"I see that the two are also new to Liangzhou, this horse girl's wedding, it is very grand, if the two are interested, you can go and see it."

"And this is also an opportunity for us ordinary people to get to know General Ma Chao."

Zhuge Qiu pretended not to hear their words, but continued to persuade with a smile.

"What this gentleman said is that we naturally did not miss such a rare opportunity."

When the man heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he also smiled and hugged his fists and said.

"Then we thank you sir for informing."

After saying that, the two hugged their fists and left directly, even leaving aside for dinner.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them, and then returned to the mansion that Ma Chao had arranged for them.

"Sir, where have you been?" As soon as he came back, he met Zhao Yun and also happened to come back.

"Where can I go, in order not to use you as a light bulb, then I can only move my own seat."

Zhuge Qiu spread his hands and looked at Zhao Yun deliberately quipping.

Who would have thought that he would have come to Liangzhou to appease Ma Chao and get in touch with each other, so as not to be countered.

Now Zhao Yun has become the biggest winner and a great marriage.

"Sir don't want to tease Zilong, if it weren't for Mr. Matchmaking, Zilong would only be afraid that he would not have this fate."

Zhao Yun naturally heard that Zhuge Qiu was deliberately joking, so he also smiled bitterly and shook his head and said.

If it weren't for Zhuge Qiu, he wouldn't have tried with Ma Yunlu at all, let alone have something behind.

"Okay, you have such nice words, let's keep it and talk to the horse girl."

Zhuge Qiu laughed and stopped joking.

"I went out today and met two people, listening to their words, I think it is very likely that Zhuge Liang sent them."

Zhuge Qiu told Zhao Yun what he had just encountered.

"Zhuge Kongming sent it, could it be to win over Ma Chao?"

Zhao Yun felt that this was still a very possible thing, after all, Ma Chao still had the elite Xiliang Iron Rider in his hands.

"Quite possibly, but I don't think it's entirely so."

Zhuge Qiu nodded, and then shook his head again.

Ma Chao had already temporarily submitted to the imperial court, that is, to Cao Cao.

Wooing Ma Chao was naturally a beneficial and harmless thing for Liu Bei.

It's just that if Ma Chao is so easy to woo, why should Zhuge Liang wait until this time.

"Then with the intention of sir, Zilong told General Ma Chao about this, and then took the two of them down."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and suggested very decisively.

Now that he and Ma Yunlu are about to become married, he certainly doesn't want to see Ma Chao turn against the water.

If Ma Chao reverses, then Cao Cao will most likely let Zhuge Qiu lead the army to suppress the rebellion, Yu Gong, which is not conducive to the unification of the world and let the people live and work in peace and contentment as soon as possible.

In private, once the general fights, he will be an enemy with Ma Chao, so Ma Yunlu will be very embarrassed to be caught in the middle.

Even his fate with Ma Yunlu will come to an end.

Such a thing, Zhao Yun naturally was even more reluctant to see it.

"Tell Ma Chao that it's okay, but you don't need to do it so quickly, I want to see what their purpose is."

Zhuge Qiu said after pondering for a while, and he also understood Zhao Yun's worry.

The more so, the more they want to know what their purpose is.

"Everything is left to sir." Zhao Yun naturally did not oppose Zhuge Qiu, on the contrary.

For the next two days, Zhuge Qiu deliberately went around and did not see the two people.

"It seems that it can only wait until the time for a big wedding."

Zhuge Qiu sighed.

Zhao Yun and Ma Yunlu's wedding was held as scheduled, and Zhuge Qiu hovered at the door like a guest.

For this reason, he also specially transferred some subordinates who had seen him and asked Ma Chao to help elsewhere.

After all, he is the actual controller of Xiliang, and there must be many people who came when Ma Chao's sister got married, and there are already countless people who slap.

Finally, after a while, Zhuge Qiu finally saw the two people from before.

They changed into new clothes and carried gifts with red letters of joy on them.

"Two, it's really a coincidence, I didn't expect us to meet again, it seems that the two of you also came to congratulate sincerely."

Zhuge Qiu took the initiative to step forward and say hello, appearing very enthusiastic, people who don't know, they thought they were old acquaintances, friends who had been friends for many years.

"It turned out to be sir, and sir is also here to congratulate you?"

Seeing that it was Zhuge Qiu, the young man also returned the salute with a smile.

"Naturally, since we are so close, why don't we go in together?"

Zhuge Qiu smiled and was completely self-familiar, and then entered the mansion with the crowd.

"I listen to the accents of the two, are the two from Yizhou?"

After finding a seat and sitting down, Zhuge Qiu continued to ask.

"Good." The young man was cheerful and quickly spoke.

"Strictly speaking, we are not Yizhou people, but we just went south and north, and we got a lot of accents for a while."

Instead, the older scribe beside him added an opening sentence.

"So it is."

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't care, this person's explanation, he didn't believe a single punctuation mark.

"Since the two of you go south and north, they must be well-informed people, you two often go in and out of Yizhou, I don't know if the two of you have ever heard of one."

Zhuge Qiu continued to look at the two and asked.

"I don't know who Mr. is talking about, but if there is some fame, I think I have heard of it."

The young man looked at Zhuge Qiu very confidently and replied.

The older scribe on the side tried to stop it but it was too late, and he couldn't do it.

"That man... The man seemed to have the surname Zhuge Lai.

Zhuge Qiu touched his head, quite a posture that he couldn't remember, how he suddenly forgot.

However, his gaze caught a glimpse of the scribe's reaction, and his heart was obviously tight.

"What Zhuge we don't know, the people we know, there is no surname Zhuge ." This time, he rushed ahead and spoke.

The young man did not speak this time, apparently as if he also knew what the scribe meant.

"This... yes, I haven't said who it is, you two don't know each other. Zhuge Qiu laughed, with such a magical expression.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered, the person I'm looking for seems to be called Zhuge Qiu."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the two, but did not say Zhuge Liang's name.

"I heard that this person has defeated a person called Zhuge Liang many times, and now everyone says that this Zhuge Qiu is Mr. Wolong in the world."

"Ben was still thinking that if the two of you knew, you could talk to me."

"Fart." As soon as the words fell, the young man was not happy.

"I don't allow you to humiliate the military master so much."

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