Zhuge Liang heard this, and at this time he also heard the movement outside.


Although Zhuge Liang was unwilling, there was no other way at this time.

Although Huang Zhong is a veteran, he is not something that Liao Hua can resist, calling battles during the day and attacking at night.

Today, even if I can hold it, I can't withstand such a toss, since there is no chance of victory, it is better to retreat directly.

The shouts of killing broke the silence of the night and filled the entire camp.

"Kill me, Hugh is going to go Zhuge Liang."

At this time, Huang Zhong was also full of fighting intent, since he guarded Luocheng, he was surrounded by Zhuge Liang for several rounds.

He was trapped very embarrassed twice, and now that he can fight back, he naturally doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

It's good that Zhuge Qiu is not here, otherwise, he will definitely let Huang Zhong change his lines.

"Military master, you withdraw first, we will break later." Liao Hua saw that Huang Zhong came straight to the boss's tent, and he also hurriedly led the troops to resist.

If this was really killed by Huang Zhongchong and captured Zhuge Liang, then this would be a shame for their entire battalion.

Liao Hua knew that he was no opponent, but he no longer retreated.

That death-like momentum also infected many soldiers for a while.

Gradually, it blocked the attack of the Cao army.

Zhuge Liang was also relieved to see this scene.

"In that case, everything is according to the plan."

Leaving a word, Zhuge Liang also began to retreat.

Huang Zhong also sensed that Zhuge Liang's army had begun to retreat, and wanted to pursue, but was blocked by Liaohua's army.

The big knife in his hand swept out with a gust of wind, and Liao Hua led the horse and was directly shocked back.

When he stabilized his figure, Liao Hua only felt that his arms were numb, and the tiger's mouth was also cracked by the shock.

"Old General Huang, he is really old and strong, but if you want to capture my military division alive today, step over my corpse first."

Liao Hua looked at Huang Zhong and snorted coldly, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to speak and slow down a little.

"You are a man, if you surrender, the old man can give you a way to live."

On the battlefield, Huang Zhong also admired Liao Hua, a fierce person who was not afraid of death.

"The eldest husband died in battle, why be afraid." Liao Hua immediately refused.

Soon, Liao Hua took the initiative to meet him with a gun. In this way, show your determination.

Huang Zhong saw it and didn't say more, if he continued to say more at this time, in his opinion, it would be a humiliation to Liao Hua.

The two fought together again, and Liao Hua's offensive seemed fierce, but it was not Huang Zhong's opponent.

There was a clatter, harsh metallic sound with a bit of dullness and unyielding.

The huge force was transmitted to the arm through the barrel of the gun again, and Liao Hua felt a tingling again.

"General Liao, I'll help you."

Just when Liao Hua thought that he would definitely die, a black spear was like a flexible little snake.

Piercing straight from the side, Huang Zhong saw that even if he dodged, Liao Hua also opened the distance.

"General, the military division has ordered the whole army to retreat."

After hearing this, Liao Hua also immediately led the army to retreat, leaving only the broken army to block the pursuit of Huang Zhong's army.

The army pursued and killed until dawn, and Zhuge Liang's army suffered countless deaths and injuries.

"Old General, why is there a pile of rubble here?"

After Wei Yan and Huang Zhong converged, they looked at the pile of stones in front of them, which were only about a meter high.

"I don't know, maybe it's that Zhuge Liang's delaying tactics to pretend to be a ghost, or maybe it was here."

Huang Zhong was also a little confused, although it looked like a chaotic stone, it seemed to have some layout.

"Old General, I am leading the army in pursuit and temptation, and you will immediately respond to prevent Zhuge Liang's tricks." Wei Yan looked at Huang Zhong, then looked ahead and said.

"Okay, after this chaotic stone forest, I will suspend the army."

Huang Zhong nodded, it was already relatively safe to do so.

After receiving the order, Wei Yan led a group of men and horses and continued to move forward, wanting to go straight through this chaotic stone forest.

The brigade rushed in, and Wei Yan was also very vigilant.

But as soon as he entered the formation, Wei Yan found that something was wrong, the rocks and forests that had just been seen outside were fine, but now they were already flying sand and stones, and there was a lot of fog.

Soon, the pile of rubble that could still be seen was already invisible, and even the road ahead could not be seen.

Huang Zhong was outside, watching Wei Yan's army move forward, and gradually he also realized that something was wrong.

Wei Yan went first, and he couldn't see it soon.

Those soldiers who walked at the back were also a little wrong, and the formation was already chaotic, as if they were lost.

"It's not good, this pile of rocks is weird."

Huang Zhong also reacted immediately, and immediately stopped the pawns who wanted to enter behind.

"This is the entry into the formation, go and ask Mr. Phoenix."

Huang Zhong did not dare to act rashly, if this was an ordinary military formation, he would not hesitate, and directly killed to break the formation to save people.

However, Zhuge Liang actually used a pile of chaotic stones to form a formation, and he naturally did not dare to mess around.

He had also heard before, the Five Elements Bagua, Qi Men Dun Jia, this Zhuge Liang had all been studied.

And these are exactly what they are not good at, fight and kill, they are okay.

"Military Master, can this pile of rubble of yours really stop the enemy army?"

On the other side of the stone forest, Liao Hua was still a little uneasy, and he was quite worried.

If Huang Zhong and them caught up, he really didn't have the energy to resist now.

"The general rest assured, although this array is arranged in a hurry, it is still more than enough to stop Huang Zhong's army."

Zhuge Liang looked at Liao Hua, he still had this confidence.

"The army rested for a while, and then continued to retreat."

Zhuge Liang then ordered that everyone was tired from last night's pursuit, and the soldiers were already killed and injured.

At first, Liao Hua was still a little unconvinced, but seeing that Cao Jun really didn't move and didn't catch up, he was relieved.

"Military master, I didn't expect that you also have a reliable time."

Liao Hua looked at Zhuge Liang and said very moved.

"Talk more." Zhuge Liang glanced at Liao Hua, and was immediately speechless.

This is about how unreliable you are.

However, he also suddenly had a thought in his heart.

Since he was unable to resist Zhuge Qiu for a while in terms of the general trend, Zhuge Qiu did not let go of the art of war strategy.

I just don't know the Zhenqimen Formation, how much will this Zhuge Qiu have?

The more Zhuge Liang thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, and he didn't believe that this Zhuge Qiu was really an all-rounder.

You must know that even if it is a phoenix with the same name as himself, his attainment in the Qi Men formation is inferior to his own.

"Okay, this time, I'll fight with you about this strange gate formation."

Zhuge Liang made a decision even though he had confidence.

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