Zhuge Qiu led Zhang Liao and the two to the place where they were knocked down by Lu Lingqi for the first time.

"This tomboy rushed out of here and knocked me down, and hid her money on me. In

front of Zhang Liao, Zhuge Qiu did not hide it, and besides, if it was really Lu Lingqi, if he saw it, he would have to know sooner or later, and it was better to avoid embarrassment than to make it clear himself.

"Lingqi likes to dance knives and guns since she was a child, and she was taught first, so her skills, ordinary people, are afraid that she can't get close.

Zhang Liao observed for a while, then frowned and said, as for the money bag that Zhuge Qiu took out, he couldn't see anything.

"Maybe she didn't want to attract attention." "

She's all dressed as men, and it's not impossible.

"Good boy, you are really with that tomboy, and Lao Tzu's money bag is really in your place.

As soon as Zhuge Qiu's words fell, the guys who chased Lu Lingqi before happened to come out of the alley again.

Seeing the money bag that Zhuge Qiu handed to Zhang Liao, he immediately cursed and led the people to rush over.

Well, although I also want to find them, but at this moment, it seems to be a little embarrassing.

"Don't talk nonsense, I picked this up, and this bag will be returned to you." "

Zhuge Qiu threw the empty money bag over, joking, his own mental compensation, and medical expenses, how can he pay you back like this."

"Stinky boy, don't toast or eat and punish wine, take out the money inside." The

big man obviously didn't do it this time, and looked at the money bag that had long been deflated.

"Don't, get excited, don't get excited, so be it, you tell us, what is the festival between you and the kid who took your money before, we can go to him together, and I'll help you get the money back." Seeing

the other party, he was about to make a move, and at this time Zhuge Qiu spoke again.

Although it can't be given directly just like that, if you can find Lu Lingqi smoothly, it is also okay.

"Less nonsense in front of me, if I knew that kid, I wouldn't break his leg, but it's the same to break your leg now, I should be charged interest."

"Brothers, call me, I won't believe it, I can't pay for it."

"It's not that I don't give you a chance, it's that you don't want it, and you're going to break my leg."

Zhuge Qiu shook his head, and then retreated behind Zhang Liao with a regretful look.


Now that I have Zhang Liao by my side, am I afraid that a few of you will not succeed.

"Boy, the tone is not small, I will put the words here today, whether the money is in your place or not, just with this money bag, and your words, you will die." With

a wave of his big hand, five or six little brothers had already rushed over.

Zhang Liao glanced at them, and when they said they were going to break Lu Lingqi's leg just now, he was already unhappy.

Now he dares to say something bad and want to do it, which is even more unbearable.

These guys, bullying and bullying, old and weak women and children, that's no problem, but when you meet Zhang Liao like this, then it's really not enough to see.

What, you ask, what category does my Brother Qiu belong to, how to hide behind Zhang Liao.

Sorry, at present, the value of force is still weak.

Looking at Zhang Liao's fist, it was a tiger and tiger style, basically it was a fist to the flesh.

The people who were fisted and kicked by Zhang Liao had basically fallen to the ground, wailing, and Zhuge Qiu estimated that this was only afraid that Zhang Liao was still converging.

If Xu Chu is forced to come, I am afraid that whether this group of people can get up is a problem.

Three times five divided by two, these people were all put down.

"Well, now you take my word for it.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the big man at this time and asked.

"I asked you, do you know that kid, is there any festival between you?"

If the other party is really Lv Bu's daughter Lu Lingqi, then she is not an ordinary city disciple, although Lü Bu's ability to recognize her father is shameful.

But her daughter should not be reduced to stealing chickens and dogs.

"Gongzi, I... I don't know that kid, and besides, I haven't offended anyone lately.

Looking at Zhang Liao on the side, and then at his brothers who fell to the ground, he could only answer honestly.

"You didn't offend anyone?" Zhuge Qiu obviously looked disbelieving.

"I... I really didn't offend anyone, I just collected protection fees, and everyone got along very well. When

he said this, his tone couldn't help but decrease a little, and it seemed to be a bit weak-hearted.

Zhuge Qiu didn't expect that this guy is less faceless than himself, you have collected protection fees, and you still get along well?

"Not bad you are a ghost, hurry, recently collected protection fees, have you ever had a festival with anyone, or it is not easy to collect." "

Isn't that all hard to collect?"

replied the big man with some helplessness.

"I'll step on the horse and let you lift the bar. Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but give him a kick, anyway, there was Zhang Liao.

"I'm asking you how many have you confiscated yet, and are there any beautiful women?"

That, we don't take fireworks fields, they have their own people. "

There is... Yes... There is a mother and daughter. Seeing

that Zhuge Qiu was about to make a move again, he quickly changed his words and said with grievances.

"Women are women, and as for whether they are beautiful or not, it is difficult to say."

"Two masters, in fact, although this lady does not look good, but this figure, there is really nothing to say.

At this time, a person lying on the ground also quickly fawned over and added.

"Where are they?" Zhang Liao immediately asked as soon as he heard this, faster than Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu also knew that Zhang Liao was anxious.

"Just around the corner to the west of the city to sell crescent ravioli, the two masters will know when they go." "

Crescent ravioli, the predecessor of dumplings.

This period is called "crescent ravioli", the Southern and Northern Dynasties period is called "wonton", the Tang dynasty called dumplings "moon-shaped wontons", the Song dynasty called "jiaozi", the Yuan dynasty called "flat food"; the Qing dynasty called "dumplings".

After Zhuge Qiu and Zhang Liao asked clearly, they went in the direction of the west of the city.

"Wen Yuan, in fact, you don't have to be so anxious, is it difficult for them to say.

Seeing Zhang Liao's pace so fast, Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but remind that

although he also felt that there was a great possibility in his heart, he didn't dare to say 100%, instead of being disappointed too much in the end, it was better to splash a basin of cold water and cool down a little.

Originally, I also thought about letting Zhang Liao not go first, and I went to explore first, but in the end, seeing Zhang Liao's eager look, I still gave up.

After about two quarters of an hour, the two finally arrived at the west of the city, where the ruffians had spoken.

Sure enough, the two also saw a small stall selling crescent ravioli around the corner not far from them.

Zhang Liao immediately accelerated his speed and rushed over, forgetting to wait for Zhuge Qiu for a while.

It made Zhuge Qiu laugh, this guy, is he so anxious?

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