Zhuge Qiu was directly taken towards the innermost cell.

"This young man is going to be locked up in the innermost part."

"Zi, it seems that he has offended people."

Passing through the dark and damp prison, Zhuge Qiu listened to the words of others, and then came to the deepest prison.

The gloomy prison only shone through a little light, and if it weren't for the torches, it is estimated that it would have been completely unclear.

Zhuge Qiu only saw a rough idea, a big man covered in dirt, with a shawl and unkempt face, and the sound of iron chains emanating from his body.

"Go inside and enjoy."

Zhuge Qiu still wanted to look carefully, so he was directly pushed in.

Zhuge Qiu was not afraid after entering, but continued to look.

"Boy, what do you see, do you know, what happened when you came here?"

As if he felt Zhuge Qiu's gaze, the man raised his head to look at Zhuge Qiu and scolded.

At this time, Zhuge Qiu saw the person clearly, although he was dirty, but the face with a somewhat national character face was angular and resolute.

"Looking at your appearance and temperament, you should not be an ordinary person, you were also a general before?"

Zhuge Qiu was not afraid, but opened his mouth and asked, in fact, this is also a blind guess, the other party is locked by so many chains, the martial arts must not be bad, otherwise why prevent it so strictly.

It seems that if you don't do this, people will escape.

"You're not afraid of me?" The other party did not answer, but was a little surprised.

"Why should I be afraid of you." Zhuge Qiu looked calm.

"No wonder, Han Xuan's father and son want to lock you up here, it seems that you are also a thorn, I Wei Yan still don't follow their wishes today."

"You... Are you Wei Yan? Zhuge

Qiu, who was originally calm, was also stunned after hearing this, and did not expect that this guy turned out to be Wei Yan.

And the function of this system is not analyzed.

Although Wei Yan is not a top martial general, how can he be considered first-class, and there is no analysis?

It's not that this thing hasn't signaled yet.

"Why, you kid has heard of me too?" Wei Yan saw the originally calm Zhuge Qiu, and after hearing his name, he had mood swings, surprised and proud.

"I heard that when Xiangyang was in the beginning, General Wei Yan was pitted by Liu Bei and was forced to flee from Xiangyang, how could he fall here?"

Of course, Zhuge Qiu will not say that he wrote a letter in advance to snitch, so that Cai risked guarding against him.

Wei Yan was also shocked to see that Zhuge Qiu even knew this, "What kind of person are you?"

"Under Zhuge Shouyi, he is currently a counselor under the account of Cao Gong."

"Cao Cao's people?" Wei Yan was still a little unconvinced, "Cao Cao has a young adviser like you by his side?

Zhuge Qiu didn't explain and threw the token directly.

After Wei Yan saw this, he believed it, but he was also curious, "Since it is Cao Gong's person, why was he caught by Han Xuan's father and son?" "

Han Xuan is cruel and unkind, and he is naturally jealous of me when he commits murder."

Zhuge Qiu smiled and plastered gold on his face.

"Han Xuanxiaoer, if you let me out, I will have to kill their father and son."

Wei Yan thought that he had fled here from Xiangyang, and originally thought that he would have a place to live with Han Xuan.

But Han Xuan actually put himself in prison because he offended Han Jiao.

"Rest assured, General, your wish will soon come true."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Wei Yan and said confidently.

"If you can help me besides Han Xuan's father and son, I am willing to follow the adults and serve Cao Gong."

After Wei Yan listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, his heart also moved.

Originally planned to join Liu Bei, but was pitted, came to Changsha and became a prisoner again.

If this is the case, then it is better to turn to Cao Cao, and you can also make meritorious achievements and show your strengths.

"General, please get up quickly, I will definitely let you get what you want."

Zhuge Qiu originally planned to win over Wei Yan, but he didn't expect Wei Yan to take such an initiative, of course he wouldn't refuse.

"Mr. Xie."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Wei Yan, and his heart was also beautiful, he really didn't expect that Han Jiao would give himself such a big gift.

If it weren't for Han Jiao, I am afraid that he would not be able to find Wei Yan.

Outside the prison, Zhang Liao and Huang Zhong had already gathered together at this time.

"It has been found out, Mr. was locked up in prison by Han Jiao, but I didn't expect that this Han Xuan really ate the bear heart leopard bile."

Huang Zhong also said with an angry face, and at the same time felt a little more guilty.

"In that case, then let's divide the army into two ways, I will rescue Sir, and the general will lead the headquarters to surround Han Xuantai's mansion."

Zhang Liao immediately looked at Huang Zhong and planned.

No way, he had no soldiers and horses, and Huang Zhong had soldiers under the command of Changsha as a general.

"Dad, Mr. was hated by Han Xuan's father and son in order to save me, and now Mr. is suffering, I can't wait to report it."

"Moreover, Han Xuan's father and son are cruel and unkind, fish and meat people, father, don't hesitate."

Huang Xu knew his father's personality, so he immediately persuaded.

As soon as Huang Zhong heard his son's words, he immediately agreed.

Han Xuan's father and son, drinking wine in the Taishou Mansion at this time, it was called a joy.

"Dad, I've already locked that kid and Wei Yan together, and he will feel better then." Han Jiao said proudly.

"Do it well, the next step is to do Huang Zhong and that Zhang Liao, there will be no evidence at that time, and Cao Gong will not help me."

Han Xuan smiled and drank the wine in the cup.

"It's not good, the big thing is not good, General Huang Zhong, lead people to surround the Taishou Mansion."

When the father and son were drinking happily, Huang Zhong had already arrived with the centaurs.

With a bang, the cup in Han Xuan's hand that was frightened smashed directly on the ground.

"This... This old thing dare to do this?

Han Xuan cursed, he knew that although Huang Zhong was old and his temper was not compatible with himself, his martial arts were unstoppable in Changsha.

"Hurry up and send more people, you must stop them and wait for others to come to the rescue."

Han Xuan quickly ordered.

"Dad, I'm right, this old thing is really unreliable, it seems that he has long thought of the opposite."

Han Jiao was not afraid, but had a posture that he had expected for a long time.

Han Xuan's mansion was besieged, and Changsha was shocked, but the people applauded.

Zhang Liao also went directly to prison.

"Sir, Wen Yuan came to the rescue."

After seeing Zhuge Qiu, Zhang Liao directly cut the cell door open.

"It's not late, Wen Yuan saved this general as well."

Zhuge Qiu signaled Zhang Liao to remove the shackles and chains for Wei Yan.

Zhang Liao naturally did not doubt Zhuge Qiu's words, first cut the shackles, and then found the key from the jailer.

Wei Yan unshackled and thanked him immediately, then picked up the weapon on the ground and rushed out directly.

"Sir, what's wrong with him?" Zhang Liao was also stunned, was he in such a hurry to go out?

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