Sun Quan immediately thought a lot in his heart, but he didn't expect such a thing.

This Gong Jin really can find something for himself to do anywhere.

Now that Zhou Yu is undercover in Xuchang, the most important thing for him is to first encircle these families and concentrate his financial resources.

After thinking about this, Sun Quan immediately looked at Lu Xun.

"You can rest assured of this, Gong Jin is now in Xuchang, and when he can come back is a problem."

"If they are really worried, they can let him not have to come back, after all, it is our internal response, and it is suspicious to always come back."

Sun Quan gave a good reason, which made people feel at ease.

"The Lord is wise." As soon as Lu Xun heard this, he was immediately relieved.

Only Lu Su was on the side, and he mourned for Zhou Yu for three minutes.

It's really a crime, it seems that Gong Jin has made meritorious contributions every time, and it is not without reason.

"This matter is left to you, if there are enough funds, I believe we still have the power to fight."

Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun with a posture that gave great hope.

Where does poor Zhou Yu know this, not only Jiangdong, Yizhou is actually similar.

Many small family merchants wanted to flee to Chengdu.

No small conflict broke out, but it was suppressed by Huang Zhong and Wei Yan.

"Master, we have money this time."

After Zhuge Liang received some of the merchant family, he went to see Liu Bei, and the whole person was also in a good mood.

He believes that as long as there is money and food, then he will definitely have a chance to turn over.

"Rich?" Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you already pay Wu Yi the money you sold before, where did you get the money?"

"Forget it, don't bother if you have a little money, fortunately Wu Yi is not here, otherwise he would have to make trouble with you."

Liu Bei glanced at Zhuge Liang and persuaded, there is no need to tell himself this kind of thing, there is no need to scream.

"No, Lord, I'm not saying I'm rich, but we, it's Lord, you are rich."

Zhuge Liang was suddenly speechless, but he still explained and said.

"Me?" Liu Bei glanced at Zhuge Liang, with a posture of what kind of joke you are making: "My money has been defeated by you, and the war is almost burned."

"Zhuge Qiu vigorously wiped out the northern family, and now the family is in danger, and many families have fled to Chengdu, and they have turned to the lord and are willing to fund the lord."

Zhuge Liang's eyebrows were already difficult to hide their joy.

After holding back for so long, I finally saw hope again.

"It seems that they are cornered." Liu Bei sneered.

"If that's fine, then it's up to you."

But overall, this is also a very good thing for himself, so he has no reason to refuse.

If you can make good use of it, you can solve a large part of the military needs, which is naturally very good.

"That... Lord, can Liang use some silver taels to buy family capital. "

Zhuge Liang thought of Liu Bei's words just now, he already has nothing, Wollongong, Zhuge Qiu will definitely not sell to himself again.

I still have to think a little, in the days to come, the most basic survival is still needed.

"If you can help me recapture the entire territory of Yizhou, let alone family wealth, it is even a gift to you with a city."

Liu Bei glanced at Zhuge Liang, then waved his big hand, and said with a very proud look.

As soon as Zhuge Liang heard this, he was immediately stunned, and his mouth was full of bitterness.

He didn't want to do such a thing, but he had already failed so many times, how could he win it so easily.

"Bright, do your best."

In the end, it can only be turned into a sentence of doing your best as your own goal.

After Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words, he nodded, and then left.

"Zhuge Qiu, Zhuge Qiu, how can I defeat you."

Looking at Liu Bei's back as he left, Zhuge Liang sighed again.

He cares more about how to save his reputation than Liu Bei's reward.

And that Zhou Gongjin, who originally thought that he was the same as himself, but now he has become Zhuge Qiu's right hand.

It's such a disappointment.

"Ah Qiu."

Zhou Yu had just returned to the house, and before he could say hello, he directly sneezed.

"Gong Jin, you have worked hard this time, this time you destroyed several others, your merit, I will definitely vigorously publicize it."

Zhuge Qiu saw Zhou Yu sneezing, and took the initiative to speak.

"No, it's all your credit." Zhou Yu immediately refused.

In his heart, he was even more to Zhuge Qiu, a meal output.

This Nima Gou, publicize a fart, and then publicize it, I guess I really don't have to go back.

Just sneezed for no reason, maybe which guy was muttering to himself behind his back.

"Are you worried that if this news spreads, it will cause the Jiangdong family to be dissatisfied and repulsed by you?"

As if he had seen through Zhou Yu's thoughts, Zhuge Qiu immediately opened his mouth and asked a rhetorical question.

"I was originally worried, but since I am already in Xuchang, it is naturally no big deal."

Zhou Yu naturally still didn't tell the truth, but said with a very indifferent look.

"That's good, it's okay, in fact, I have already publicized for you, such as everyone knows your name Zhou Lang today."

"Those families themselves will also be afraid of you."

Zhou Yu: ......

Thank you so much.

"Why, Gong Jin, you seem to be unhappy?"

Zhuge Qiu asked again with a concerned look.

"Didn't... It's okay, I want to be quiet.

After Zhou Yu took a while, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

"That's good, but I see that your face is not very good, so be it, just right, I'll let Xu Chu send you back."

After speaking, Zhuge Qiu directly shouted, and called Xu Chu, who had been burying his head in drinking before.

"No problem, leave it to Li, you can rest assured."

Xu Chu burped, then got up and pulled Zhou Yu towards the outside.

Zhou Yu was naturally Xu Chu's opponent, and he was still recalling what Zhuge Qiu said before.

He felt that Zhuge Qiu must have done it on purpose, and he wanted to think of some way to save himself.

Otherwise, if you go back to Jiangdong, it will definitely be everyone shouting and beating.

No, nine times out of ten, you may not be able to go back directly.

Zhou Yu was full of thoughts about how to solve this matter, and Xu Chu was also very dedicated, after all, Zhuge Qiu emphasized that he was his own person more than once.

When Zhou Yu was in Xuchang, he often invited Xu Chu to drink in order to better go undercover.

"Husband, what's wrong with my husband?" When Xiao Qiao saw Zhou Yu's return, he immediately stepped forward and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, he's fine, he just wants to be quiet."

Xu Chu explained very intimately.

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