Zhuge Qiu also saw clearly at this time, an old man who looked to be fifty or sixty years old, and he still carried a medicine box on his shoulder.

"Rhubarb is a laxative, rhubarb is a cold thing, now this patient has a bloated stomach like a drum, can't swallow, how can it be such a heavy medicine?"


old man looked at Zhuge Qiu and questioned again, and the meaning was also clear.

Whether you use rhubarb or not, this amount of medicine is obviously over the standard.

"Huashen Doctor. "

That big man, after seeing the person coming, also immediately spoke, as if he saw a savior.


Qiu was also a little surprised, and now he has not been cut by Cao Cao.

"Emergency diseases require heavy medicine, which is a disorder of the spleen and stomach caused by humid heat entering the body, although rhubarb is cold, but it is of great use at this time. "

If I'm not mistaken, your mother must have had a cold before she got sick, that is, a minor illness, right?" Zhuge

Qiu continued to diagnose, at this time, if you don't come up with some real effort, I'm afraid this person won't believe himself.

"How do you know?" the man was also stunned, he hadn't mentioned this, and he hadn't even come here to see a doctor.

"My mother was originally washing people's clothes by the river to earn money, but she accidentally fell into the water, so she had a minor illness, and then went to see Langzhong, and as a result, she took medicine, and my mother was like this.

"I can't find it either."

Hua Tuo also didn't expect that Zhuge Qiu could even see that he had a cold before.

This man is so young and has this medical skill, which is really amazing.

"But even so, why did you take such heavy medicine, and how could the patient endure it?" Hua Tuo was no longer angry before.

It is estimated that he saw Zhuge Qiu's ability and felt that he was not talking and harming people here.

"That jianghu langzhong, seeing that the patient fell into the water and got sick, he used hot medicine to drive away the cold, but unfortunately he did not use enough medicine, and the patient was a cold body, so there was no effect.

"On the contrary, it is like throwing a small glass of water into a fire, which is useless, but makes the patient have an extra breath of heat in his body."

"With such alternation of cold and heat, how can the patient endure this humid heat? Rhubarb ephemeral fire detoxifies, discharges dampness and heat, and can also expel stasis in the body, and natural medicine to eliminate the disease."

After Hua Tuo listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, his eyes also flickered continuously, obviously thinking about Zhuge Qiu's words.

In the end, he was immediately overjoyed, and his eyes changed when he looked at Zhuge Qiu, "The old man has been taught, he is so old and has such skills, which is really admirable."

"Quick, according to this son-in-law's words, grab the medicine."

After speaking, Hua Tuo quickly asked Xiao Er to do so.

Xiao Er was even more dumbfounded, this person was really so powerful?

Seeing that Hua Tuo nodded, the man was even more relieved.

The patient was taken to the backyard where decoctions were waiting to be taken.

About half an hour later, Zhuge Qiu was bragging with Hua Tuo, and the man rushed over and knelt directly in front of Zhuge Qiu.

"Thank you Little Doctor, thank you Little Doctor.

"You're welcome. Zhuge Qiu helped the person up.

"Doctor Hua Shen, now that the patient is unharmed, then Shouyi will leave, thank you for the silver needle of the Divine Doctor." Seeing

that the delay was almost over, Zhuge Qiu got up and prepared to leave.

"This... Zhuge Gongzi, you are so young and your medical skills are so superb, many problems, old age has not been able to understand, not as good as you.

"I don't know if Zhuge Gongzi can stay and continue to solve the old man's confusion." Hua

Tuo was unwilling to release people, and humbly asked for advice.

"I..." "

If Zhuge Gongzi does not dislike it, the old man is stupid, and the old man is willing to worship the young man as a teacher."

Hua Tuo struck while the iron was hot and further proposed.

I'll go, the divine doctor Hua Tuo wants to be my apprentice, which is not very good.

"Zhuge Gongzi does not need to hesitate, as the old saying goes, there will be my master in a threesome, and Gongzi's medical skills are far superior to me, just as the so-called master is a teacher, the old man is willing."

As if seeing Zhuge Qiu's thoughts, Hua Tuo saluted Zhuge Qiu again.

Since you are so sincere, then I can only accept you.

In the future, many divine doctor apprentices will be awesome to say it.

"Huashen Doctor, practicing medicine to save the world, if it helps, I know everything.

Zhuge Qiu promised that he didn't have the heart to save people everywhere, and after teaching Hua Tuo, he could save more people.

In any case, the medicine king's medical skills came from the Sui and Tang dynasties, and they were definitely better than now.

"Quick, I've seen your master. Seeing

that Zhuge Qiu agreed, Hua Tuo immediately called Xiao Er on the side.

Xiao Er opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't believe it.

I pumped my mouth twice, and found that it hurt a little, so I honestly shouted.

"I've seen Master Zu.

After Hua Tuo visited the teacher, Zhuge Qiu answered some of his questions again, promising to come in the next few days, and then left the medicine shop.

"Master, why do you worship such a young person as a master, how ugly this is. In

fact, he couldn't get over this hurdle himself, after all, at the beginning, he despised Zhuge Qiu so much.

"Master is a teacher, don't you know?" Hua Tuo slapped him on the head.

"Do you know that the questions I just asked have puzzled me for a long time, even Zhang Zhongjing, this old boy, can't answer them.

"This... So powerful?" Xiao Er was stunned again.

"Of course. Hua Tuo said with a smile.

Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, when I answer these questions, I will definitely be surprised.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu didn't know that Hua Tuo had this thought, and he planned to go to talk to the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the silver needle in his hand, ready to go home, came out to buy the silver needle, but did not expect to accept Hua Tuo as an apprentice.

"Good boy, I met you again. As

he was walking, the scoundrels before actually surrounded him again.

Zhuge Qiu didn't expect that today I met again, Mad, Zhang Liao is not there, it's really a bit of a problem.

"Now that your guards are gone, see me as if I were doubly taking revenge."

"Stop, Hugh is going to hurt my grace." Just

as he was about to make a move, a familiar voice sounded.

Zhuge Qiu saw that it was the one who saved people before.

"Boss, he is the little divine doctor I said, it is my benevolent father, and Hua Tuo divine doctor admires him."

He said while pointing at Zhuge Qiuna while looking at the young man beside him.

"Get out of the way and be less nosy. As

soon as he finished speaking, the young man was already doing it.

Again three times five divided by two, all down.

Now that group of scoundrels are blinded, this guy is poisonous, can't be touched?"

"Little god doctor, one of my boss's relatives is sick, I don't know if the divine doctor can save him, my boss will definitely repay the divine doctor." The

man before, looking at Zhuge Qiu, said very excitedly, Zhuge Qiu saved his mother, he was very grateful and trusting.

Zhuge Qiu looked at the man, this skill is only afraid that it is not under Wen Yuan, there is such a powerful person here.

Soon, the information in front of me was already emerging.

I wiped, it turned out to be him.

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