"My good nephew, it's still too tender to fight with me.

Liu Bei left Jiangxia City at this time, and the whole person was also relieved.

"It's really abominable, and I don't know where a quack doctor came from, but he ruined my plan."

Liu Bei cursed while riding towards the Jingling Tomb.

Several guards behind him looked around vigilantly, listening to Liu Bei talking to himself there.

"Don't look around, my good nephew, he won't catch up, speed up and return to the tomb, don't miss the alliance."

Liu Bei said, and then beat him fiercely, as if he wanted to vent.

Lu Lingqi and Zhang Liao were already waiting in front.

"This is the closest road to the tomb, so we just need to stay here.

Zhang Liao looked at the road in front of him, and then glanced at Lu Lingqi and said.

"What if that guy said something wrong, what if the big eared thief didn't come?" Lu

Lingqi snorted, obviously feeling that Zhuge Qiu deliberately pinched herself, making her still uncomfortable in her heart.

"No, as the gentleman said, it has always been a matter of course.

Zhang Liao saw it in his eyes, but he was happy, and immediately explained with a smile, in his opinion, this is a good sign, not that the wrong family does not gather.

Lu Lingqi was just about to open her mouth to refute, but she had already heard the movement.

Liu Bei was leading a few guards to come at this time, and he was quite proud in his heart.

"Big eared thief, you take your life. Lu

Lingqi immediately killed out, stopped in front, and rushed straight towards Liu Bei.

Zhang Liao originally planned to let them get closer before making a move, but he could only follow and kill them.

He couldn't let Lu Lingqi make any mistakes in front of his eyes.

Liu Bei was also taken aback, thinking that Liu Qi had sent someone to intercept him.

But seeing that it was a female general, she was surprised, so the guard stepped forward, and at the same time looked at Lu Lingqi and asked, "Who sent you?"

Lu Lingqi shouted, and the Fang Tian Painting Halberd in his hand was already swept out.

Zhang Liao also greeted him at this time, "Liu Bei, today is your time of death." "

Zhang Liao also went directly to Liu Bei, if he can kill Liu Bei today, he can not only avenge Lü Bu, but also completely untie Lv Lingqi's heart.

He can also make meritorious contributions, and he can take this opportunity to ask Cao Cao not to embarrass Lu Lingqi and Sable Cicada.

Such a thing that has the best of both worlds, Zhang Liao is naturally even more desperate.

"Lü Bu's death, what does it have to do with me?" Liu

Bei was a little confused, although he said that he had spoken in, but Lü Bu was ordered to be killed by Cao Cao.

The guards brought by Liu Bei have to say that they do have some skills and buy time for Liu Bei.

Liu Bei sat down, that was Luma, that was also the famous mount in the Three Kingdoms, Prancing Horse Tanxi, that really saved Liu Bei's life.

Zhang Liao and Lu Lingqi saw each other, and immediately chased after them.

"Big eared thief, where to run.

Lu Lingqi even threw Fang Tian's halberd directly.

Liu Bei was also startled when he heard the sound of breaking the sky behind him, and when he saw Fang Tian's halberd, he rushed straight towards him, and he didn't dare to slack.

The double-stranded sword in his hand pulled out, and looked back to weaken Fang Tian's halberd.

Fortunately, as a woman, Lu Lingqi's strength is limited, even so, Liu Bei's hands were numb by the shock.

Almost fell off the horse.

This also happened to make Zhang Liao and Lu Lingqi take advantage of this opportunity to catch up.

Seeing this, Liu Bei also knew that something was wrong, why was he so unlucky.

"General Lu's death was done by Cao Cao, why did Miss Lu insist on seeking revenge on me?" Liu

Bei tried to convince Lu Lingqi that he could not carry this pot.

"Shameless people, deceive the few and betray my father, if it weren't for your treachery, how could Cao Thief break Xuzhou?"

said Lu Lingqi, and the movements in her hand were even more unforgiving.

A dagger was immediately drawn from his sleeve and flew towards Liu Bei again.

Liu Bei was just about to open his mouth to refute, but he couldn't dodge, and he only felt a pain in his ears, and he was directly cut off like this.

Liu Bei just wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

Lying groove, you practice darts when you step on a horse, right?"

"Stinky girls, you are looking for death."

Liu Bei couldn't help it, covered his ears and cursed directly.

"Big brother, Zhang Fei came to save you. When

Zhang Liao was about to step forward, Zhang Fei led the people to kill them directly.

"Third brother, kill them for me, especially this stinky girl.

Liu Bei covered his ears and gritted his teeth.

I thought that he was going to die here, but after seeing Zhang Fei coming, he was immediately relieved.

"Lingqi be careful. When

Zhang Liao saw Zhang Fei coming straight away, he could only abandon Liu Bei and greet Zhang Fei.

Compared to killing Liu Bei, Lu Lingqi is the most important, and if he is at this distance, he is not sure, and he will kill with one hit.

Lu Lingqi rode away, rolled over, and picked up Fang Tian's halberd from the ground.

Zhang Liao knew Zhang Fei's skills, and as soon as the two clashed, he felt the gap, although he would not lose for a while.

But he knew that in terms of martial arts, he was not Zhang Fei's opponent.

Moreover, Zhang Fei also brought soldiers to come.

"Zhang Liao, your subordinates of the three family slaves still dare to make a move.

Zhang Fei scolded while hitting.

When Lu Lingqi saw Zhang Fei scolding Zhang Liao, he did not forget to bring Lü Bu to scold together, and he hated Liu Bei even more in his heart.

Liu Bei also seemed to see Lu Lingqi's gaze.

My third brother scolded your father, what does it matter to me?

Lu Lingqi didn't speak, directly brandished Fang Tian's halberd, and killed it.

Liu Bei was startled, this lady is crazy.

The guards hurriedly stepped forward to stop Lu Lingqi.

In this way, a stalemate began for a while.

Lu Lingqi was stopped by these guards, and she couldn't go deep for a while.

Zhang Liao gradually couldn't stand Zhang Fei.

"Ring-eyed thief, fight when you fight, don't force it. "

Loud, you're amazing.

Zhang Liao really couldn't stand it, and while fighting, he had to endure the spiritual output of Zhang Fei's big voice.

The ears feel like they're being overwhelmed.

So even the mantra that Zhuge Qiu usually said was taken out and used.

"Third brother, quick victory, don't talk nonsense with them.

When Liu Bei heard this, he knew that Zhang Liao was going to be unable to hold on, and there was no way, he couldn't hold on.

One of the ears is gone, and the bleeding hasn't stopped.

"Wen Yuan, don't panic, sir let me help you. As

soon as the words fell, Gan Ning was already single-handedly killed him.

"Sir?" Although Liu Bei was missing one ear, he seemed to hear better, and he immediately grasped the point.

"Third brother, let's withdraw first. "

If you continue to entangle, you can't withstand this injury."

Although he saved his life, he lost an ear, and this revenge must not be repaid, and it is necessary to find out who this gentleman is.

Liu Bei glanced at it hatefully, and then led the people to retreat.

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