"Zhongda, you want to help me, my father has ignored me recently, and in this situation, the position of the son of the world will not be with me."

In the past few days, Cao Pi has been restless, and Cao Cao has completely ignored him, which is worse than scolding him.

"Pi Gongzi, at this time, you have to be calm, King Wei is hostile to the family, but you collude with the family at this time, and it is normal for King Wei to be angry."

Sima Yi glanced at Cao Pi and said with a sigh.

"I also want to, but when I think that the position of the son of the world will not be with me, I can't calm down."

Of course, Cao Pi knew this, but knowing and doing it was different.

Especially at this time, if you don't do something, you really have nothing.

"Pi Gongzi, you don't have to be so disappointed, King Wei still hurts you very much, this time, King Wei would rather do something to the Zheng family and keep you."

Sima Yi looked at Cao Pi and persuaded, and he suddenly felt that he was wrong to support Cao Pi like this.

Today's Cao Pi wants to continue to take the position of his son, and his hope is getting slimmer and thinner.

"Father is for his own face, not exactly for me."

Cao Pi is still very clear about this, and his feelings in the past few days are even more obvious.

"Gongzi is worried that he has made a mistake now, so King Wei will have some doubt, in that case, what if other princes also make mistakes?"

Sima Yi glanced at Cao Pi, and after thinking about it, he still spoke.

Cao Pi did not react at first, and soon he understood what Sima Yi meant.

"Thank you sir for the pointer."

After Cao Pi finished speaking, he left Sima Yi's mansion directly.

"Sir, how many adults have you been visiting?"

"Yes, the three of them are worthy of being from a family, they are all very enthusiastic, and they are also very moved."

"They felt that they were not qualified for this position, so they voluntarily resigned, and the imperial court lost several pillars."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun with a very regretful look and sighed.

"Sir, you want them to go, you have made so much money for nothing."

Zhao Yun felt that if he couldn't stand it, he didn't want to debunk Zhuge Qiu.

This is typical of people who get cheap and sell well, and they don't know, and they really think that Zhuge Qiu and Xie Ran are close friends.

"Zilong, I can't say that, but you must know that this money is not with me."

Zhuge Qiu felt that it was still necessary to explain this problem himself.

Now he is a famous Qing official in Xuchang City, how can he do money-making work.

"Yes, sir, Zilong is too lazy to argue with you, you won't admit it anyway, but Cao Zhigongzi is here and is waiting for you inside."

Zhao Yun waved his hand and quickly diverted the topic, on this faceless spirit, he is not as good as Zhuge Qiu, or it is better not to entangle directly.

"Cao Zhi?"

Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment, he was a little puzzled, could this Cao Cao's stupid sons be crazy.

Before, Cao Pi came here to wait for himself, but now he has changed to Cao Zhi to wait for him, and the next one is the universe rushing.

"Yes, Cao Zhigongzi has been here for a while, and he said that you have to see Mr.

Zhao Yun nodded, looking like I was helpless and didn't know what happened.

"I'll take a look."

Zhuge Qiu answered, so he could only go and see what happened by himself.

Anyway, Cao Cao's stupid sons are often able to get themselves into trouble.

"Sir, sir, you are back."

When Cao Zhi saw Zhuge Qiu, he got up directly and trotted to Zhuge Qiu from his seat.

"Cao Zhi, is there something wrong with you, so polite?"

Intuition tells me that if there is nothing to offer, the weasel pays tribute to the chicken, anyway, it is uneasy and kind.

"Little things, it's all little things." Cao Zhi seemed to see Zhuge Qiu's state of mind, and immediately said with a smile.

"Little things, don't, your brother Cao Pi also said so at the beginning."

Zhuge Qiu quickly asked Cao Zhi to stop, he would not believe Cao Zhi's words.

"Sir, I don't have the courage to hook up with those families, but I know my own skills, and I love to chant and paint."

"Then I love to drink a few sips of wine, and I came today to ask my husband for some wine."

Cao Zhi quickly stated his purpose, otherwise, he was really afraid that Zhuge Qiu would drive him out like this.

Although he is Cao Cao's son, Zhuge Qiu's status is not lower than his own son.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu didn't know what Cao Zhi was thinking, if he knew, he would definitely jump up directly, what kind of metaphor was this.

"Are you really just here to get the wine?" Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Zhi and asked with a somewhat uncertain look.

"Really, really." Cao Zhi nodded affirmatively, like a chicken pecking rice.

"Sir, the wine in your hand is even more delicious than the wine in the palace."

"That taste is simply evocative, poetry."

Cao Zhi said and then seemed to start tasting it, looking intoxicated.

"Okay, don't be beastly here."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Zhi's somewhat lewd appearance, and immediately looked disgusted.

"You can ask for my wine, but I won't be free."

Zhuge Qiu thought about it, and he did draw a lot of wine in his lottery, so it was not impossible to give it to Cao Zhi.

"Don't worry, I know, I know, I will definitely give money."

Cao Zhi quickly agreed, he was very good at this, and Zhuge Qiu's wine, except for himself, there was no need to sell it in other places.

"I'll pick it up for you."

Zhuge Qiu turned around and went in, most of this wine was in his storage ring, only Zhao Yun and they drank it by themselves.

Soon, Zhuge Qiu had already taken a box of Maotai directly.

"Here you go, you can't forget this money."

"Definitely, definitely." Cao Zhi looked at the wine and smiled even more.

"I don't dare to measure you." Zhuge Qiu replied, and then watched Cao Zhi leave.

"Sir, Cao Zhigongzi took so much wine, you can't be distressed to death."

After Zhao Yun came in, he watched Cao Zhi leave holding a case of wine.

"As much as you know."

Zhuge Qiu scolded with a smile, "I still have it here, let's have a few more drinks." A

few people drank it like this, and Zhou Yu was later pulled over by Zhuge Qiu, but couldn't Xiao Qiao be angry?

Until the evening, when Pang Tong came, Zhuge Qiu and they were already drunk.

"Sir, you are still drinking, something has happened, and Cao Zhigongzi has a big accident."

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