Zhuge Qiu about this matter.

He felt that this was just a small matter in business, and there was no need to tell it specifically.

"You can open a branch as planned, but you must strictly control the quality."

"I see." Zhao Yun nodded.

The two were walking, and suddenly, a carriage stopped in front of them.

Zhao Yun was vigilant in the front, although he knew that Zhuge Qiu's force had exploded, but guarding was his profession, and he naturally would not slacken because of this.

"Zilong doesn't need to be nervous, presumably someone from the Zheng family is here again."

Zhuge Qiu was very calm, and glanced at the stopped carriage and the guard.

"Lord Situ is really powerful, no wonder my immature son will lose in your hands and die unjustly."

"If Lord Situ doesn't mind, can you get in the car and follow me somewhere?"

A somewhat old and indifferent voice came from inside from the carriage.

"I mind."

Zhuge Qiu replied directly.

The people in the carriage also seemed to have not expected Zhuge Qiu to refuse his invitation, and the refusal was so crisp and neat.

"Then I don't know how the adult will get together with the old man?"

"I never have too much intersection with people who hide their heads and show their tails, and your Zheng family doesn't have that condescending qualifications and arrogance now, understand?"

From beginning to end, this person did not even show his face, and he also looked very proud in his words.

This is the attitude of please, but I still want to order myself.

"Good, good, it's the old man who is rude." The people in the carriage were a little displeased, and finally opened the curtain and got out of the carriage.

Forty or fifty years old, but it seems to be well maintained, looks much younger, with a bit of majesty.

"The old man Zheng Xun, just faux pas, I have something important to discuss with Lord Situ, I don't know if the adult can appreciate the face."

Zheng Xun looked at Zhuge Qiu, but he was very unhappy in his heart.

Because Zhuge Qiu's own son will be killed today, the Zheng family will also be in great trouble.

But he still has to bow his head to a young junior here, and he is accustomed to being high, and he is naturally very uncomfortable in his heart.


Zhuge Qiu still directly refused.

"You... Are you playing old man? Zheng Xun's face instantly became ugly.

I thought that I had already lowered my posture, and it was enough to give face, but the result was still this result.

"To ask for someone is to have the attitude of asking for someone, since you don't understand, just teach you."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he went directly to change directions with Zhao Yun.

"Sir, why don't you listen to what they have to say."

"If you refuse like this, will it be too ..." "

Too what, too faceless?"

Zhuge Qiu interrupted with a smile, "My family and I are already dead, how can we save face." "

Besides, even if the family wants to reconcile with itself, he won't agree.

Those means have already been used, do not take the opportunity to kill these families accumulated by backward means.

Such opportunities will be even more difficult in the future.

At noon, Zhuge Qiu and Zhao Yun did not plan to go back, but randomly found a restaurant that looked good and sat down.

"Come on, bring the best wine and dishes, I'll invite you to this meal."

Without waiting for them to speak, at this time, Zheng Xun led the people again.

"What Lord Situ taught me just now."

"After the two of you finish eating, I wonder if you can listen to my nagging words."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zheng Xun and did not answer.

But in his heart, he began to ponder, this Zheng Xun was so persistent, it seemed that he really had some intentions.

But it shouldn't be about Zheng Jie's life, today is when Zheng Jie was beheaded, and he couldn't save his life by coming to him.

Not to mention that at this time, I am afraid that they have already been executed, and naturally it is even more impossible.

Then there is only one thing left.

Techniques and formulations for dyeing.

"Okay, you're full, what can you say."

After Zhuge Qiu ate and drank, he looked at Zheng Xun and said.

Now that they know their purpose, they can cope with it more calmly.

Zheng Xun looked around, although he knew that it didn't seem good to say things on such an occasion.

But Zhuge Qiu chose here, and he had no choice.

After all, it is himself who is asking for someone.

"My son offended my husband in the past, I will make amends to my husband first."

"Today, I also came on the meaning of the old master, and I knew that my husband was talented, so I came to discuss cooperation with my husband."

Zheng Xun lowered his posture, lowered his voice, and spoke.

"Cooperation?" Zhuge Qiu pretended to be surprised, "I wonder how Patriarch Zheng wants to cooperate?"

"Sir has such superb dyeing formula and technology, and our Zheng family is a silk family, if we can cooperate."

"That must be like a tiger with wings, when the time comes, who can compete with us with this silk line."

"Good idea, but why should I cooperate?"

Zhuge Qiu smiled, sure enough, it was the same as he guessed.

Compared with Zheng Jie's life, the inheritance of the Zheng family is the most important.

After all, people like them, there are a lot of large and small numbers, there is no shortage of numbers, of course, whether there is a substitute training in them is unknown.

"As long as Mr. is willing to cooperate, we are willing to give one-third of the industry and profits to Mr."

"I think with this condition, my husband will also jump up, and he can be regarded as a member of the family, and his future generations will have no worries about food and clothing, and he will be rich for a lifetime."

Zhuge Qiu was also a little surprised after hearing this condition, "This condition is good.

"But alas, it's not enough."

"How much does Lord Situ want?" In Zheng Xun's heart, he was already scolding, but his face did not show it.

"I want it all."

"You... You don't want all, you want us to die? Zheng Xun couldn't bear it at this time.

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