"Sir think twice, if you are not sure, once you enter the formation, I will not be able to save you."

Pang Tong saw that Zhuge Qiu turned around and was about to break the formation out of the city, and immediately pulled Zhuge Qiu again and persuaded.

"Sir, think twice." Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun also stopped Zhuge Qiu.

"Since I agreed to the fighting formation, if I don't dare to go today, wouldn't it be a joke to let this Zhuge Liang's big array be placed there."

Although Zhuge Qiu knew that they were worried about themselves, they still replied with a smile.

"Sir, let me go, I'll go and explore the way for Sir first."

Pang Tong thought that it was also here, and immediately took the initiative to speak.

Without waiting for Zhuge Qiu to speak, Pang Tong looked at Zhuge Liang under the city again.

"Kong Ming, kill chickens with a cow knife, today's formation, I, Pang Shiyuan, am willing to go to break the formation."

As soon as Zhuge Liang heard this, he immediately stopped doing it?

Zhuge Qiu pretended to be forced in front of me, after all, he couldn't do him before.

Now Pang Tong, you also come to me to pretend, you are so chicken feathers.

"Pang Shiyuan, this array is not something you can break, or retreat quickly, don't send it to death, since Zhuge Qiu does not dare to break the formation, then admit defeat and surrender."

Zhuge Liang was also tough at this time, he felt that Zhuge Qiu must be afraid, which made Pang Tong jump out, otherwise Pang Tong knew that he couldn't do it, how could he take the initiative to send him to death.

"See no, Lao Pang, it's not that I don't want you to go, but people said, you can't."

Zhuge Qiu also smiled faintly, but he didn't expect Zhuge Liang to be so direct.

"Kong Ming, you don't pretend to force me, I'm also a phoenix chick, I really want to try it today."

The clay people also have fire, Mad, you surnamed Zhuge even look down on me, deceive people too much.

"Old Pang, old Pang don't be excited, I'll go, I'll teach him a lesson for you and give you a blow."

Zhuge Qiu saw that Pang Tong seemed to have been stepped on by someone's tail, and quickly pulled people to persuade.

"Zhuge Kongming, you can see, see how I break your big array."

After Zhuge Qiu finished speaking, he directly led the troops out, after leaving the city gate.

At this time, it can be regarded as a step closer to seeing this, the famous eight-array diagram array.

"Such a strong murderous aura, condensed and not dispersed, like hiding thousands of troops."

Zhao Yun couldn't help but sigh at this time.

He even had a feeling that if you had to jump like this earlier, Qiu Ya would not run away with Charlotte.

No, it should be that you have to meet these eight formations early, and it is estimated that when you first come out of the mountain, you will not be so miserable by Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Liang saw that Zhao Yun had such an expression, and he was even more confident.

"Zhuge Shouyi, do you recognize this formation?" Zhuge Liang looked at Zhuge Qiu and also wanted to see how much he knew.

"These eight formations, according to the eight doors of Dun Jia (Qi Men Dun Jia), are divided into Hu, Sheng, Wound, Du, Jing, Death, Shock, Open, and eight doors open..."

"The ninth formation is the Chinese army large array, which is in the middle."

"The Chinese army consists of sixteen small formations, while the remaining eight gates and eight formations are composed of six small formations each, for a total of sixty-four small arrays."

"Among the eight gates and eight formations, the heaven and earth wind and clouds are the four righteous, the dragon, tiger, bird, and snake are the four qi, corresponding, the green dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird, and the teng snake."

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhao Yun on the side froze, but Zhuge Liang was a little confused.

This Nima really knows these eight formations.

Zhuge Liang knew very well that this would definitely not be what Pang Tong told Zhuge Qiu, because Pang Tong did not have this ability.

Pang Tong seemed to feel it on the side, and from Zhuge Liang's contempt, he was immediately unhappy.

"Kong Ming, what kind of eyes are you?"

Zhuge Liang did not answer Pang Tong, but continued to look at Zhuge Qiu.

"Since you know this formation, then do you dare to join the formation?"

Do you know what about this formation?

These eight doors and nine formations, sixty-four small arrays, with the change of time, are changing all the time, how can it be clearly stated.

"Sir, I am willing to join the battle with you later."

Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong immediately took the initiative to speak, intending to lead the troops into battle.

"No, I'll go alone."

Zhuge Qiu raised his hand, if there were more people going, it would be easy to have accidents, and these people did not understand these eight formations.

"Zhuge Qiu, you have deceived people so much that you dare to despise my great array so much."

Zhuge Liang didn't know what Zhuge Qiu thought, thinking that this guy was pretending to be himself again, and he was immediately angry.

"Sir, don't be careless, let's send a team of people to explore the way first."

"You don't have to." After saying that, Zhuge Qiu was already heading towards the big array.

The so-called pathfinding, but just sending to death, people who don't understand the formation will definitely not be able to get out.

As Zhuge Qiu walked forward, at this time, these eight gates had already begun to fog, and they couldn't see clearly.

"That's awesome."

Several other people were also stunned when they saw that the ground was fogging up at this time.

Wei Yan was also a little palpitating.

Zhuge Qiu is not surprised, Qi Men Dun Jia, good at taking advantage of the general trend.

The north gate of this Luocheng is bordered by Fushui, and these eight gates and nine formations stretch all the way to this Fushui River.

It is not unusual to borrow the water momentum to rise eight times, and the water momentum is foggy.

This is why when Zhuge Liang stopped Lu Xun, he set up a large array on the beach by the river, because he still borrowed the water potential.

This is also the insider watching the doorway, the layman watching the liveliness, obviously Huang Zhong they are laymen.

The so-called array, then there must be a birth door and a formation eye, enter from different doors, it is best to enter from the birth door, not enter the birth door, but must go out from the birth door.

However, these eight formations, eight doors and nine arrays, and sixty-four small arrays are endlessly changing.

Zhuge Qiu knew that he had to be more cautious, in front of the fog, the eight doors changed, and at this time, it was difficult to enter from the birth gate.

This is one of Zhuge Liang's purposes.

He doesn't mind either, he can't enter from the birth gate, then forget it, when the time comes, he will directly break out of the formation.

Zhuge Qiu did not pause and stepped directly into the formation.

Then the whole person disappeared into the fog, completely disappearing in front of Pang Tong and Zhao Yun.

"Sir." Zhao Yun subconsciously wanted to step forward, but was pulled by Pang Tong.

Angry, but don't dare to let people go around at this time.

"General Zilong can't, I think Mr. Lai will have a way." You are entering the battle at this time, I am afraid that it will increase the trouble.

Zhao Yun also knew that he was afraid that if he went in, he would only be able to drag his feet.

Zhuge Liang was different from their worried and solemn appearance at this time, and the smile on his face was unconcealed.

"Zhuge Qiu, you actually entered through the door of death, and this time you don't even want to find the door of life."

After Pang Tong heard Zhuge Liang's words, his heart tightened even tighter, and he actually entered through the door of death.

"Those who dare to enter this formation are prepared to face the danger of heaven and earth."

As Zhuge Liang's words fell, the large array in front of him began to change.

Today I am going to vindicate my Wolong name.

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