"Jia Xu, what's wrong with you?" Zhuge

Qiu led Zhang Liao and Gan Ning's group into the city, and was about to go to Xiahou's mansion, when he met Cao Cao and Jia Xu.

The most important thing is that Jia Xu looks like he is going to die, crying and mourning, I don't know, I thought that my family had gone.

"Shouyi, Shouyi, you are finally back. When

Jia Xu saw Zhuge Qiu, he almost cried.

When you come back, Cao Cao won't have to pull himself to play cards every day to discuss you.

He didn't have to be misunderstood by Xun Yu and Cheng Yu.

"That,... Lao Jia, I don't do the foundation, and you are also at this age, it is not suitable. When

Zhuge Qiu saw Jia Xu's true feelings, he was also a little inexplicable and a little afraid.

"That, don't get me wrong,... I, I just haven't seen you for too long

, I miss you..." "Don't think about it, I know your feelings, this wine is for you, it can be regarded as compensation for you." Zhuge

Qiu saw that the darker Jia Xu spoke, the more frightening it became, and gave Jia Xu the bottle of Wuliangye he had drawn before.

Originally, I wanted to force Xu Chu this tiger. After all, even if he doesn't give it, it is estimated that he will pester.

Jia Xu was also very embarrassed by his old face, took the wine, and did not say more.

Sure enough, it's always wrong to say more.

He knew this wine, and when Lao Xu had a bottle, it was like fate, and no one gave it.

Although Cao Cao really wanted to say that he also wanted it, he was a prime minister, and he still wanted face.

"This... Who is this?"

Cao Cao asked after seeing Jia Xu and Zhuge Qiu finish greeting.

When Zhuge Qiu and them first arrived, he had already noticed Gan Ning.

"He, he is Gan Ning Gan Xingba, not to mention the martial arts, rampant in the river, not afraid at all, now follow me around.

Zhuge Qiu introduced proudly.

"The last general Gan Ning, I have seen the Prime Minister. Gan

Ning also saluted Cao Cao and accepted it.

Cao Cao looked at Gan Ning and his eyes lit up, what did he lack the most now

, wasn't it a general who could train

the water army? Now this Xuanwu Pool trains the water army, all relying on Cai Mao and Zhang Yun.

It is true that they are well versed in the water army, but the two of them are generals, and their conduct is not very good in Jingzhou.

Cao Cao naturally didn't believe them, but there was no way to do it now.

And since Gan Ning can be valued by Zhuge Qiu, this skill must be not small.

"Old Cao, don't make a fool of your mind, let Cai Mao and Zhang Yun train for the time being. Zhuge

Qiu didn't know what Cao Cao was thinking, and immediately said directly.

How to say, Cai Mao is also Huang Yueying's uncle, if he brings someone and directly robs his seat, it will not be able to say more.

And it's easy to force them back, which is not cost-effective.

"Hehe, you said so, then let's do it first, let's go back to the mansion first."

"That, Wen He, you can go back.

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a smile, but he didn't forget to drop a sentence to Jia Xu when he left.

Jia Xu held the wine in his hand, messy again, this is directly thrown after carrying the black pot?

"Prime Minister, then, you haven't said what to hand over to me?" Jia

Xu felt that he could still rescue them now compared to going back to see Xun Yu.

"It's okay, it's no longer necessary. Of

course, Zhuge Qiu didn't know what was happening, so he and Zhang Liaoganning left with Cao Cao.

Jia Xu looked at their backs, and then looked at the wine in his hand, and immediately had an idea.

In Cao Cao's mansion, there was no one else at this time, and Cao Cao also put down the shelf.

"Shouyi, quickly take out the wine, let's eat hot pot at noon today."

"Okay, no problem.

Zhuge Qiu thought that he hadn't eaten for a long time, so he agreed.

But conjuring up something with a storage ring out of thin air, that's definitely not going to work.

The wine was taken out long in advance, but it didn't matter, so he could only say that the ingredients were still in Xiahou's mansion, and he was going to prepare it.

"This guy, didn't you say last time?" When

Cao Cao heard this, he immediately complained about Xiahou Wei.

Zhuge Qiu smiled without explaining, and then went back directly.

When he returned to the mansion, Zhuge Qiu found that Xia Hou Wei and Xu Chu were not there.

Strange, didn't Lao Cao say that Xu Chu was so in Xiahou, waiting here every day for him to come back.

"Sir is back?"

the guard of the mansion saw it and immediately greeted Zhuge Qiu.

"What about Xiahou Wei and

Xu Chu?" The two generals were called away by Mr. Jia Xu, saying that they were invited to drink. When

the guard saw Zhuge Qiu calling the two by name, he was not surprised for a long time.

For this gentleman, calling the name is already very polite.

After listening to the guard's words, Zhuge Qiu didn't say anything, went back to the room and took out the hot pot ingredients in the storage ring.

Then he called a guard to carry it with him to Cao Cao.

When I arrived, I started doing it directly.

"Shouyi, why are you alone, Xu Chu that guy, he knows that you are back, why didn't he come?"

Cao Cao asked puzzled after seeing that everything was ready for Zhuge Qiu.

With his understanding of Xu Chu, he should not not come.

"He was invited by Lao Jia to drink.

Zhuge Qiu smelled the hot pot aroma and replied.

"This Wen He, it's really getting more and more unspeakable, and there is wine that I don't want to leave to drink with me."

Cao Cao thought that Jia Xu had won a bottle of wine, and immediately scolded with a smile.

"Ah Qiu. At

this time, Jia Xu, on the other side, directly sneezed.

He planned to use this wine to reconcile with Xun Yu and them, for the sake of the two of them to give face, not directly lift the table.

So he tricked Xu Chu and the two of them, and did not tell him that Zhuge Qiu was back, only said that this wine was given before.

"This wine is really good, Wen He, you said you really have nothing to hide from us?" Xun Yu felt comfortable after drinking a few glasses at this time.

"No, naturally not, Gongda, you don't know who I am. Jia Xu hurriedly said that this meal could not be invited in vain.

You know, this wine, it's not casual.

"Old Jia's person, I still know, except for the landlord who is a little stupid, everything else is good.

Xu Chu also drank wine at this time and began to float, and immediately said.

"Fighting the landlord?" Cheng Yu and Xun Yu looked confused.

"Why, you don't know, Lao Jia didn't tell you, but he often plays with them. "

You step on a horse.

It was too late for Jia Xu to gag him.

"This... It's entertainment, and if you're interested, I'll teach you. Jia Xu hurriedly remedied.

"Yes, I can also teach you, but I didn't expect that in addition to keeping righteousness, I could sit and drink with you.

"Yes, old Jia. "

Yes, you can't save it.

"Wen He, who is Shouyi, how much have you hidden from us?"

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