"Your Majesty is deliberately waiting for me?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Xie and asked with some surprise, after all, with his relationship with Liu Xie, waiting for himself, I really don't know what he thinks.

"Naturally, with your medical skills, as long as those useless imperial doctors can't understand it, then Cao Cao will definitely let you come in person."

Liu Xie nodded again, did not deny it, and the whole person looked at Zhuge Qiu and laughed.

It's as happy and joyful as if my plan succeeded.

"Then I wonder what Your Majesty has to say? Or is His Majesty planning something? Zhuge

Qiu also looked at Liu Xie indifferently at this time, and the soldiers came to cover the water block.

"You know you're fighting those families, but you don't think you can win."

"If the family is really so easy to deal with, then the imperial court will not be restrained."

Liu Xie laughed, as if he had thought of something.

"Of course, you are indeed a wonderful person, in you, you have seen many miracles, you have created many things that you have never even seen."

"His Majesty designed me to come just so that I could listen to this?"

"If that's all, then you won't have to worry about winning or losing."

Zhuge Qiu didn't want to listen to Liu Xie's words, in his opinion, everything was already doomed.

In the past, it was difficult for the family to shake because of the resources they controlled, but now they have increased their productivity.

Technology has also all been innovated, so whether it is overthrowing the family or changing blood, the end of this group of families is already doomed.

"Hahaha, I know that you don't believe it, but even if you don't believe it, this time it is Xu winning, and Xu will definitely win."

Liu Xie looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a smile that was almost crazy.

"yes, then wait and see."

Zhuge Qiu frowned and glanced at Liu Xie. He didn't expect that this Liu Xie would become so crazy now.

Zhuge Qiu left directly after speaking, he didn't know why Liu Xie became so crazy and so confident.

But since he has nothing to do, there is no need to show him anything.

Leaving Liu Xie's dormitory, Zhuge Qiu ordered.

"Pay close attention to the movements of His Majesty's residence, anyone entering and leaving must be strictly checked, and if you hear an unexpected sound, you don't have to worry too much and rush in directly to check."

Zhuge Qiu thought about it and felt a little uneasy, after all, Liu Xie's performance today was a little abnormal.

"The last general understands that the last general has also ordered the last general before, including the food sent in, and the last general will also carefully check it, and there will be no mistakes."

After Zhuge Qiu heard this, he was much relieved.

It seems that Cao Cao also understands that Liu Xie cannot be allowed to die at this time, and he must be wary of his suicide.

After returning to the mansion, Cao Cao had already arrived.

"How, is there an abnormality?" Cao Cao asked straight to the point.

"His body doesn't seem to be abnormal, but his reaction is surprising."

Zhuge Qiu paused, and then told Cao Cao about today's events.

There is no need for him to hide anything from this kind of thing, but to say it, in case there is something he has neglected to make up for.

"Then in your opinion, why did our Majesty suddenly become like this?"

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao also frowned and subconsciously asked.

"Not suddenly, but our conflict with him cannot be reconciled, unless you are willing to return the power in your hands to him."

"If I give it back to him, I'm afraid that then all of us will have to die."

Cao Cao smiled bitterly, of course he knew that what Zhuge Qiu said was also the truth, an irreconcilable contradiction.

"From his words today, I think there are nothing more than two points."

"First, he did meet the people of the Lu family, and it seems that he also gave him a reassuring pill, making him feel that he would definitely win."

"So depressed him. I can't wait to show it, want to vent, or it is also a means of confusion.

"This second, that is, suicide, used his own life to create one last big trouble for us."

Zhuge Qiu said his thoughts very indifferently.

Cao Cao also thought deeply, "Yes, that's exactly the case, but I'm most worried about the second point." "

Although Liu Xie did not have this courage before, but now his strength is getting stronger and stronger, who knows that Liu Xie will not use this last method.

Today, his biggest capital is only his life that bears the identity of the emperor.

"That can only be to wait and see, to prevent trouble, but this life is ultimately his, and we can't stop it at all times."

Zhuge Qiu spread his hands, and he couldn't change this.

He who is bent on dying, who saves life.

At most, it's just stalling for time.

"Is there no other way?"

Of course, Cao Cao knew this difficulty, but it was precisely this that was why he thought of Zhuge Qiu.

"After destroying the family, the emperor will be abolished."

Zhuge Qiu gave Cao Cao a blank look, he didn't believe that Cao Cao didn't think so, but he finally said it himself.

"His life and death are nothing more than the identity of the emperor, and after the abolition of the emperor, his life and death will not matter."

Cao Cao did not answer directly, after all, Zhuge Qiu said too directly.

It's just that there is no other way but this method.

"How much time do we have to prepare?" After a while, Cao Cao slowly spoke, as if he had made some decision.

"Then it depends on the Lu family, Liu Xie's hope now should be in the Lu family's plan, after the Lu family loses, the family will be almost the same."

"If he has no hope, then maybe it will be this last step."

Zhuge Qiu truthfully said his guess.

After all, with so many years, Liu Xie's character is concerned, if he can not die, he will not choose to die, otherwise he would not know how many times he died.

"I hope it won't, but if it does come to this point, I won't relent."

Cao Cao sighed, and everything was decided.

Immediately, the two drank tea again.

Zhuge Qiu saw that Cao Cao didn't seem to want to leave, and he was a little surprised, "What else can't be done?"

"Look at what you said, I'm here to see my daughter and son-in-law, can't I eat and leave again, there are some good things, only you have it."

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and smiled, as if he had returned to before, sweeping away the heavy topic just now.

"At this time, I still think about eating." Zhuge Qiu was also amused by Lao Cao's reaction.

But maybe this is where Lao Cao's ability lies.

After eating a meal, Cao Cao left with the people.

"It looks like it's not calm again."

Looking at the back of Cao Cao leaving, and at the moonlight covered by dark clouds, Zhuge Qiu sighed.

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