"It seems that the Zheng family is finished, and this Cao Cao is iron-hearted to deal with our family."

"This Cao Cao also doesn't look at how he could have grown and come to this day without the support of our family."

"I was really full of food and drink, and now I even want to lift the table."

"I see that the culprit is Zhuge Qiu, if it weren't for him, Cao Cao wouldn't have the confidence to dare to lift the table so much."

In the family, for a while, several people gathered together and cursed.

The family is constantly involved, and the in-laws are the bond, but sometimes they turn their faces for the greater good.

Now Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu want to lift everyone's table, then they are naturally not happy and will consciously unite together.

This is why it is a dynastic dynasty of flowing water.

"This Zhuge Qiu really has some skills, there is no strategy on the battlefield, and now Sun Quan and Liu Bei have not taken advantage."

"Especially Liu Bei, his acre and three points of land are like meat in Cao Cao's mouth."

"What Patriarch Yang said is that Cao Cao's military strength is indeed the strongest now, even if he and the two have our support, I am afraid that it will be difficult to become a climate in a short time."

The people of the Cui family frowned and hurriedly spoke, they Cui family, Cui Yan is working under Cao Cao, so naturally they understand better.

Moreover, this is something that everyone in the world knows.

"Then what Patriarch Cui means is that we are already powerless to return to heaven?" Patriarch Xie frowned and asked.

"Not necessarily, but the words of Patriarch Cui remind me that since Liu Bei and Sun Quan may not be able to win, we may still have a chance."

The head of the Yang family suddenly thought of something and spoke.

As soon as others heard this, they were immediately interested.

"Patriarch Yang, don't sell it, quickly say who it is?"

"Could it be that Hanzhong Zhang Lu?"

"Or Ma Chao from Xiliang?"

Many people immediately guessed that in addition to Sun Quan, they were not only Zhang Lu and Ma Chao, but also some forces.

It's just that this Ma Chao doesn't seem to want to be enemies with Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao now, and he has a bit of a dependent posture.

"Zhang Lu is incompetent, Ma Chao has courage and no strategy, these two are definitely not the opponents of Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao." The Yang family shook their heads and spoke.

"Who else?"

"Have you forgotten that the world has not changed its surname to Cao today, our majesty is still the orthodox Han family, and now Cao Cao is holding the Son of Heaven to order the princes, if we can let Your Majesty out of Cao Cao's control."

"Shouldn't we also use the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, command the world, and attack it en masse?"

He didn't sell anymore, but looked at a few people and said.

In fact, this question was not something he had just thought of, but he had already thought of it before everyone gathered.

It just needs to be said in a suitable state.

The others were also stunned when they heard this, and then reacted immediately.

"Yes, Cao Cao just occupied the righteousness, which quickly annihilated the Yuan clan, went south to Jingzhou, and achieved today's hegemony."

"Now that he is crowned King of Wei, holding the Son of Heaven hostage, and becoming more and more arrogant, I am not without a chance, but the Son of Heaven is in his hands, and I am afraid that it will not be easy to use it for a while."

They soon accepted the option and felt that it was feasible as well.

"Okay, in that case, let's make these plans at the same time."


"Shouyi, as you expected, this group of families in the court today has already taken action."

Zhuge Qiu was drinking tea, and Cao Cao returned dressed in a court dress.

"Since you want to eliminate your power, you naturally have to use all the forces that can be used."

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised, but just put down the cup in his hand.

"How many officials are they going to buy this time?"

"No wonder you kid doesn't go to the court, even you know that they want to buy officials, if I don't know you, I have to wonder if there is your eyeliner in the court."

When Cao Cao heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he was even more surprised.

Zhuge Qiu smiled, it is not difficult to guess, now that the imperial court is controlled by Cao Cao, they want to be officials, except for asking Cao Cao.

There are only buying and selling officials, and in ancient times this business has always existed, but it is a private transaction.

But since the beginning of the Hanling Emperor Liu Hong, it was clearly marked with a price.

During the period of Emperor Hanling, he openly sold official titles and titles, and publicly sold official positions and titles, with clear prices. From the Marquis of Kannai to the positions in departments such as Tiger and Yulin under Guangluxun, there are corresponding prices. Local officials were more expensive than court officials, and county officials had different prices.

And the chaos in the court and the world were stirred up later, even after Cao Cao took control of the imperial government, although it changed a lot.

But there are some unimportant, unimportant officials, Cao Cao will either let his own people do it, or he will buy and sell.

Because he is also short of money, otherwise he would not have let Captain Mojin dig people's ancestral graves to collect military salaries.

It's just that he doesn't sell everyone like the Spirit Emperor.

"Then did our Majesty agree?"

Zhuge Qiu immediately asked, this is the result of his attention.

However, he felt that nine times out of ten, the Liu Association agreed.

After all, unknowingly, Liu Xie began to sought-after again, would he be unhappy?

It's just that this group of families themselves didn't expect that Hei Liu Xie was still scrambling before.

Now it's time to rush up again to befriend Liu Xie and grab this big banner.

"Your Majesty agreed, but I'm here..."

"You can agree, but the price can go up, show your dissatisfaction, don't get by with money."

Zhuge Qiu knew that Cao Cao probably didn't want to agree, so he persuaded.


"It's nothing, besides, after entering the imperial court, can't you control them?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Cao speechlessly, this kind of good thing sent to the door, he was even worried.

"Shouyi, or you kid is more damaged." Cao Cao immediately understood that so many old ministers could not win against themselves, and those who bought it from the family were naturally even less worth mentioning.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu followed to Shangchao, and yesterday forgot to ask Lao Cao which people he bought.

After going to the dynasty today, Zhuge Qiu found that there were still a few old acquaintances.

Xie Ran, Yang Qian, Wen Ze, it's just that the Cui family seems to have no one.

I don't know if it's because of the concern Cui Yan.

Several people saw that Zhuge Qiu still looked unhappy, and he was quite a bit of an official of the imperial court, and he seemed to be more proud.

Looking at Zhuge Qiu's eyes, as if to say, look, this imperial court official Young Master Ben can do what he wants.

"Alas, it's so easy to be an official."

"Yes, Young Master Ben still thinks how strange it is."

"It's boring."

When they went down, the three of them did not forget to deliberately say loudly beside Zhuge Qiu.

"What several princes said is, since this is the case, it is better for this disciple to arrange some errands for you."

Zhuge Qiu greeted with a smile and asked you to pretend.

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