Koto Jianye.

"Kong Ming, you wait here first, and go to report to the Lord before you go down.

"Ryo, thank you so much. Zhuge Liang gave thanks, and the feather fan shook gently, looking very confident.

"Kong Ming, are you really sure to convince my family master?" Lu

Su just walked out two steps and asked back, seemingly a little worried.

"Zi Jing rest assured, with these three inches of uncorrupted tongue, he will be able to make Jiangdong Qunchen write from top to bottom and form an alliance against Cao. Lu

Su saw that Zhuge Liang was so confident, so he didn't say anything more, and went directly to Sun Quan.

Now that Cao Cao's army is pressing, Jiangdong Qunchen wants to surrender quite a lot, so he is also under great pressure.

Lu Su went to find Sun Quan, and when he entered the council hall, Lu Su himself was startled and a little surprised.

Zhang Zhao, Zhang Qi, Zhou Yu, Zhuge Jin, the four of them were all here.

"Zibu, Zigang, Gong Jin, Ziyu, several of them are actually here, could it be that they are already determined to resist Cao?"

said Lu Su one by one, and then looked at several and asked.

"Hmph, Kang Cao, and that Liu Xuande?" Zhang

Zhao glanced at Lu Su and snorted coldly, and then replied with displeasure.

"Yes, now that Cao Cao's army is pressing the realm, only by joining forces with Liu Xuande can there be a chance to resist Cao Cao.

Lu Su frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Although Zhang Zhao also advocated not to conflict with Cao Cao as much as possible, he did not oppose Liu against Cao Cao so much.

"Liu Bei and Na Zhuge Liang are just generals of the defeated army, no more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, all of them are new troops, and their alliance will not let them sit back and enjoy their success." Zhou

Yu's face was also a little ugly at this time, looking at Lu Su, with a little displeasure.

"Zijing, when I look at this matter, you don't have to be busy anymore.

When Lu Su heard Zhou Yu also say this, he was stunned again.

If Zhang Zhao's reaction was concerned, he could still understand it, but Zhou Yu's reaction at this time made him confused.

Didn't you advocate uniting with Liu to resist Cao Cao in order to solve the crisis of Cao Cao's southward movement?" Lu

Su looked at Zhou Yu and asked, how many days has it been, how did he come back to this attitude.


Cao Cao insists on crossing the river, I will personally lead an army to beat Cao Thief to protect Jiangdong, and disdain the villains to join forces."

Zhou Yu looked at Lu Su and replied.

"Villain?" Lu

Su was even more of a monk in Zhang'er, scratching his head, "What did Gong Jin say, but Liu Xuande?

Zhou Yu handed the letter directly to Lu Su.

"Liu Bei this person is really an ominous person, and his mind is vicious, Liu Qi's son, treat him like this, he actually poisoned him in order to seize Jiangxia.

Zhang Xi also said disdainfully at this time.

Lu Su looked at the letter and the whole person was confused, how did he not know these things.

And it is written in the letter, who Liu Bei turns to, whoever is unlucky, can kill whomever he wants, although this thing is outrageous, but it seems to be true.

"Dare to ask the Metropolitan Governor where this letter came from?"

asked Lu Su after a while.

"I don't know who sent it to me and other people, but what is said in the letter is all true, and Liu Qi also issued a notice in Jiangxia, and Liu Bei poisoned and murdered him.

Zhang Zhao spoke again at this time, obviously what he meant by this was that not only Zhou Yu had received this letter.

"Master, this... This is obviously deliberately done by someone to destroy the alliance between Sun and Liu.

Although Lu Su was shocked by the content of this letter, he still hoped that Sun Liu and the two could ally with each other.

"Even if it is intentional, but what is said in the letter is not false, such a person, how can I ally with him, is it for his 10,000 people, so that he also has the opportunity to harm me?"

Sun Quan also spoke at this time, he is not a person who does not believe in evil, his own brother, how Sun Ce died, he still has not forgotten.

"But... But Zhuge Kongming has already come to Jianye, the lord might as well listen to what he says, otherwise, if there is any misunderstanding, wouldn't it be the plan of the Cao thief. Lu

Su can only put his hope on Zhuge Liang now.

"Yes, Lord, since the people are here, let's meet them, so as not to spread the word and cause criticism, but it seems that we are not." After

all, the person who came was his younger brother, and Zhuge Jin naturally helped to speak.

"Then see what he has to say. Sun

Quan also knew the relationship between Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang, so he should give Zhuge Jin this face.

Zhuge Liang was in the main hall, naturally he didn't know what was going on inside.

He also waited to see Sun Quan and persuaded them with a three-inch uncorrupted tongue.

"Sir, the Lord pleases. "

The guards came and brought Zhuge Liang to Sun Quan.

Zhuge Liang was originally still wondering why Lu Su was not coming, but when he saw that Sun Quan was here, there were so many people.

Zhuge Liang also felt that something was wrong, especially his old brother Zhuge Jin, his eyes seemed to be stuck in the sand, and he kept blinking.

"I saw Wu Hou in Xia Zhuge Kongming.

"No need to be polite, what happened this time?" Sun Quan raised his hand and gestured.

"Cao Cao's army pressed the realm, Liu Jun and Cai Shi offered Jing Xiang to protect themselves, Cao Cao's next step must be to take the crossing of the river and directly take Jianye,"

"So Liang came this time to save Jiangdong, of course, it was also self-help.

Zhuge Liang had already prepared his words, so he said very confidently.

"Save Jiangdong?" Zhang Zhao was the first to sneer, "Liu Xuande's army defeated Xinye and defeated Changbanpo, what qualifications do you have to speak out and save Jiangdong, if it weren't for Liu Qi's son to take him in, I'm afraid he would have become a dog who lost his family."

"Victory and defeat are common things in the army, and although my lord is defeated, he beats the Cao army hard, which also creates an opportunity for future unity, doesn't it." "

Beat Cao Jun?" Zhou Yu also laughed at this time.

"You are defeated, holding your heads, and you dare to speak out?" "

Liu Qigongzi took you in, but you murdered Liu Qigongzi, which is shameful.

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he directly threw the letter in his hand in front of Zhuge Liang.

Only then did Zhuge Liang see the contents of the letter clearly.

It turns out that this is why they are so hated.

However, after reading the contents of the letter, Zhuge Liang himself was a little stunned.

It's really hard to refute.

Especially the matter of Liu Qi.

"This is the plot of the Cao thief, you must not be gullible, moreover, at the moment of life and death, you should abandon the past suspicions."

"Could it be that Liu Xuandek's death of so many people is also the plot of Cao Thief?"

"The world says that Lord Lu, I think Liu Xuande is the first defense lord, Kong Ming, you better go back, my lord, still young."

Zhuge Liang was even more speechless in his heart, which was different from what he thought.

Thinking that since he followed Liu Bei, nothing seemed to have been done.

Is it really so powerful?

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